Q: Guruji, what is your message for the youth this year?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
The youth are getting younger and the time is always of young people.
Every minute belongs to them. So if you feel you are youthful in your
spirit, then the whole year is yours.
By the way, youth is not just by age, it is by spirit, remember that.
Look at the spirit of people here; it is more youthful than any youth.
In 2012, see what you gained from the past. The past year has opened
your eyes to many mistakes you did. Don’t regret them because with every
mistake you have learnt, but now resolve not to repeat those mistakes.
You have also learnt from other people who have done blunders. See what
happened with their life. Usually we get so annoyed and angry at people
who do wrong things. I say you should not do that; you should simply
thank them because they are falling and teaching you at their own cost.
They do blunders and teach you, ‘look what a blunder I did, you better
not do the same.’
So thank them for that and move on!
Just imagine,
suppose you are born in some other place, how will life be for you? It
will be again very new. Suppose you are born again in another country.
Like to a baby, everything is new; the different people are all talking
different languages. Everything is new and interesting for you.
One who is on the spiritual path should take rebirth every moment.
Don’t crib about the past. ‘I did that mistake’, or ‘she did that
mistake’, or ‘they did that mistake.’ Bundle it all and throw it in the
Atlantic Ocean or whichever ocean is nearest to you. Then wake up and
shake and look at the world with new eyes and with a fresh mind;
everything new, everyone new.
Life goes on! If you can die every moment and be born every moment then
that is enlightenment and that is happiness.
Being in NOW!
Fresh new life, the past has all gone... NOW!
Live NOW a hundred percentage, ready to face the challenges of life and
march ahead. See how you can be useful to everyone around you. With just
this idea and this thought, move on and on!
Monday, 31 December 2012
need to lessen our needs and take more responsibility. If our needs are
more and responsibilities are less, time will be bad for us. When we
reduce our needs and take more responsibility we will be of use to the
society. The society will take care of us and we will be able to take
care of the society. - Sri Sri
Sunday, 30 December 2012
Q: Guruji, What should be our prayer for the new year?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: In the New Year, wish for happiness in which you can serve and share so that it grows and if any trouble or misery comes, they come, like day and night, they are part of the world, ask for the strength to be centered. Willingness to serve when joy arises should be the wish. Not that the whole year everything should be rosy, that does not really happen that way. Most of the days will be one way or another. So with this prayer or wish, you will see the days of trouble will be very few, if at all, and they will only bring about the skills from within you, make you more skillful, strong and beautiful. That's the practical way. So the New Year, learn from the previous year and move on to the New Year knowing you are timeless and those moments of meditation that you experience that timelessness. That is when the events don’t touch you, emotions don’t shake you, thoughts don’t disturb you, nothing whatsoever throws you off balance. In that serene space that you are, repose! Then neither pleasure nor pain touches you. You go beyond the duality. More satsang and seva is the way to reduce misery. Satsang and seva. We are sofortunate. We have this opportunity to even think, discuss knowledge and have anexperience of that inner space. Imagine those billions of people who never know how to close their eyes and be peaceful, to take a dip in that inner serenity even for a moment! For us it is so natural to be happy and peaceful. For those who do not know how to be peaceful, it like those insomnia patients who are so restless and tired, so tired and exhausted with everything around them but so restless they don't know how to rest or sleep! Can you imagine that sort of situation? That's where your intervention is so precious, so much is needed. Many times you don't have to talk much. Just you being around people who are not so peaceful brings them that wave of peace, that relief that they are looking for!
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: In the New Year, wish for happiness in which you can serve and share so that it grows and if any trouble or misery comes, they come, like day and night, they are part of the world, ask for the strength to be centered. Willingness to serve when joy arises should be the wish. Not that the whole year everything should be rosy, that does not really happen that way. Most of the days will be one way or another. So with this prayer or wish, you will see the days of trouble will be very few, if at all, and they will only bring about the skills from within you, make you more skillful, strong and beautiful. That's the practical way. So the New Year, learn from the previous year and move on to the New Year knowing you are timeless and those moments of meditation that you experience that timelessness. That is when the events don’t touch you, emotions don’t shake you, thoughts don’t disturb you, nothing whatsoever throws you off balance. In that serene space that you are, repose! Then neither pleasure nor pain touches you. You go beyond the duality. More satsang and seva is the way to reduce misery. Satsang and seva. We are sofortunate. We have this opportunity to even think, discuss knowledge and have anexperience of that inner space. Imagine those billions of people who never know how to close their eyes and be peaceful, to take a dip in that inner serenity even for a moment! For us it is so natural to be happy and peaceful. For those who do not know how to be peaceful, it like those insomnia patients who are so restless and tired, so tired and exhausted with everything around them but so restless they don't know how to rest or sleep! Can you imagine that sort of situation? That's where your intervention is so precious, so much is needed. Many times you don't have to talk much. Just you being around people who are not so peaceful brings them that wave of peace, that relief that they are looking for!
Art of Living Secrets: My Tour of the Navagraha Temples-A Call of the sou...
Art of Living Secrets: My Tour of the Navagraha Temples-A Call of the sou...: It was a long drive through the rains and fields. We finally arrived at Thiruvengadu – Temple of Ketu . The temple was flooded with peo...
time rolls on, it leaves impressions on our mind of pleasant and
unpleasant events. An intelligent one sees the value of life beyond the
events, time and celebrates life. Let this New Year bring such a
celebration where we are able to take a fresh look at our lives and
resolve on what we can do to better and increase the happiness. - Sri Sri
A child does not try to know the mother it simply has faith in her.
In the same way, having faith in the Divine is the source of the
greatest strength.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Knowledge Sheets: Doing Trivial Things
Knowledge Sheets: Doing Trivial Things: What is that you can do for eternity? Definitely not anything that is big or great because it needs effort and effort tires you. So, ...
Doing Trivial Things
What is that you can do for eternity? Definitely not anything that is big or great because it needs effort and effort tires you. So, it is a temporary state. If you can think of one thing that is way below your capacity to do and agree to do it for eternity, that becomes Pooja.
The readiness to consciously do trivial things for eternity unites you with eternity. This is an antidote to ego. Ego is always ambitious and wants to do the toughest job like climbing Mount Everest etc. Whereas in a simple act like watching a butterfly, watering the garden, watching the birds or the sky, can bring deep relaxation, and relaxation connects you with your source. Not that you do trivial things all your life, but consciously agreeing to do the trivial actions for eternity, opens a new dimension and brings in immense peace and restfulness.
To find rest in activity, choose an activity that is far below your capacity and agree to do it until eternity. Doing a job far below your capacity and being satisfied with it will make it possible to do a job much beyond your capacity. Know that all actions are born out of infinity and that which is born out of infinity can take you to infinity.
|| Jai Guru Dev ||
What is that you can do for eternity? Definitely not anything that is big or great because it needs effort and effort tires you. So, it is a temporary state. If you can think of one thing that is way below your capacity to do and agree to do it for eternity, that becomes Pooja.
The readiness to consciously do trivial things for eternity unites you with eternity. This is an antidote to ego. Ego is always ambitious and wants to do the toughest job like climbing Mount Everest etc. Whereas in a simple act like watching a butterfly, watering the garden, watching the birds or the sky, can bring deep relaxation, and relaxation connects you with your source. Not that you do trivial things all your life, but consciously agreeing to do the trivial actions for eternity, opens a new dimension and brings in immense peace and restfulness.
To find rest in activity, choose an activity that is far below your capacity and agree to do it until eternity. Doing a job far below your capacity and being satisfied with it will make it possible to do a job much beyond your capacity. Know that all actions are born out of infinity and that which is born out of infinity can take you to infinity.
|| Jai Guru Dev ||
existence wants to give you peace and bliss, then fine, your true
nature is bliss. But by trying to enjoy the bliss, you step down from
“am-ness”to “I am something” – “I am peaceful,” “I am blissful.” This is
followed by, “I am miserable.” It takes courage to simply say “I am –
period.” - Sri Sri
Saturday, 29 December 2012
Q: Guruji, In
the Ashtavakra Gita, it says, ‘You can go on reading scriptures, but you
will get liberation only when you forget the scriptures.’ So then what
is the purpose of reading the scriptures?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: See, you get into a bus, but then you also need to get out of the bus. Now if you argue with me that, ‘If I have to get out of the bus then why should I get into the bus?’
You get into the bus from somewhere else and you get out from somewhere else.
If you have to get out of the bus, why should you get into the bus in the first place - this argument doesn’t hold.
So, the scriptures are to make you understand your nature, the nature of the universe, the nature of this mind which is stuck in small things, and to give it a bigger vision. So knowledge is like the detergent. See, you put soap on your body but at some point you wash it off as well, isn’t it?!
Similarly, you have this desire, ’I want to be liberated’, and that desire takes you away from all other small desires. But if you keep holding on to that thought, then it will also become a problem at some point. You have to wash that off as well and become free. ’I want liberation, I want liberation, I want liberation’, you won't get liberation. But that desire is essential till you are free from all other small desires. Then a point comes when you say, ‘If I have to get liberation let it be, otherwise let thy will be done.’ In that moment you are already free.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: See, you get into a bus, but then you also need to get out of the bus. Now if you argue with me that, ‘If I have to get out of the bus then why should I get into the bus?’
You get into the bus from somewhere else and you get out from somewhere else.
If you have to get out of the bus, why should you get into the bus in the first place - this argument doesn’t hold.
So, the scriptures are to make you understand your nature, the nature of the universe, the nature of this mind which is stuck in small things, and to give it a bigger vision. So knowledge is like the detergent. See, you put soap on your body but at some point you wash it off as well, isn’t it?!
Similarly, you have this desire, ’I want to be liberated’, and that desire takes you away from all other small desires. But if you keep holding on to that thought, then it will also become a problem at some point. You have to wash that off as well and become free. ’I want liberation, I want liberation, I want liberation’, you won't get liberation. But that desire is essential till you are free from all other small desires. Then a point comes when you say, ‘If I have to get liberation let it be, otherwise let thy will be done.’ In that moment you are already free.
On Guru Purnima, we remember all the Masters who were, who are and
who will be in future. We feel gratitude towards the Master who moves us
from the limited understanding and pride of ‘I know everything’ to ‘I
am everything.’
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Friday, 28 December 2012
Art of Living Secrets: My Tour of the Navagraha Temples- A Call of the So...
Art of Living Secrets: My Tour of the Navagraha Temples- A Call of the So...: Kumbeshwar Temple, Kumbakonam. As I woke up one morning, I had a strong call to visit the Navagraha temples in Tamil Nadu. I had no c...
Q: Guruji, in the fifteenth chapter of
the Gita, there is a description of a tree which is upside down. The
branches are in the ground and the roots are in the sky. Can you please
explain the significance of this?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: This is a symbol to signify that your origin is the Divinity; the consciousness. That is your roots. The mind and all its paraphernalia are like the branches. And all the different types of rhythms in life, all the different emotions, etc., are like the leaves. They don’t stay permanently, they wither away. So, if you are focusing on the leaves, and you forget to water the roots, then the tree will not remain.
So, it says, ‘Asvattham enam su-virudha-mulam asanga-sastrena drdhena chittva’ (Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 15, Verse 3). Notice that you are not these different emotions, these different aspects of life. Feel the distance from all these branches and retrieve back. That is what it is saying. Otherwise we get so immersed in the outer, that we forget the main root. You need to prune the tree otherwise it goes here and there. So prune all that, and know that your origin is somewhere up. Adi Shankaracharya has said this beautifully, ‘Suramandirtarumoolanivaasah sayyaa bhootalamajinam vaasah sarvaparigraha bhogatyaagah kasya sukham na karoti viraagah’
He is saying, ‘My original place is in heaven, I have come here just for few days; just to have fun. Today I have just come for the purpose of relaxing, but this is not my original place, it is somewhere else.’
The thought itself – My home is somewhere else, I have just come to visit, creates a distance inside you. This world is a transit lounge.
You know, in airports and railway stations there are lounges, and in a lounge what do you do? You keep your luggage and start eating. You use the bathroom and everything, but you don’t open your suitcase and hang your clothes all over the place. You don’t do that in a transit lounge. You keep your things packed.
So this world is just a transit lounge. Don’t mistake it to be your home.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: This is a symbol to signify that your origin is the Divinity; the consciousness. That is your roots. The mind and all its paraphernalia are like the branches. And all the different types of rhythms in life, all the different emotions, etc., are like the leaves. They don’t stay permanently, they wither away. So, if you are focusing on the leaves, and you forget to water the roots, then the tree will not remain.
So, it says, ‘Asvattham enam su-virudha-mulam asanga-sastrena drdhena chittva’ (Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 15, Verse 3). Notice that you are not these different emotions, these different aspects of life. Feel the distance from all these branches and retrieve back. That is what it is saying. Otherwise we get so immersed in the outer, that we forget the main root. You need to prune the tree otherwise it goes here and there. So prune all that, and know that your origin is somewhere up. Adi Shankaracharya has said this beautifully, ‘Suramandirtarumoolanivaasah sayyaa bhootalamajinam vaasah sarvaparigraha bhogatyaagah kasya sukham na karoti viraagah’
He is saying, ‘My original place is in heaven, I have come here just for few days; just to have fun. Today I have just come for the purpose of relaxing, but this is not my original place, it is somewhere else.’
The thought itself – My home is somewhere else, I have just come to visit, creates a distance inside you. This world is a transit lounge.
You know, in airports and railway stations there are lounges, and in a lounge what do you do? You keep your luggage and start eating. You use the bathroom and everything, but you don’t open your suitcase and hang your clothes all over the place. You don’t do that in a transit lounge. You keep your things packed.
So this world is just a transit lounge. Don’t mistake it to be your home.
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Mind - Friend or Enemy?
December 26, 2012 Bad Antogast, Germany
Q: How to overcome the mind which bothers me?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: That is its nature.
Do you know you are bigger than the mind? Wake up. Let the mind be there.
December 26, 2012 Bad Antogast, Germany
Q: How to overcome the mind which bothers me?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: That is its nature.
Do you know you are bigger than the mind? Wake up. Let the mind be there.
Your own mind, if it
acts like your friend, it
also acts like your enemy.
If your mind is trained
well through Sadhana,
it befriends you, and it
helps you. Otherwise
your own mind behaves
like an enemy.
This is so true!
acts like your friend, it
also acts like your enemy.
If your mind is trained
well through Sadhana,
it befriends you, and it
helps you. Otherwise
your own mind behaves
like an enemy.
This is so true!
Q: Gurudev, how do I recognize my soul mate?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: First you should recognize your soul and then your soul mate.
You don’t know yourself, you don’t know who you are. You don’t know anything about yourself. You don’t know your mind; your own mind drives you crazy.
One minute it wants something and the next minute it wants something else. The mind keeps changing its mind all the time, and it gets caught up.
That is why in the Bhagavad Gita, there is a saying, 'Your own mind is responsible for your bondage and for your liberation,' there is nothing else.
Your own mind, if it acts like your friend, it also acts like your enemy.
If your mind is trained well through Sadhana (spiritual practices), it befriends you, and it helps you. Otherwise your own mind behaves like an enemy. Isn't this so true?
I want to tell you an incident that happened last week, just before I came here.
In front of the Ashram we have a signboard of the Ashram. It so happened that a particular political party, their people came and put their posters on that signboard, just to create mischief.
They put big posters because there was a birthday party of the head of that political party. So our security people and others, naturally they pulled it down because people coming to the ashram couldn't see the signboard and didn't know where to go.
Now, the local leader of the party got very wild and he started screaming and threatening one of our teachers saying , I’m going to bring a lot of people and we will have a demonstration. And in front of that we will do hunger strike', and these very angry exchange of words happened. And our security people also said, 'Yes, you come. Let us see, we are also very strong.'
So, when I was driving to the city for another program, my secretary told me this story. I told him, 'Call this local leader and talk to him.'
So my secretary called him and told him, 'Gurudev has just come, he wants you to take a basket full of fruits, a garland and a shawl for the person who has a birthday, and give him blessings from Gurudev', and he agreed.
Then he asked, 'Why did they pull out our posters?'
My secretary played innocent and said, 'Oh, you had some difficulty, is it so?! Why didn't you tell me? You should have informed me. Gurudev has just come, he was on a tour. He heard there was a birthday party and he wants to send blessing. So you go and take these things to your leader and give him blessings.'
The whole situation got diffused and he felt very empowered. So now he could go to his boss with a garland and blessings from me, and he also got access to his superior in the party.
All the big drama he was going to create ended with one phone call. He could go to the boss of his party with pride and say, 'Gurudev has sent me to give you a garland.'
So, he felt empowered and our people felt relieved.
See, when you know how you can diffuse conflicts, it is easy.
All that it cost was a phone call. But not every trick works everywhere. In different places you have to work differently. Sometime you have to take a tough stand, put your foot down and say no. Sometimes you have to be diplomatic and skillful.
Always there will be people who try to create mischief, you need to have skill to handle all those situations.
The ancient people said that there are four ways to deal with any situation - Sama, Dana, Bheda and Danda.
1. Sama means with dialogue, with persuasion, with some discussion and communication
2. Dana means forgiving. 'Never mind, everybody makes mistakes', and so you give them a chance
3. Bheda means being indifferent. Being a little tough and making a point
4. Danda mean taking a stick, which is the last resort
Usually we use the last two ways in beginning itself. We don’t go with the harmonious path. You must first take the harmonious path, and then give a chance, and then discriminate, and finally, if nothing works, Danda, which is take a stick.
These are called the four skillful ways of handling any situation.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: First you should recognize your soul and then your soul mate.
You don’t know yourself, you don’t know who you are. You don’t know anything about yourself. You don’t know your mind; your own mind drives you crazy.
One minute it wants something and the next minute it wants something else. The mind keeps changing its mind all the time, and it gets caught up.
That is why in the Bhagavad Gita, there is a saying, 'Your own mind is responsible for your bondage and for your liberation,' there is nothing else.
Your own mind, if it acts like your friend, it also acts like your enemy.
If your mind is trained well through Sadhana (spiritual practices), it befriends you, and it helps you. Otherwise your own mind behaves like an enemy. Isn't this so true?
I want to tell you an incident that happened last week, just before I came here.
In front of the Ashram we have a signboard of the Ashram. It so happened that a particular political party, their people came and put their posters on that signboard, just to create mischief.
They put big posters because there was a birthday party of the head of that political party. So our security people and others, naturally they pulled it down because people coming to the ashram couldn't see the signboard and didn't know where to go.
Now, the local leader of the party got very wild and he started screaming and threatening one of our teachers saying , I’m going to bring a lot of people and we will have a demonstration. And in front of that we will do hunger strike', and these very angry exchange of words happened. And our security people also said, 'Yes, you come. Let us see, we are also very strong.'
So, when I was driving to the city for another program, my secretary told me this story. I told him, 'Call this local leader and talk to him.'
So my secretary called him and told him, 'Gurudev has just come, he wants you to take a basket full of fruits, a garland and a shawl for the person who has a birthday, and give him blessings from Gurudev', and he agreed.
Then he asked, 'Why did they pull out our posters?'
My secretary played innocent and said, 'Oh, you had some difficulty, is it so?! Why didn't you tell me? You should have informed me. Gurudev has just come, he was on a tour. He heard there was a birthday party and he wants to send blessing. So you go and take these things to your leader and give him blessings.'
The whole situation got diffused and he felt very empowered. So now he could go to his boss with a garland and blessings from me, and he also got access to his superior in the party.
All the big drama he was going to create ended with one phone call. He could go to the boss of his party with pride and say, 'Gurudev has sent me to give you a garland.'
So, he felt empowered and our people felt relieved.
See, when you know how you can diffuse conflicts, it is easy.
All that it cost was a phone call. But not every trick works everywhere. In different places you have to work differently. Sometime you have to take a tough stand, put your foot down and say no. Sometimes you have to be diplomatic and skillful.
Always there will be people who try to create mischief, you need to have skill to handle all those situations.
The ancient people said that there are four ways to deal with any situation - Sama, Dana, Bheda and Danda.
1. Sama means with dialogue, with persuasion, with some discussion and communication
2. Dana means forgiving. 'Never mind, everybody makes mistakes', and so you give them a chance
3. Bheda means being indifferent. Being a little tough and making a point
4. Danda mean taking a stick, which is the last resort
Usually we use the last two ways in beginning itself. We don’t go with the harmonious path. You must first take the harmonious path, and then give a chance, and then discriminate, and finally, if nothing works, Danda, which is take a stick.
These are called the four skillful ways of handling any situation.
Wake up and see, the whole
world is like a dream. Some
people act good and some
act bad, but everyone is
going to die, and the world
will be finished.
So, what is it that you are so
bothered about?
world is like a dream. Some
people act good and some
act bad, but everyone is
going to die, and the world
will be finished.
So, what is it that you are so
bothered about?
Q: Gurudev, you have said that we shouldn't give explanations to people. But if we have something on our heart that is heavy and feel the need to talk about it, then what to do?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is no one rule for it, sometime you want to speak and become calm and sometimes speaking doesn't help in any way.
Wake up and see, the whole world is like a dream. All those thoughts have gone, the behavior of people will disappear. Some people act good and some act bad, but everyone is going to die, and the world will be finished.
This set of people will all go away. Then new people will come and they will all die. Then another set of people will come, they will fight among themselves, they will hug, love, kiss, do everything, and they will all die.
Seven billion people on the planet today and all these seven billion people will all die. It is only a matter of a few years. In another hundred years, do you think the same people will be here? Not one person who is here today will be alive. And two hundred years later, even the grandchildren will not be there.
See, the world is like a river, there is fresh water flowing every moment in this river. What is it that you are so bothered about?
If you want to leave something behind, it should be some knowledge that would help someone; that would be useful to someone. Not what he said, what she said, and what do you think about so-and-so situation. Come on, this is all nonsense! Throw them out of the window. It has no meaning.
Hours together you waste in explaining, why you felt the way you were feeling and how and why others are feeling the way they are feeling.
Do you know, when the time changes, the mind also changes. There is a beautiful science about this. You can also get a clue from the astrological chart, how the mind is connected with time.
Sometime, we will start a course on the connection between mind, time and the planets. See, I don’t want to say astrology because it has been misused and misinterpreted so many times. It is a one of the most disorganized science today.
No doubt astrology is a science but it has been distorted so much that you can’t even see what the original is.
There are twelve constellations and nine planets according to Vedic astrology.
It is said that when Jupiter transits in the eighth place from the time you are born, it has an impact on your mind.
Similarly, when Saturn transits the eighth place, it makes your emotions go topsy-turvy.
When Jupiter is in the eighth place, you lose all your wisdom. But that is only for eleven months, and in these eleven months, it is only for three months that it makes you so miserable. Unless and until you are in deep spiritual knowledge or enlightened, this will definitely affect your mind.
But if you know, 'These are the three months that are going to be a little difficult on my mind and emotions', then you will not take decisions, or do thing in those months.
Similarly, every two and a half days, the mood of the mind changes.
If you are miserable, it won't exceed two and half days. There will be a break and then it may come again.
Like this, the cosmos has an influence on the mind.
What can protect you from this influence is satsang, meditation, chanting. All this is like putting on an armour.
An arrow was coming, but you have an armor, so it didn't really hit you.
So, singing and chanting 'Om Namah Shivaya' so many times makes an armour around you and protects you from being affected by all these crazy things.
We do Yagnas in the Bangalore Ashram for the welfare of the whole world and for all of our devotees. There is a small Yagna done six times every month, and during Navratri we do a big one to bring peace, prosperity and protection to the world and all our devotees.
These are the ways of the ancient people. We will have more knowledge and courses on this in the future.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is no one rule for it, sometime you want to speak and become calm and sometimes speaking doesn't help in any way.
Wake up and see, the whole world is like a dream. All those thoughts have gone, the behavior of people will disappear. Some people act good and some act bad, but everyone is going to die, and the world will be finished.
This set of people will all go away. Then new people will come and they will all die. Then another set of people will come, they will fight among themselves, they will hug, love, kiss, do everything, and they will all die.
Seven billion people on the planet today and all these seven billion people will all die. It is only a matter of a few years. In another hundred years, do you think the same people will be here? Not one person who is here today will be alive. And two hundred years later, even the grandchildren will not be there.
See, the world is like a river, there is fresh water flowing every moment in this river. What is it that you are so bothered about?
If you want to leave something behind, it should be some knowledge that would help someone; that would be useful to someone. Not what he said, what she said, and what do you think about so-and-so situation. Come on, this is all nonsense! Throw them out of the window. It has no meaning.
Hours together you waste in explaining, why you felt the way you were feeling and how and why others are feeling the way they are feeling.
Do you know, when the time changes, the mind also changes. There is a beautiful science about this. You can also get a clue from the astrological chart, how the mind is connected with time.
Sometime, we will start a course on the connection between mind, time and the planets. See, I don’t want to say astrology because it has been misused and misinterpreted so many times. It is a one of the most disorganized science today.
No doubt astrology is a science but it has been distorted so much that you can’t even see what the original is.
There are twelve constellations and nine planets according to Vedic astrology.
It is said that when Jupiter transits in the eighth place from the time you are born, it has an impact on your mind.
Similarly, when Saturn transits the eighth place, it makes your emotions go topsy-turvy.
When Jupiter is in the eighth place, you lose all your wisdom. But that is only for eleven months, and in these eleven months, it is only for three months that it makes you so miserable. Unless and until you are in deep spiritual knowledge or enlightened, this will definitely affect your mind.
But if you know, 'These are the three months that are going to be a little difficult on my mind and emotions', then you will not take decisions, or do thing in those months.
Similarly, every two and a half days, the mood of the mind changes.
If you are miserable, it won't exceed two and half days. There will be a break and then it may come again.
Like this, the cosmos has an influence on the mind.
What can protect you from this influence is satsang, meditation, chanting. All this is like putting on an armour.
An arrow was coming, but you have an armor, so it didn't really hit you.
So, singing and chanting 'Om Namah Shivaya' so many times makes an armour around you and protects you from being affected by all these crazy things.
We do Yagnas in the Bangalore Ashram for the welfare of the whole world and for all of our devotees. There is a small Yagna done six times every month, and during Navratri we do a big one to bring peace, prosperity and protection to the world and all our devotees.
These are the ways of the ancient people. We will have more knowledge and courses on this in the future.
Every two and a half days,
the mood of the mind
changes. If you are
miserable, it won't exceed
two and half days. There
will be a break and then
it may come again. Like
this, the cosmos has an
influence on the mind.
the mood of the mind
changes. If you are
miserable, it won't exceed
two and half days. There
will be a break and then
it may come again. Like
this, the cosmos has an
influence on the mind.
Q: Where do the thoughts come from?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: This thought came to you just now? Where did this thought come from? It came in you, so why don’t you sit and see, where it is coming from?
The moment you sit and think what is the origin of thought the mind goes blank. That indicates from where thoughts are coming.
You are the source from where thoughts, ideas and emotions come – that inner space.
It is like someone asking, 'Where do the clouds come from?'
Clouds are just hovering in the sky. In the same way, in our inner sky, there are three akashas – one is the outer space, the second is the inner space where thoughts and emotion come, and there is the third space which is a witness. Where there is nothing, just bliss.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: This thought came to you just now? Where did this thought come from? It came in you, so why don’t you sit and see, where it is coming from?
The moment you sit and think what is the origin of thought the mind goes blank. That indicates from where thoughts are coming.
You are the source from where thoughts, ideas and emotions come – that inner space.
It is like someone asking, 'Where do the clouds come from?'
Clouds are just hovering in the sky. In the same way, in our inner sky, there are three akashas – one is the outer space, the second is the inner space where thoughts and emotion come, and there is the third space which is a witness. Where there is nothing, just bliss.
Q: How to get a faith that never shakes?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If it is true faith, let it shake.
Truth will never go, and if the faith is with the truth, let it shake. It will never get lost.
In fact, you should doubt as much as possible.
You can say, 'Don’t doubt', only when a thing is not a genuine thing.
If it is genuine gold, I tell you, go on scratching as much as possible. But if it is just rolled in gold, or gold polish, then you say, 'Don’t scratch too much because it will disappear.'
With true gold, any amount of scratching will not make it go away.
Doubt is simply lack of energy. When you are high in energy, where is the doubt?
Doubt comes when the energy is low. True faith is that which you shake a hundred times and it still stays on. That is true faith, and it will remain.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If it is true faith, let it shake.
Truth will never go, and if the faith is with the truth, let it shake. It will never get lost.
In fact, you should doubt as much as possible.
You can say, 'Don’t doubt', only when a thing is not a genuine thing.
If it is genuine gold, I tell you, go on scratching as much as possible. But if it is just rolled in gold, or gold polish, then you say, 'Don’t scratch too much because it will disappear.'
With true gold, any amount of scratching will not make it go away.
Doubt is simply lack of energy. When you are high in energy, where is the doubt?
Doubt comes when the energy is low. True faith is that which you shake a hundred times and it still stays on. That is true faith, and it will remain.
What can protect you from
this influence is satsang,
meditation, chanting. All
this is like putting on an
armour. An arrow was
coming, but you have an
armour, so it didn’t really
hit you.
this influence is satsang,
meditation, chanting. All
this is like putting on an
armour. An arrow was
coming, but you have an
armour, so it didn’t really
hit you.
Q: You said we come to the Ashram and regenerate - why is the world not an Ashram?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: To me the world is my Ashram.
But when you come in a physical place, or in an Ashram where there is always meditation happening, that place holds those vibrations.
See in your home, there is a place for dining, a place for resting, and a place for garbage. Like that, in the world, there is a place for everything.
I would love everyone of you to make your home an Ashram. And what is an Ashram? It is a place where there is wisdom and where there is love. It is a place where anybody who comes is welcomed and given some food so that they can come and relax.
If you can create such a power then the whole world is an Ashram. In fact, when you go and be with nature in the forest or in the woods, it is all an Ashram only.
I say that every tree in the world is in my own garden; in my own ashram. This is the fact, but sometimes when you feel that this is not helping, that you need a place where you can go and energize yourself, then you come here (Ashram).
It will be very obvious for you to feel the energy here. Just like in your home, you can be anywhere, but if you want to feel the aroma of food, you have to walk into the kitchen. You can eat anywhere, but in kitchen or dining area, the aroma is there.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: To me the world is my Ashram.
But when you come in a physical place, or in an Ashram where there is always meditation happening, that place holds those vibrations.
See in your home, there is a place for dining, a place for resting, and a place for garbage. Like that, in the world, there is a place for everything.
I would love everyone of you to make your home an Ashram. And what is an Ashram? It is a place where there is wisdom and where there is love. It is a place where anybody who comes is welcomed and given some food so that they can come and relax.
If you can create such a power then the whole world is an Ashram. In fact, when you go and be with nature in the forest or in the woods, it is all an Ashram only.
I say that every tree in the world is in my own garden; in my own ashram. This is the fact, but sometimes when you feel that this is not helping, that you need a place where you can go and energize yourself, then you come here (Ashram).
It will be very obvious for you to feel the energy here. Just like in your home, you can be anywhere, but if you want to feel the aroma of food, you have to walk into the kitchen. You can eat anywhere, but in kitchen or dining area, the aroma is there.
Q: Does the soul have an aim?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, the soul definitely has an aim, to become one with the super-soul. The small mind's aim is to become one with the big mind.
Every wave wants to wash the shore and become one with the ocean, which it already is!
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, the soul definitely has an aim, to become one with the super-soul. The small mind's aim is to become one with the big mind.
Every wave wants to wash the shore and become one with the ocean, which it already is!
Q: What is time?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The distance between two events.
What is distance, if you ask me, it is the space between two objects.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The distance between two events.
What is distance, if you ask me, it is the space between two objects.
Q: Can you tell us about Kali Yuga.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There are four Yugas; time is divided into four aspects.
1. Satya Yuga, when there is a lot of positivity
2. Treta Yuga, when the positivity goes a little down
3. Dvapara Yuga, when the positivity goes a little more down, and
4. Kali Yuga, when positivity goes down even more
This is what is said about Kali Yuga. But I tell you, within Kali Yuga there is Satya Yuga.
The days when you feel happy, know that you are in Satya Yuga. And when you are totally miserable, you are in Kali Yuga.
In that sense, within the big Kali Yuga also, there are good times.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There are four Yugas; time is divided into four aspects.
1. Satya Yuga, when there is a lot of positivity
2. Treta Yuga, when the positivity goes a little down
3. Dvapara Yuga, when the positivity goes a little more down, and
4. Kali Yuga, when positivity goes down even more
This is what is said about Kali Yuga. But I tell you, within Kali Yuga there is Satya Yuga.
The days when you feel happy, know that you are in Satya Yuga. And when you are totally miserable, you are in Kali Yuga.
In that sense, within the big Kali Yuga also, there are good times.
Q: You said truth is contradictory. Can you give us an easy way to understand this?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Milk is good and milk is bad.
Milk is good if you drink one glass, bad if you drink two litres. Got it?!
If you come to Bad Antogast from Freudenstadt, you have to go straight down and turn to your right. But from Oppenau, you have to go straight and turn left.
Both instructions are true, but they are contradictory.
Truth is spherical, it is not linear. When anything is spherical there are multiple ways to get to that.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Milk is good and milk is bad.
Milk is good if you drink one glass, bad if you drink two litres. Got it?!
If you come to Bad Antogast from Freudenstadt, you have to go straight down and turn to your right. But from Oppenau, you have to go straight and turn left.
Both instructions are true, but they are contradictory.
Truth is spherical, it is not linear. When anything is spherical there are multiple ways to get to that.
Q: Is India on the verge of becoming the country it was 2,000 years ago?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If the politicians let it happen, it will.
The politicians have become a problem in Italy, in India, and in Greece. It is the politicians who are driving the country towards bankruptcy.
Each country has enough resources and good people. There is dynamism, but corruption is taking the nations to a primitive, medieval era.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If the politicians let it happen, it will.
The politicians have become a problem in Italy, in India, and in Greece. It is the politicians who are driving the country towards bankruptcy.
Each country has enough resources and good people. There is dynamism, but corruption is taking the nations to a primitive, medieval era.
Q: Guruji, how does meditation differ from techniques involving concentration or contemplation?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Usually, we sit and contemplate on some knowledge, on some scriptures. We are keeping our mind active. The mind is thinking and thinking and thinking. Thinking is also an activity and does not bring any rest to the mind. So contemplation should never be called meditation.
Concentration involves a lot of effort. You are trying to focus your mind to stay in one place, which is not its nature. Mind jumps from one thing to another and it goes from something which is charming to something which is even more charming. Mind always flows towards something that is even more charming. When you are having very good food then you are attentive with the food. However when something on television comes or a beautiful scenery comes, you forget about the food and watch the scenery.
Your mind goes from this to that. Your mind always goes from one thing to another and it always goes to something that is more enjoyable. At least, it perceives that something is more joyful. It may not really be the source of joy. In fact, it is not.
Concentration is – trying to focus the mind on one point against its nature. So we are forcing our mind. Children get into so much stress and tension because their mind is forced on something which is not in their natural taste. They are forced to study such topics for which they have the least inclination. Then, it causes so much strain.
Concentration again is tremendous effort. So, it can’t be meditation. Though, you will need concentration in life. Now, both concentration and contemplation are results of meditation – they are not meditation itself. Meditation is effortless! When the mind takes the deepest rest, it becomes so fresh and alive. And after that deep rest, your concentration is spontaneous. It’s natural. Concentration becomes effortless.
You are able to contemplate well without strain. Meditation unfortunately is understood to be another concentration or contemplation in many parts of the world. But it is not. Meditation is the art of doing nothing. It’s the skill by which you make your mind become quiet and do nothing and experience the vastness of space deep within. So, effortlessness is the key to meditation. And if we can do a few minutes of meditation, you will find that concentration has improved and your intellectual abilities are boosted.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Usually, we sit and contemplate on some knowledge, on some scriptures. We are keeping our mind active. The mind is thinking and thinking and thinking. Thinking is also an activity and does not bring any rest to the mind. So contemplation should never be called meditation.
Concentration involves a lot of effort. You are trying to focus your mind to stay in one place, which is not its nature. Mind jumps from one thing to another and it goes from something which is charming to something which is even more charming. Mind always flows towards something that is even more charming. When you are having very good food then you are attentive with the food. However when something on television comes or a beautiful scenery comes, you forget about the food and watch the scenery.
Your mind goes from this to that. Your mind always goes from one thing to another and it always goes to something that is more enjoyable. At least, it perceives that something is more joyful. It may not really be the source of joy. In fact, it is not.
Concentration is – trying to focus the mind on one point against its nature. So we are forcing our mind. Children get into so much stress and tension because their mind is forced on something which is not in their natural taste. They are forced to study such topics for which they have the least inclination. Then, it causes so much strain.
Concentration again is tremendous effort. So, it can’t be meditation. Though, you will need concentration in life. Now, both concentration and contemplation are results of meditation – they are not meditation itself. Meditation is effortless! When the mind takes the deepest rest, it becomes so fresh and alive. And after that deep rest, your concentration is spontaneous. It’s natural. Concentration becomes effortless.
You are able to contemplate well without strain. Meditation unfortunately is understood to be another concentration or contemplation in many parts of the world. But it is not. Meditation is the art of doing nothing. It’s the skill by which you make your mind become quiet and do nothing and experience the vastness of space deep within. So, effortlessness is the key to meditation. And if we can do a few minutes of meditation, you will find that concentration has improved and your intellectual abilities are boosted.
Repose in that peaceful, cool, calm, serene depth of your Being. You know, this is something immensely valuable and precious.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
Art of Living Secrets: Thodi confusion hai Guruji!!
Art of Living Secrets: Thodi confusion hai Guruji!!: Ghul gaya hoon tujh mein kuch aise, koi farak nahin mehsoos hota hai. Najaane mein kahan khatam hota hoon, ...
Q: Guruji, In
the Udhava Gita, Krishna says when a man is close to enlightenment, the
gods or devas (Specific Divine energies) send him a woman. This is the
ultimate distraction. In this life, do we always look at women as a
barrier to spiritual growth? What about the sanctity of male-female
love? Does it have no place in the space of divine love?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: So, what is your question? Why Krishna said that to Udhava? Well, Krishna said many different things to different people at different times. Now, I am not going to be an advocate for Krishna right now. But if he has said this to Udhava, it must be at a particular stage of time, right? But for you, if you have fallen in love with somebody, there is no problem. You can definitely get married. Don’t think there is no place for romance or romance is against spirituality. No, it is not. Promiscuity is against spirituality. Unethical exploitation of others is against spirituality. But if you are genuinely in love with a girl, and she is in love with you, it’s okay. But if you are in love with somebody and she is in love with someone else, then you are in trouble and she is in trouble. The only person who would benefit in this case is the telephone company! And if you are in love, and your parents agree then it’s great. But your romance should continue later too with the same person.
Last month, a boy got married here and he said, I’m getting married to the same girl for the third time – first time was in America, then in Delhi and now, here. This way, you can celebrate your romance every day. Spirituality is against any type of corruption. In the name of romance, if we are getting into lust and exploiting people, that is not right. Romance is 'I am here for you. I want to share whatever I have with you.' It should come from a space of giving rather than grabbing. That romance is spiritual. In fact, in India the concept of romance with the divine was brought out. Radha-Krishna are very well known throughout the country.
Krishna told Udhava that this is all a distraction for you. At that time, Udhava was also quite old. If you also come here after 50 years and tell me that you have fallen in love with someone, I will say this is a distraction. Right now at 25, if you come here and tell me that you are in love, I’ll say go ahead.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: So, what is your question? Why Krishna said that to Udhava? Well, Krishna said many different things to different people at different times. Now, I am not going to be an advocate for Krishna right now. But if he has said this to Udhava, it must be at a particular stage of time, right? But for you, if you have fallen in love with somebody, there is no problem. You can definitely get married. Don’t think there is no place for romance or romance is against spirituality. No, it is not. Promiscuity is against spirituality. Unethical exploitation of others is against spirituality. But if you are genuinely in love with a girl, and she is in love with you, it’s okay. But if you are in love with somebody and she is in love with someone else, then you are in trouble and she is in trouble. The only person who would benefit in this case is the telephone company! And if you are in love, and your parents agree then it’s great. But your romance should continue later too with the same person.
Last month, a boy got married here and he said, I’m getting married to the same girl for the third time – first time was in America, then in Delhi and now, here. This way, you can celebrate your romance every day. Spirituality is against any type of corruption. In the name of romance, if we are getting into lust and exploiting people, that is not right. Romance is 'I am here for you. I want to share whatever I have with you.' It should come from a space of giving rather than grabbing. That romance is spiritual. In fact, in India the concept of romance with the divine was brought out. Radha-Krishna are very well known throughout the country.
Krishna told Udhava that this is all a distraction for you. At that time, Udhava was also quite old. If you also come here after 50 years and tell me that you have fallen in love with someone, I will say this is a distraction. Right now at 25, if you come here and tell me that you are in love, I’ll say go ahead.
When mind is free from lust, greed, possessiveness, arrogance etc.,
when the mind is in the pure form with which we were all born with, then
nature listens to you.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Worshiping the Gods
Q: Please tell us something about Hanuman?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is said that the Ramayana is happening in your own body. Your soul is Rama, your mind is Sita, your breath or life-force is Hanuman, your awareness is Laxmana and your ego is Ravana.
When the mind was stolen by Ravana (the ego) then the soul got restless. Now the soul cannot reach the mind on its own, it has to take the help of the breath - the prana. With the help of the prana, the mind got reunited with the soul, and the ego vanished.
This is the spiritual significance of the story.
Otherwise Hanuman was a monkey, and in those days the monkeys were also very intelligent and very devoted.
Devotees are much more powerful than the master himself. This is a fact. Real devotees are much more powerful than God.
Q: Please tell us something about Hanuman?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is said that the Ramayana is happening in your own body. Your soul is Rama, your mind is Sita, your breath or life-force is Hanuman, your awareness is Laxmana and your ego is Ravana.
When the mind was stolen by Ravana (the ego) then the soul got restless. Now the soul cannot reach the mind on its own, it has to take the help of the breath - the prana. With the help of the prana, the mind got reunited with the soul, and the ego vanished.
This is the spiritual significance of the story.
Otherwise Hanuman was a monkey, and in those days the monkeys were also very intelligent and very devoted.
Devotees are much more powerful than the master himself. This is a fact. Real devotees are much more powerful than God.
How will you describe
the Lord of the Universe
who is formless?
In the ancient age, there
was only a Pind (a stone)
that was kept and then by
chanting mantras, the
Divine Consciousness was
awakened in the Pind. So
this is how the Lord was
the Lord of the Universe
who is formless?
In the ancient age, there
was only a Pind (a stone)
that was kept and then by
chanting mantras, the
Divine Consciousness was
awakened in the Pind. So
this is how the Lord was
Q: Gurudev, we worship the whole body of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna, but we worship only the Linga of Lord Shiva, why is it like this?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The Linga is a symbolic representation or swaroopa of Lord Shiva.
First you understand what Linga is. Linga is a symbol.
Why are genitals also called Linga? That is because it is the symbol through which one can know whether a baby is a male or female. When a baby is born you see only one area to identify the gender. So it is an identification symbol.
Lord Shiva is manifest all over the Universe, so how does one identify or relate to Him? This is why in the ancient days, the wise sages would place a Pind or a round or oval stone piece and identify that with Lord Shiva.
Thus, the Linga and the Yoni (here referring to the base of the Shiva Linga on which the stone or Linga rests) was kept because by this the male and female were identified.
Now, how will you describe the Lord of the Universe who is formless?
In the ancient age, there was no form of Lord Shiva holding a Trishul (Trident), or anything like that. In ancient days, there was only a Pind (a stone) that was kept and then by chanting mantras, the Chaitanya Shakti (energy pervading all of the Divine Consciousness) was awakened and manifested in the Pind. So this is how it was worshiped.
It was only much later that idols were created.
Then what happened? On the Pind people started painting eyes, a face, etc. The custom of painting a face on the Pind was not there earlier.
In the same way even Lord Vishnu was worshiped by performing pooja of his feet (referred to as Paada in Sanskrit).
If you go to Gaya (second largest city of Bihar, India), people there will say, ‘Vishnu Paada’, only the feet of Lord Vishnu are worshiped.
It is said that more important than the idol, is the Yantra (the diagrammatic representation of the deity in the form of symbols).
Every deity has a Yantra and a Mantra dedicated to him or her, and the procedure or rituals of worship of the deity is known as Tantra.
The idol does not get its spiritual strength until its Yantra is installed. And the Yantra does not have any power until it is empowered by the chanting of the Mantra.
That is why in every temple a Yantra is installed first, and then on top of that the idol is established. This is done to invoke a deep sense of devotion in those who visits the temple.
Even earlier, in the Sanatan Dharma (referring to an earlier name for Hinduism) there were no idols or idol worship as such, but only Havans (ritual in which making offerings into a consecrated fire is the primary action) were performed and Lord Shiva’s pind would be placed to establish his presence. That was it, nothing else would be done.
It was only later that the custom of installing idols came up.
Lord Ganesh was seen in a supari (a small betel nut), Lord Shiva was seen in a Pind and Devi (Mother Divine) was worshiped in a Kalash (a holy pot filled with water) with a coconut on top of it. This was the procedure as per the Sanatan Dharma.
Even today there is no significance of worshiping an idol without the Kalash. The water from the Kalash is poured over the idol. This is the custom.
Now, why did the practice of having idols begin?
This was because by seeing the idol a feeling of devotion would arise from within.
The other reason is that when Buddhists and Jains made their temples they would place such beautiful idols at the altar. So then those who followed Sanatan Dharma felt that they should also do something like this. So they also followed the same and began to establish different idols of Lord Vishnu, Lord Rama and Lord Krishna.
You will not find any mention of a practice of installing idols for worship in the Bhagavad Gita or the Ramayana.
Only the Shiva Linga (Shankar Linga) was installed. That is why only the Shiva Linga was there in the ancient period, which was worshiped by Lord Krishna, Lord Rama and everyone else.
Do you know, the stone in the Holy Kaaba (referring to the holy shrine in Mecca, Saudi Arabia) is also Lord Shiva?
There is a shloka (verse) in the Bhavishya Puran, about the three footsteps of Lord Vishnu (in his fifth incarnation as Vamana, a dwarf Brahmin). The first step of the Lord was in Gaya and the second step was in Mecca.
Much before the coming of Prophet Mohammed, people used to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca. That is why the pilgrims go and kiss the stone there and they circumambulate it seven times. It is done the same way in Shiva temples where people wear unstitched white clothes and go and worship the stone.
This is exactly like customs that have been practiced since the ancient times. So there are remarkable similarities in how worship is done in Gaya, and in Mecca: the same kind of stone is installed and worshiped, circumambulations are performed in the same way, and same kind of unstitched clothes are worn.
All these are linked and connected somewhere or the other.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The Linga is a symbolic representation or swaroopa of Lord Shiva.
First you understand what Linga is. Linga is a symbol.
Why are genitals also called Linga? That is because it is the symbol through which one can know whether a baby is a male or female. When a baby is born you see only one area to identify the gender. So it is an identification symbol.
Lord Shiva is manifest all over the Universe, so how does one identify or relate to Him? This is why in the ancient days, the wise sages would place a Pind or a round or oval stone piece and identify that with Lord Shiva.
Thus, the Linga and the Yoni (here referring to the base of the Shiva Linga on which the stone or Linga rests) was kept because by this the male and female were identified.
Now, how will you describe the Lord of the Universe who is formless?
In the ancient age, there was no form of Lord Shiva holding a Trishul (Trident), or anything like that. In ancient days, there was only a Pind (a stone) that was kept and then by chanting mantras, the Chaitanya Shakti (energy pervading all of the Divine Consciousness) was awakened and manifested in the Pind. So this is how it was worshiped.
It was only much later that idols were created.
Then what happened? On the Pind people started painting eyes, a face, etc. The custom of painting a face on the Pind was not there earlier.
In the same way even Lord Vishnu was worshiped by performing pooja of his feet (referred to as Paada in Sanskrit).
If you go to Gaya (second largest city of Bihar, India), people there will say, ‘Vishnu Paada’, only the feet of Lord Vishnu are worshiped.
It is said that more important than the idol, is the Yantra (the diagrammatic representation of the deity in the form of symbols).
Every deity has a Yantra and a Mantra dedicated to him or her, and the procedure or rituals of worship of the deity is known as Tantra.
The idol does not get its spiritual strength until its Yantra is installed. And the Yantra does not have any power until it is empowered by the chanting of the Mantra.
That is why in every temple a Yantra is installed first, and then on top of that the idol is established. This is done to invoke a deep sense of devotion in those who visits the temple.
Even earlier, in the Sanatan Dharma (referring to an earlier name for Hinduism) there were no idols or idol worship as such, but only Havans (ritual in which making offerings into a consecrated fire is the primary action) were performed and Lord Shiva’s pind would be placed to establish his presence. That was it, nothing else would be done.
It was only later that the custom of installing idols came up.
Lord Ganesh was seen in a supari (a small betel nut), Lord Shiva was seen in a Pind and Devi (Mother Divine) was worshiped in a Kalash (a holy pot filled with water) with a coconut on top of it. This was the procedure as per the Sanatan Dharma.
Even today there is no significance of worshiping an idol without the Kalash. The water from the Kalash is poured over the idol. This is the custom.
Now, why did the practice of having idols begin?
This was because by seeing the idol a feeling of devotion would arise from within.
The other reason is that when Buddhists and Jains made their temples they would place such beautiful idols at the altar. So then those who followed Sanatan Dharma felt that they should also do something like this. So they also followed the same and began to establish different idols of Lord Vishnu, Lord Rama and Lord Krishna.
You will not find any mention of a practice of installing idols for worship in the Bhagavad Gita or the Ramayana.
Only the Shiva Linga (Shankar Linga) was installed. That is why only the Shiva Linga was there in the ancient period, which was worshiped by Lord Krishna, Lord Rama and everyone else.
Do you know, the stone in the Holy Kaaba (referring to the holy shrine in Mecca, Saudi Arabia) is also Lord Shiva?
There is a shloka (verse) in the Bhavishya Puran, about the three footsteps of Lord Vishnu (in his fifth incarnation as Vamana, a dwarf Brahmin). The first step of the Lord was in Gaya and the second step was in Mecca.
Much before the coming of Prophet Mohammed, people used to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca. That is why the pilgrims go and kiss the stone there and they circumambulate it seven times. It is done the same way in Shiva temples where people wear unstitched white clothes and go and worship the stone.
This is exactly like customs that have been practiced since the ancient times. So there are remarkable similarities in how worship is done in Gaya, and in Mecca: the same kind of stone is installed and worshiped, circumambulations are performed in the same way, and same kind of unstitched clothes are worn.
All these are linked and connected somewhere or the other.
Earlier, there were no idols
or idol worship as such,
but only Havans were
performed. Lord Ganesh
was seen in a supari, Lord
Shiva was seen in a Pind and
Devi was worshiped in a
Kalash. This was the
procedure as per the Sanatan
Dharma. That was it, nothing
else would be done.
or idol worship as such,
but only Havans were
performed. Lord Ganesh
was seen in a supari, Lord
Shiva was seen in a Pind and
Devi was worshiped in a
Kalash. This was the
procedure as per the Sanatan
Dharma. That was it, nothing
else would be done.
Q: Why is Shiva Linga not worshipped alone (referring to the upper stone or crystal portion of the Shiva Linga) but along with Yoni (the base or the platform of the Shiva Linga on which the stone or the crystal rests)?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: As I mentioned earlier, both are worshiped in the form of Shiva and Shakti. They are worshiped alone also. There are many places where only the Pind is there.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: As I mentioned earlier, both are worshiped in the form of Shiva and Shakti. They are worshiped alone also. There are many places where only the Pind is there.
Q: Gurudev, in the Vedic period, there is no mention of the presence of Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. The period between 3500 BC and 2800 BC is said to be the Vedic period in Indian history; that between 2800 BC and 2600 BC is called the Age of Ramayana. In this entire stretch, there is no mention or evidence of the worship of Lord Shiva. So when exactly did the tradition of worshiping Lord Shiva begin in the form of the Linga and the Yoni, and why?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is a book called Bharat Gyan which you should read. The period of 2,800 years that you are speaking about is not accurate. Lord Krishna was there about 5,200 years back and Lord Rama was there about 7,500 years back, and at least 10,000 years before that the Vedas had been conceived and written.
I suggest you contact the department of Bharat Gyan, or meet Dr. D.K. Hari. They will tell you everything about this. They have done extensive research in this area so they will be able to answer your queries.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is a book called Bharat Gyan which you should read. The period of 2,800 years that you are speaking about is not accurate. Lord Krishna was there about 5,200 years back and Lord Rama was there about 7,500 years back, and at least 10,000 years before that the Vedas had been conceived and written.
I suggest you contact the department of Bharat Gyan, or meet Dr. D.K. Hari. They will tell you everything about this. They have done extensive research in this area so they will be able to answer your queries.
The practice of having
idols began because by
seeing the idol a feeling
of devotion would arise
from within.
You will not find any
mention of a practice of
installing idols for worship
in the Bhagavad Gita.
Only the Shiva Linga was
idols began because by
seeing the idol a feeling
of devotion would arise
from within.
You will not find any
mention of a practice of
installing idols for worship
in the Bhagavad Gita.
Only the Shiva Linga was
Q: Gurudev, we read about the Four Great Epochs or Yugas – Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and the Kali Yuga. However, history that is taught in the schools and the colleges does not follow this system of division of the ages and dismisses it altogether.
It is said that the arrival of the Aryan race in India happened some 5500 years ago. How do we understand this discrepancy?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Listen, all these theories have been thrown out. The Aryan invasion theory which is being taught has been proved wrong.
The age of the world is said to be about 28 billion years or 19 billion years, which tallies almost exactly with what is mentioned in our Panchangam (ancient Indian astrological texts and calendar scripts).
The time and the age of the Universe as reported by the Panchangam corresponding to the Vedic Age closely agrees and tallies with what modern scientists are saying. That is why I telling you to sit with the Bharat Gyan department and study the research.
Romila Thapar herself has admitted that what she has written is wrong.
Everything was said to be after 6,000 years ago while writing the history books. Scholars like her have neither learned Sanskrit, nor read any of our ancient records. Just by keeping English theories in mind they tried to fit everything in the period of 6,000 years. They have totally distorted the history of India.
Many inventions were made here. Many new facts and discoveries have surfaced. Romila Thapar who is the author of all this, has herself said we have to re-think about the Aryan Invasion theory. Which is why I would suggest you have a look and consult the Bharat Gyan department here.
It is said that the arrival of the Aryan race in India happened some 5500 years ago. How do we understand this discrepancy?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Listen, all these theories have been thrown out. The Aryan invasion theory which is being taught has been proved wrong.
The age of the world is said to be about 28 billion years or 19 billion years, which tallies almost exactly with what is mentioned in our Panchangam (ancient Indian astrological texts and calendar scripts).
The time and the age of the Universe as reported by the Panchangam corresponding to the Vedic Age closely agrees and tallies with what modern scientists are saying. That is why I telling you to sit with the Bharat Gyan department and study the research.
Romila Thapar herself has admitted that what she has written is wrong.
Everything was said to be after 6,000 years ago while writing the history books. Scholars like her have neither learned Sanskrit, nor read any of our ancient records. Just by keeping English theories in mind they tried to fit everything in the period of 6,000 years. They have totally distorted the history of India.
Many inventions were made here. Many new facts and discoveries have surfaced. Romila Thapar who is the author of all this, has herself said we have to re-think about the Aryan Invasion theory. Which is why I would suggest you have a look and consult the Bharat Gyan department here.
Q: Gurudev, how to know the things that are unknown to us? There are so many things that are unknown. I am sometimes very pained and I start crying for not knowing the unknown.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I understand your difficulty.
The intense quest is there of wanting to know something, but what is that something, that you don’t know. You know there is something but you don’t know how to know that something that exists. Isn't that it!
Just relax and meditate. That is the way to go there.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I understand your difficulty.
The intense quest is there of wanting to know something, but what is that something, that you don’t know. You know there is something but you don’t know how to know that something that exists. Isn't that it!
Just relax and meditate. That is the way to go there.
Q: Gurudev, can you please tell us something about Asuras and Devas. Were Asuras bad people?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Asuras are those who do not think about the spirit, they are only body bound or Earth bound. The Devas are spirit-bound.
In fact both, the Asuras and Devas are children of the same person. Prajapati had two wives, Aditi and Diti. From Diti, the Asuras came, and from Aditi the Devas came.
That is how the story comes up.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Asuras are those who do not think about the spirit, they are only body bound or Earth bound. The Devas are spirit-bound.
In fact both, the Asuras and Devas are children of the same person. Prajapati had two wives, Aditi and Diti. From Diti, the Asuras came, and from Aditi the Devas came.
That is how the story comes up.
Q: Guruji, often at the work place when
there are a lot of pending things to do, the mind becomes restless and
we feel lost and do not know what is happening. At such times what to
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Make a list of all that you have to do and then prioritize. And in between those priorities, keep meditation as one item. You must have the faith that all your wishes will be fulfilled, and with that feeling sit for meditation for a little while. Lord Krishna has promised that 'One who directs his mind and intellect towards Me, I am always close to him and he is always close to me.' So just remember this.
We must take a resolve to meditate every day for a little while. Then God will surely fulfill our prayers. In fact then we have the right to demand as well. It is like, when you collect enough points, you can then claim those points. So when you do seva, then you get points which you can claim. Many times when I go to some Satsang outside, people blackmail me in this way!
When I go to my room to rest after the event gets over then also people come at 11 or 12 in the night for Darshan. They will tell me, ‘These people have done so much seva and have come to seek your blessings. Please meet them Gurudev.’ Then I say, ‘Okay, I will come.’ Because they have done so much seva, I have no choice but to give Darshan!
So in this way we must keep increasing our points. That is how a devotee can make God fulfill his prayers. God has no choice but to fulfill the work of his devotees. The same way we can win in the world as well. When we do good deeds then why would anyone dislike us? Does anyone dislike someone who is doing something good? It can never happen. What we usually do is, we stay in our own comfort zone, and give more importance to our own comforts and do only what we like to do. Then why will anyone like us?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Make a list of all that you have to do and then prioritize. And in between those priorities, keep meditation as one item. You must have the faith that all your wishes will be fulfilled, and with that feeling sit for meditation for a little while. Lord Krishna has promised that 'One who directs his mind and intellect towards Me, I am always close to him and he is always close to me.' So just remember this.
We must take a resolve to meditate every day for a little while. Then God will surely fulfill our prayers. In fact then we have the right to demand as well. It is like, when you collect enough points, you can then claim those points. So when you do seva, then you get points which you can claim. Many times when I go to some Satsang outside, people blackmail me in this way!
When I go to my room to rest after the event gets over then also people come at 11 or 12 in the night for Darshan. They will tell me, ‘These people have done so much seva and have come to seek your blessings. Please meet them Gurudev.’ Then I say, ‘Okay, I will come.’ Because they have done so much seva, I have no choice but to give Darshan!
So in this way we must keep increasing our points. That is how a devotee can make God fulfill his prayers. God has no choice but to fulfill the work of his devotees. The same way we can win in the world as well. When we do good deeds then why would anyone dislike us? Does anyone dislike someone who is doing something good? It can never happen. What we usually do is, we stay in our own comfort zone, and give more importance to our own comforts and do only what we like to do. Then why will anyone like us?
This is the ultimate relationship: When you can relate to your Self
100%. Then any face you look at, there is love, there is charm, there is
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Each one of you is a special gift on the planet!
You are the Christmas tree.
The Christmas tree is pointing upwards and its branches grow on all sides, and we all have that capacity to blossom to the fullest of the human potential.At the time of year when no tree bears anything, the Christmas tree has many gifts to offer and it is evergreen throughout the year.
A Christmas tree bears the gifts and the lights not for itself, but for all. The gifts you are carrying in your life are for others.
You offer the gift of service to anyone one in need, and you will wonder how your needs are being taken care of!
|| Jai Guru Dev ||
Monday, 24 December 2012
Unwrap the present. The whole world is there for you to enjoy. The
wise know how to enjoy the gift inside, while the ignorant get stuck to
the paper.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Q: Guruji, what is your message for us on ‘Christmas’?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Love is the most sought-after but least expressed mystery of life. We try to express love in so many ways, still it remains a mystery. And it rarely happens that love is expressed in its fullness, in its totality. Jesus and love are synonymous. If you say love, you need not say Jesus and if you say Jesus, it means love. Love makes you weak, but brings you the kingdom of heaven. However strong you are, you are the weakest when you are in love. Yet love is the strongest force on this universe. Since love makes you weak, it also is scary. Love has no name, nor form. Love is abstract, yet it is very concrete. It has no name or form but manifests in all names and in all forms. This is the mystery of creation. You can see love everywhere in this creation if only you have an eye to see it.
Just see a bird, and a small one in the nest. The bird comes and how it feeds its young one. See how the young one waits for the mother bird to come. There is love in it. There is love among fish. There is love in the sky. There is love underneath the water. There is love on the ground. And there is love in the outer space. Every form is full of love and every name represents love. And that is how Jesus is One with the Father. Love is present everywhere, but somewhere it finds total expression. And the knowledge of the Self leads you towards that total expression of love, of blossoming of love. It lifts your eyes from all tiny little things.
One Divine is providing for everybody. Neither the python goes to work nor the birds toil. Everybody is taken care of. Everything is taken care of. Jesus said, “Love each other as much as I love you.” What more do you need to see that embodiment of love?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Love is the most sought-after but least expressed mystery of life. We try to express love in so many ways, still it remains a mystery. And it rarely happens that love is expressed in its fullness, in its totality. Jesus and love are synonymous. If you say love, you need not say Jesus and if you say Jesus, it means love. Love makes you weak, but brings you the kingdom of heaven. However strong you are, you are the weakest when you are in love. Yet love is the strongest force on this universe. Since love makes you weak, it also is scary. Love has no name, nor form. Love is abstract, yet it is very concrete. It has no name or form but manifests in all names and in all forms. This is the mystery of creation. You can see love everywhere in this creation if only you have an eye to see it.
Just see a bird, and a small one in the nest. The bird comes and how it feeds its young one. See how the young one waits for the mother bird to come. There is love in it. There is love among fish. There is love in the sky. There is love underneath the water. There is love on the ground. And there is love in the outer space. Every form is full of love and every name represents love. And that is how Jesus is One with the Father. Love is present everywhere, but somewhere it finds total expression. And the knowledge of the Self leads you towards that total expression of love, of blossoming of love. It lifts your eyes from all tiny little things.
One Divine is providing for everybody. Neither the python goes to work nor the birds toil. Everybody is taken care of. Everything is taken care of. Jesus said, “Love each other as much as I love you.” What more do you need to see that embodiment of love?
Q: Dear Gurudev, it is said that the sign of devotion is to always be happy. Then why does God respond mostly when a devotee cries out of pain, misery or longing? I am confused. Can I get God’s attention without crying? Can a happy devotee get the same attention from God?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Absolutely! A crying devotee is inevitable for the Divine to attend to, and a happy devotee is a joy to attend to.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Absolutely! A crying devotee is inevitable for the Divine to attend to, and a happy devotee is a joy to attend to.
Q: Gurudev, one bad incident rocks the whole nation, but why do many good things happening around go unnoticed without even creating a ripple?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Agitation needs some such bad event. People are ready to agitate easily. This is because stress is already there and that stress wants an outlet. So agitation becomes a very easy thing to do.
If we call for an agitation, you will see everybody will join but for meditation only the intelligent will join.
But, I think, times are changing. Wherever we go, we get more crowd for meditation than for agitation. That is why I said, there is a positive change in society.
It is media which likes agitation the most. See, we are thousands of us sitting here, and not even one-fourth of these many people are in town hall, shouting slogans and agitating. But the media is interested in that event, even though there are just five hundred people there.
The media projects negative news better and more vigorously.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Agitation needs some such bad event. People are ready to agitate easily. This is because stress is already there and that stress wants an outlet. So agitation becomes a very easy thing to do.
If we call for an agitation, you will see everybody will join but for meditation only the intelligent will join.
But, I think, times are changing. Wherever we go, we get more crowd for meditation than for agitation. That is why I said, there is a positive change in society.
It is media which likes agitation the most. See, we are thousands of us sitting here, and not even one-fourth of these many people are in town hall, shouting slogans and agitating. But the media is interested in that event, even though there are just five hundred people there.
The media projects negative news better and more vigorously.
Q: Gurudev, as a youth, I feel drawn to the peace and tranquility around you and the world seems to be the exact opposite of that. If I disengage from the world and become a Sanyasi (renunciate), would it mean that I am running away from my responsibilities?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: A Sanyasi is not running away from responsibility, it is taking more responsibility. It is like taking responsibility of the whole world, that is what a Sanyasi is. Just now I was telling to our Ashramites (people who stay at the Ashram), that we are in a resort here, we should be going to the city where the action is happening.
I don’t want to keep all the youth and talents held up here in the Ashram. I want you to be active out there in the society. It is we who need to bring peace where it is needed.
You can’t say, I am so peaceful, let me just be here. Of course coming here is needed. You need to put your mobile to charge every once in awhile, but you can’t leave your mobile on the charger all the time. How will you use the mobile? Then it is no longer a mobile.
You charge your mobile and then take your mobile off the charger. It cannot be hanging onto the charger all the time.
Similarly, you need to do work there, and you need to come here as well; both!
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: A Sanyasi is not running away from responsibility, it is taking more responsibility. It is like taking responsibility of the whole world, that is what a Sanyasi is. Just now I was telling to our Ashramites (people who stay at the Ashram), that we are in a resort here, we should be going to the city where the action is happening.
I don’t want to keep all the youth and talents held up here in the Ashram. I want you to be active out there in the society. It is we who need to bring peace where it is needed.
You can’t say, I am so peaceful, let me just be here. Of course coming here is needed. You need to put your mobile to charge every once in awhile, but you can’t leave your mobile on the charger all the time. How will you use the mobile? Then it is no longer a mobile.
You charge your mobile and then take your mobile off the charger. It cannot be hanging onto the charger all the time.
Similarly, you need to do work there, and you need to come here as well; both!
Gurudev, what is the significance of the wedding ceremony? If two
people love and respect each other, can they just make a decision to
live together?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Marriage ceremony is a
commitment. You live together with a commitment. When there is a
commitment, you have full trust in each other. One aspect of your life
is set. That is what is marriage.
Otherwise, the mind keeps looking
for a partner. In marriage, that looking for a partner thing comes to an
end, 'Okay, I have found a partner, I am set.' So now you can focus on
other things.
When there is commitment, it puts you on track.
Q: Gurudev, in life those people who don’t get along well are hitched together while those who get along really well are not paired together. Is this the plan of the Divine? Is he doing this on purpose?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You mean about your marriage?
You know, when you don’t get along, you forget all those days when you got along very well. Because those days, you didn’t get along, you feel, 'Oh, from the very beginning, we never got along.'
An American couple who were married for 40 years came to me and said that they wanted to divorce. The lady said, 'You know Gurudev, we have been married for 40 years but we never got along even for a single day.'
I said, 'How could you spend 40 years and never get along for even one day?!'
They are already around sixty to seventy years old. They could not get along for the last forty years and still they were carrying on.
Usually this doesn’t happen in American society. If two people don’t get along, that is it, they don’t stay together at all.
Suddenly in your mind you think, at some point, 'Oh, we never got along in the past also.' Well, the world is like that. There is no guarantee that those people with whom you think you will get along very, you will actually get along with them very well. The grass is always greener on the other side.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You mean about your marriage?
You know, when you don’t get along, you forget all those days when you got along very well. Because those days, you didn’t get along, you feel, 'Oh, from the very beginning, we never got along.'
An American couple who were married for 40 years came to me and said that they wanted to divorce. The lady said, 'You know Gurudev, we have been married for 40 years but we never got along even for a single day.'
I said, 'How could you spend 40 years and never get along for even one day?!'
They are already around sixty to seventy years old. They could not get along for the last forty years and still they were carrying on.
Usually this doesn’t happen in American society. If two people don’t get along, that is it, they don’t stay together at all.
Suddenly in your mind you think, at some point, 'Oh, we never got along in the past also.' Well, the world is like that. There is no guarantee that those people with whom you think you will get along very, you will actually get along with them very well. The grass is always greener on the other side.
Q: Gurudev, after doing the Kriya, many times I find myself smiling unconsciously. When I am alone also I keep smiling. I myself don’t know that I am smiling. Everybody thinks that there is something wrong with me. What do I tell them?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You should take a serious look at yourself if everybody thinks that there is something wrong with you. You must take a serious look.
If everybody is saying that then it is not okay. You must consider their opinions.
Here, I won’t say, don’t be a football of other’s opinion.
What you feel is one thing, and how you express yourself is another thing. You may be feeling very calm, very happy, but when you express that, you should see, how you can express it and where you should express it.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You should take a serious look at yourself if everybody thinks that there is something wrong with you. You must take a serious look.
If everybody is saying that then it is not okay. You must consider their opinions.
Here, I won’t say, don’t be a football of other’s opinion.
What you feel is one thing, and how you express yourself is another thing. You may be feeling very calm, very happy, but when you express that, you should see, how you can express it and where you should express it.
Q: Gurudev, can you please talk about Ashta Ganapati?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The number eight is associated with the eight Prakritis - Ashtada Prakriti.
What are the Ashtada Prakriti? Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intellect and ego. These all come in our nature.
Some saint or wise man said, let there will be one Ganapati for each of these Prakritis, that is all.
Don’t get into all these things; why twelve Jyotirlingas or Ashta Ganapati? In the ancient days, these were ways to integrate the society.
In the ancient days, people wanted to integrate the population because every six hundred kilometres the language and culture changes in this country.
There is nothing common between South, North, East and West, so, how do you integrate the country? Then they said, 'Go to the twelve Jyotirlingas. Go to Kashi, go to Rameshwaram, go to Trimbakeshwar, and so on. Like that they promoted a sort of spiritual tourism and national integration. That is all.
It is the same with Ashta Ganapati as well. The idea was that people go all over the different areas of Maharashtra. They wanted to unite people, make them move around as pilgrims. In those days there were no other holidays or tourism. Pilgrimage was tourism.
When it is sacred tourism, people feel, 'I must do it', and so they created all these different temples to go and visit.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The number eight is associated with the eight Prakritis - Ashtada Prakriti.
What are the Ashtada Prakriti? Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intellect and ego. These all come in our nature.
Some saint or wise man said, let there will be one Ganapati for each of these Prakritis, that is all.
Don’t get into all these things; why twelve Jyotirlingas or Ashta Ganapati? In the ancient days, these were ways to integrate the society.
In the ancient days, people wanted to integrate the population because every six hundred kilometres the language and culture changes in this country.
There is nothing common between South, North, East and West, so, how do you integrate the country? Then they said, 'Go to the twelve Jyotirlingas. Go to Kashi, go to Rameshwaram, go to Trimbakeshwar, and so on. Like that they promoted a sort of spiritual tourism and national integration. That is all.
It is the same with Ashta Ganapati as well. The idea was that people go all over the different areas of Maharashtra. They wanted to unite people, make them move around as pilgrims. In those days there were no other holidays or tourism. Pilgrimage was tourism.
When it is sacred tourism, people feel, 'I must do it', and so they created all these different temples to go and visit.
Q: Dearest Gurudev, do you have any favorites? Who is your favorite person? Which is your favorite Raga and which is your favorite sport?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I am not going to answer any of these, because I have none.
Once I was in England a long time ago, and a lady asked me, 'Gurudev, what can I make for you for breakfast?'
I said, 'Make anything, whatever you like.'
Then she said, 'Can I make Dhokla (a vegetarian food item that originates from the Indian state of Gujarat)?'
I said, 'Yes, you can make Dhokla.'
She asked me, 'Do you like it?'
I said, 'Yes.'
So, she prepared Dhokla and then she called everyone else and said, 'Gurudev loves Dhokla.'
Just imagine what happened. Every day, wherever I went for the next fifteen days, breakfast, lunch and dinner, I got only Dhoklas.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I am not going to answer any of these, because I have none.
Once I was in England a long time ago, and a lady asked me, 'Gurudev, what can I make for you for breakfast?'
I said, 'Make anything, whatever you like.'
Then she said, 'Can I make Dhokla (a vegetarian food item that originates from the Indian state of Gujarat)?'
I said, 'Yes, you can make Dhokla.'
She asked me, 'Do you like it?'
I said, 'Yes.'
So, she prepared Dhokla and then she called everyone else and said, 'Gurudev loves Dhokla.'
Just imagine what happened. Every day, wherever I went for the next fifteen days, breakfast, lunch and dinner, I got only Dhoklas.
Q: Gurudev, how do I get a good sense of humor like you?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You already have one. Just relax. Don’t try to impress anybody. Just be yourself.
I feel so sorry for those people who try to be funny. The so-called comedians, they struggle every day to find new jokes to make people laugh. And it is such artificial laughter.
If you see all those comedians who are making those jokes, they are miserable. It is really not funny, you feel like weeping looking at them.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You already have one. Just relax. Don’t try to impress anybody. Just be yourself.
I feel so sorry for those people who try to be funny. The so-called comedians, they struggle every day to find new jokes to make people laugh. And it is such artificial laughter.
If you see all those comedians who are making those jokes, they are miserable. It is really not funny, you feel like weeping looking at them.
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Q: Guruji, I would like to know why
people in war time will give his life for his country but in the time of
peace most people won’t do anything for the country.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, especially youth. When they are fed up with the systems. When they see things are not working properly, they have a commitment to do something for the country right. They only need proper leadership which would take them through the troubled times in a non-violent manner, it is very important. There is power in love, there is power in non-violence. Most of the people don’t realize this. What is happening in some part of the world is so unfortunate. The dictators are holding the fort and they don’t let people raise their voice. You know, you can’t live in the 15th century now. 15th century was of dictatorship, today democracy, liberty, freedom, this is what people are looking for and these people should facilitate democracy gracefully. That is important.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, especially youth. When they are fed up with the systems. When they see things are not working properly, they have a commitment to do something for the country right. They only need proper leadership which would take them through the troubled times in a non-violent manner, it is very important. There is power in love, there is power in non-violence. Most of the people don’t realize this. What is happening in some part of the world is so unfortunate. The dictators are holding the fort and they don’t let people raise their voice. You know, you can’t live in the 15th century now. 15th century was of dictatorship, today democracy, liberty, freedom, this is what people are looking for and these people should facilitate democracy gracefully. That is important.
The body is the wick of the candle, the spirit is the glow. Recognize the spirit.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Inspired to be evergreen like a Xmas Tree? Meditate!
Meditation and Christmas Tree
This Christmas, start the celebration (Christmas party) with meditation.
This Christmas, start the
celebration with meditation.
Invite all your friends over
and enjoy the experience of
meditating in a group.
The sound of tinkling bells from the nearby Church … the melodious chorus of Christmas carols … family get-togethers and feasts … surprise for little kids by Santa … Isn’t Christmas the most exciting time of the year? With the whole spirit of celebration, you feel completely rejuvenated. But what most people look forward to every year is decorating their Christmas tree with their loved ones.
As I was decorating mine this year, something just struck me. There is another experience which is so similar to a Christmas tree, something which is so evergreen, so refreshing, so full of gifts and surprises, and so joyful. It’s meditation! Surprised? Let’s see how.
Alive Every Season!
Did you know that in earlier days, people used to believe that keeping a Christmas tree would keep them away from negativity? This is because it stays green and alive in the white snow.
In the same way, daily practice of meditation adds value to our life. The benefits of meditation are ever green. Summer or winter, day or night, whenever we meditate, we feel calm and relaxed, refreshed and energetic.
In tough times, when nothing else seems to work, meditation brings clarity of mind to take the right action. At other times, it sustains the happiness quotient and keeps it high.
Tip – Make your meditation practice evergreen by making a point to meditate every day. If you haven’t started yet, get started this Christmas!
Full of Gifts and Surprises
How exciting is it to open Christmas presents lying next to the Christmas tree! They give us a ‘wow’ feeling, don’t they?
Nancy Marwah, a regular meditator for two years, experienced the same ‘wow’ feeling.
“I sang for the first time on the last day of my Advanced Meditation Course. I had never sung before. In fact, I did not even know that I could sing. Meditating for long hours during the course filled me with so much joy that I felt like expressing it. So I sang, and the next thing I knew everyone was complimenting me. I have now joined classes to enhance my singing skills but meditation helped me discover the talent. It was like having received a gift of singing”.
Our meditation cal also be full of surprises, giving us new experiences every day. We might also discover some talents and tap the immense potential that we have.
Tip – This Christmas, be a Santa to yourself and your close ones. Gift a smile by making yourself and others experience an Online Guided Meditation.
Keeps the Spirit of Celebration High
Have you seen how a well-lit and decorated Christmas tree fills you with a sense of joy and celebration? How can we be joyful all day and celebrate every moment of our life?
“Meditation fulfils the natural tendency of human life to look for a joy that does not diminish.” – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Think about it – Is there any escape from problems and tough times? Possibly not. But the choice to smile through such times lies with us - meditation gives us the strength and ability to move on having taken the appropriate action. So, irrespective of challenges or pleasant experiences, our smile remains unshakeable.
Tip – This Christmas, start the celebration (Christmas party) with meditation. Invite all your friends over and enjoy the experience of meditating in a group. Other days, you could start your day with a morning meditation and feel the refreshing effect all day long.
Deeply Rooted Yet Touching the Sky
Have you seen how a Christmas tree is deeply rooted into the ground or pot and yet points towards the sky? Its deep roots enable the tree to be strong and remain standing.
Just like the Christmas tree, don’t we aspire to touch the sky with our dreams and ambitions? But for that, it’s essential to have deep roots (focus, commitment and passion). This is where meditation helps. Daily practice of meditation gives clarity of mind, helps to improve focus and to achieve what you aspire for. Karan Singh, a regular meditator for one year, echoes this thought when he says, “Meditation gives me the feeling that I can achieve anything.” It fills us with a sense of passion that drives us towards our goal stress-free.
Tip – To calm your mind with meditation, it might be ideal to look for a quiet corner. This will ensure that you are free from distractions and have a nice, deep meditation.
As you practice meditation regularly, you also start attaining the qualities of the Christmas Tree – an evergreen smile, sharp focus like its sharp leaves and a perfect balance. So keep meditating and become a Christmas tree yourself!
Here is a little Christmas message from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar – “Each one of you is a special gift on the planet! You are the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree is pointing upwards and its branches grow on all sides, and we all have that capacity to blossom to the fullest of the human potential. At the time of year when no tree bears anything, the Christmas tree has many gifts to offer and it is evergreen throughout the year. A Christmas tree bears the gifts and the lights not for itself, but for all. The gifts you are carrying in your life are for others. You offer the gift of service to anyone in need and you will wonder how your needs are being taken care of!”
By Divya Sachdev
Meditation and Christmas Tree
This Christmas, start the celebration (Christmas party) with meditation.
This Christmas, start the
celebration with meditation.
Invite all your friends over
and enjoy the experience of
meditating in a group.
The sound of tinkling bells from the nearby Church … the melodious chorus of Christmas carols … family get-togethers and feasts … surprise for little kids by Santa … Isn’t Christmas the most exciting time of the year? With the whole spirit of celebration, you feel completely rejuvenated. But what most people look forward to every year is decorating their Christmas tree with their loved ones.
As I was decorating mine this year, something just struck me. There is another experience which is so similar to a Christmas tree, something which is so evergreen, so refreshing, so full of gifts and surprises, and so joyful. It’s meditation! Surprised? Let’s see how.
Alive Every Season!
Did you know that in earlier days, people used to believe that keeping a Christmas tree would keep them away from negativity? This is because it stays green and alive in the white snow.
In the same way, daily practice of meditation adds value to our life. The benefits of meditation are ever green. Summer or winter, day or night, whenever we meditate, we feel calm and relaxed, refreshed and energetic.
In tough times, when nothing else seems to work, meditation brings clarity of mind to take the right action. At other times, it sustains the happiness quotient and keeps it high.
Tip – Make your meditation practice evergreen by making a point to meditate every day. If you haven’t started yet, get started this Christmas!
Full of Gifts and Surprises
How exciting is it to open Christmas presents lying next to the Christmas tree! They give us a ‘wow’ feeling, don’t they?
Nancy Marwah, a regular meditator for two years, experienced the same ‘wow’ feeling.
“I sang for the first time on the last day of my Advanced Meditation Course. I had never sung before. In fact, I did not even know that I could sing. Meditating for long hours during the course filled me with so much joy that I felt like expressing it. So I sang, and the next thing I knew everyone was complimenting me. I have now joined classes to enhance my singing skills but meditation helped me discover the talent. It was like having received a gift of singing”.
Our meditation cal also be full of surprises, giving us new experiences every day. We might also discover some talents and tap the immense potential that we have.
Tip – This Christmas, be a Santa to yourself and your close ones. Gift a smile by making yourself and others experience an Online Guided Meditation.
Keeps the Spirit of Celebration High
Have you seen how a well-lit and decorated Christmas tree fills you with a sense of joy and celebration? How can we be joyful all day and celebrate every moment of our life?
“Meditation fulfils the natural tendency of human life to look for a joy that does not diminish.” – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Think about it – Is there any escape from problems and tough times? Possibly not. But the choice to smile through such times lies with us - meditation gives us the strength and ability to move on having taken the appropriate action. So, irrespective of challenges or pleasant experiences, our smile remains unshakeable.
Tip – This Christmas, start the celebration (Christmas party) with meditation. Invite all your friends over and enjoy the experience of meditating in a group. Other days, you could start your day with a morning meditation and feel the refreshing effect all day long.
Deeply Rooted Yet Touching the Sky
Have you seen how a Christmas tree is deeply rooted into the ground or pot and yet points towards the sky? Its deep roots enable the tree to be strong and remain standing.
Just like the Christmas tree, don’t we aspire to touch the sky with our dreams and ambitions? But for that, it’s essential to have deep roots (focus, commitment and passion). This is where meditation helps. Daily practice of meditation gives clarity of mind, helps to improve focus and to achieve what you aspire for. Karan Singh, a regular meditator for one year, echoes this thought when he says, “Meditation gives me the feeling that I can achieve anything.” It fills us with a sense of passion that drives us towards our goal stress-free.
Tip – To calm your mind with meditation, it might be ideal to look for a quiet corner. This will ensure that you are free from distractions and have a nice, deep meditation.
As you practice meditation regularly, you also start attaining the qualities of the Christmas Tree – an evergreen smile, sharp focus like its sharp leaves and a perfect balance. So keep meditating and become a Christmas tree yourself!
Here is a little Christmas message from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar – “Each one of you is a special gift on the planet! You are the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree is pointing upwards and its branches grow on all sides, and we all have that capacity to blossom to the fullest of the human potential. At the time of year when no tree bears anything, the Christmas tree has many gifts to offer and it is evergreen throughout the year. A Christmas tree bears the gifts and the lights not for itself, but for all. The gifts you are carrying in your life are for others. You offer the gift of service to anyone in need and you will wonder how your needs are being taken care of!”
By Divya Sachdev
Blunder into wonder!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Recently I took up a job as Guruji asked me to do so. I got hired to do some development work for my expertise skills on business systems. The timescales were tight and the new solution had to fit in with the already live solution which was in place.
The prototype was created and approved on test environment. All went well and the decision was taken to launch the new solution for some key users on pilot basis. During this set up I deleted one code and as a consequence all the Forecasting data for the whole company was erased for the current financial year! I was terrified when I discovered this biggest blunder in my professional life! This affected hundreds of managers.
I prayed to Guruji to resolve this in the best way without the management discovering this. I didn't know how the situation would be taken care of. Quite soon my colleague found out about my blunder, which turned out to be a blessing because she had backup and with her help we restored the Forecasting data, without management finding out about the blunder!
Guruji has unfathomable ways to help. I'm feeling so blessed to have Guruji in my life.
Jai Gurudev!
Anonymous (name withheld on request)
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's visit to Mumbai: Feb 2013
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will be in Mumbai from 22nd - 25th February, 2013.
22nd Feb:
Gyan Ganga, Ghatkopar
Maha Satsang, Navi Mumbai
23rd Feb:
Gyan Ganga, Worli
Maha Satsang, Goregaon
24th Feb:
Gyan Ganga, Worli
Volunteer for Better India, Worli
25th Feb:
Gyan Ganga, Ulhasnagar
Maha Satsang & Knowledge, Virar
Event details and changes, if any, will be shared with you from time to time. Jai Gurudev!!
Saturday, 22 December 2012
The Silence of Good People
Q: When I see this world of humans, I don't see a world which cares for me or anybody. There is goodness in them but largely they are driven by their weakness, greed and insecurity.
Looking at what people are doing to the Earth and to each other one cannot disagree. I am very willing to believe when you say that everything is made out of love, but sometimes I find it hard to sympathize with this world.
I think it is this disgust that flips the switch one day and makes people decide to become terrorists, or to start killing randomly, or rape someone innocent.
How do I continue to care for this world?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Any question can have only one correct answer. There cannot be two correct answers.
If this is a question, I would like you to keep looking for an answer.
But, instead of seeing this as a question, if you see it as a path, you can tread on it many a times. And every time, you will get a new answer.
Now, do not generalize! Don't think there is no love in people, there are no compassionate people on this planet – this is wrong. We cannot generalize that everyone is selfish. There are so many people who are serving the society selflessly. You cannot brand everyone as corrupt.
I want to tell you about one of our teachers who is an IAS officer in Gujarat.
This gentleman was offered 51 crores by an industrialist. All that he needed to do was put a signature and that is all to allot the land that they were already using.
He could have easily justified it by saying that, 'It is nothing out of the way, it is just a procedure', or he could say, 'I do not want these 51 crores for myself, I can give it to poor people.'
There are so many other justifications that can come into the mind. But this gentleman stood up and said, ‘No, I do not want it.’
In a government job, even if he continues to serve for three lifetimes, he cannot make 51 crores. It is not a small amount. But this man stood up and said, ‘No, I won't take it.' We still have people like that.
Unless and until people come to the spiritual path they will not become sensitive, or have a high degree of sensibility. Both sensitivity and sensibility can flourish only through meditation and knowledge.
That is why it is so important to bring this knowledge to every doorstep, to every school, to every heart. You should keep doing this.
As I said, the world is not bad because there are some bad people, it is the silence of good people.
I also would like to tell you that don't judge others. You never know.
Do you know yourself? Do you know when you are compassionate, or when you are harsh? You don't know!
Sometimes you are harsh with people, and you justify your being harsh. You say, 'They deserved it.' Don't you think so?
And sometimes when you are compassionate then also you justify your compassion, isn't it? So you don't know your own emotions and your own behavior, then why would you judge someone else, and why would you judge everybody?
‘The whole world is full of unkind, corrupt and bad people’, why do you think they are all bad people? No! That is not the case.
You need to relook your own statement.
Do you feel good about yourself? Do you think you are a good person?
You think that you are a good person, but ask all the others who have interacted with you about their opinion of you. It will completely vary from your own idea about yourself. How would you like someone else telling you that you are selfish?
Deep inside you do not think that you are selfish, but if someone else tells you that you are too selfish, or if they see negative tendencies in you, what do you tell them? ‘Hey look, I have good tendencies as well’. Don't you tell them that?
There is no human being who is devoid of good tendencies and a good heart.
Just remember this, there is no human being devoid of goodness. Sometimes it gets buried under stress and ignorance.
Even those people who committed that hideous crime on that woman, now they are saying, 'Please hang me, I made a blunder.'
They got into a cloud; their awareness was not there. They must be suffering now with terrible regret. So much of guilt and suffering.
That is why, when you expand your vision, you can't but have compassion, even for the culprits.
See, you have done some mistakes at times. How would you like it if someone holds on to your mistake all the time. How would you like that situation? Certainly not! You will certainly say, ‘Hey, come on, drop it and move on.' This is what you would say, isn't that so? So we must wake up to this reality!
It is all in your own eyes, how you view the world. If you think that everyone is a fraud then your behavior towards everybody will be rude and unpleasant, and you will be part of that.
This is why there is a saying - As is your vision so is the creation.
As you envisage, so the creation becomes - Yatha Drishti Tatha Shrishti.
Q: When I see this world of humans, I don't see a world which cares for me or anybody. There is goodness in them but largely they are driven by their weakness, greed and insecurity.
Looking at what people are doing to the Earth and to each other one cannot disagree. I am very willing to believe when you say that everything is made out of love, but sometimes I find it hard to sympathize with this world.
I think it is this disgust that flips the switch one day and makes people decide to become terrorists, or to start killing randomly, or rape someone innocent.
How do I continue to care for this world?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Any question can have only one correct answer. There cannot be two correct answers.
If this is a question, I would like you to keep looking for an answer.
But, instead of seeing this as a question, if you see it as a path, you can tread on it many a times. And every time, you will get a new answer.
Now, do not generalize! Don't think there is no love in people, there are no compassionate people on this planet – this is wrong. We cannot generalize that everyone is selfish. There are so many people who are serving the society selflessly. You cannot brand everyone as corrupt.
I want to tell you about one of our teachers who is an IAS officer in Gujarat.
This gentleman was offered 51 crores by an industrialist. All that he needed to do was put a signature and that is all to allot the land that they were already using.
He could have easily justified it by saying that, 'It is nothing out of the way, it is just a procedure', or he could say, 'I do not want these 51 crores for myself, I can give it to poor people.'
There are so many other justifications that can come into the mind. But this gentleman stood up and said, ‘No, I do not want it.’
In a government job, even if he continues to serve for three lifetimes, he cannot make 51 crores. It is not a small amount. But this man stood up and said, ‘No, I won't take it.' We still have people like that.
Unless and until people come to the spiritual path they will not become sensitive, or have a high degree of sensibility. Both sensitivity and sensibility can flourish only through meditation and knowledge.
That is why it is so important to bring this knowledge to every doorstep, to every school, to every heart. You should keep doing this.
As I said, the world is not bad because there are some bad people, it is the silence of good people.
I also would like to tell you that don't judge others. You never know.
Do you know yourself? Do you know when you are compassionate, or when you are harsh? You don't know!
Sometimes you are harsh with people, and you justify your being harsh. You say, 'They deserved it.' Don't you think so?
And sometimes when you are compassionate then also you justify your compassion, isn't it? So you don't know your own emotions and your own behavior, then why would you judge someone else, and why would you judge everybody?
‘The whole world is full of unkind, corrupt and bad people’, why do you think they are all bad people? No! That is not the case.
You need to relook your own statement.
Do you feel good about yourself? Do you think you are a good person?
You think that you are a good person, but ask all the others who have interacted with you about their opinion of you. It will completely vary from your own idea about yourself. How would you like someone else telling you that you are selfish?
Deep inside you do not think that you are selfish, but if someone else tells you that you are too selfish, or if they see negative tendencies in you, what do you tell them? ‘Hey look, I have good tendencies as well’. Don't you tell them that?
There is no human being who is devoid of good tendencies and a good heart.
Just remember this, there is no human being devoid of goodness. Sometimes it gets buried under stress and ignorance.
Even those people who committed that hideous crime on that woman, now they are saying, 'Please hang me, I made a blunder.'
They got into a cloud; their awareness was not there. They must be suffering now with terrible regret. So much of guilt and suffering.
That is why, when you expand your vision, you can't but have compassion, even for the culprits.
See, you have done some mistakes at times. How would you like it if someone holds on to your mistake all the time. How would you like that situation? Certainly not! You will certainly say, ‘Hey, come on, drop it and move on.' This is what you would say, isn't that so? So we must wake up to this reality!
It is all in your own eyes, how you view the world. If you think that everyone is a fraud then your behavior towards everybody will be rude and unpleasant, and you will be part of that.
This is why there is a saying - As is your vision so is the creation.
As you envisage, so the creation becomes - Yatha Drishti Tatha Shrishti.
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