Sunday, 31 August 2014
QnA with Sri Sri
QnA with Sri Sri
Q: How to stop nuclear waste? Currently, the whole ocean and slowly people are getting impacted due to the accident in Japan. How can we stop this?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You know our oceans are dumped with so much garbage, so much garbage that you can create another continent out of it. They say, off New York coast, the ocean is not an ocean but it is just a garbage dump. You can create an island, a big continent from it, that much waste is being dumped into the ocean. That is why recycling is so important today. We should be environmentally conscious. Ask everyone to use lesser and lesser plastics, and be kind to nature.
If you go to the tribal areas where native people live in Africa, Asia and South America, you will see how their villages are so clean. There is no garbage at all.
If you go in the forest, no animal dumps garbage. You can’t find carcasses or dead bodies lying around anywhere in the forest. All the animals know how to keep the forest clean. Nature knows how to maintain the forest so clean. Tribal people know how to keep cleanliness. It is only the so called civilized people; we use so much and we don’t recycle things as much as we should be doing. And we dump a lot of garbage, that too non-biodegradable waste. This is a matter of concern. We all should be concerned about it.
Q: How to stop nuclear waste? Currently, the whole ocean and slowly people are getting impacted due to the accident in Japan. How can we stop this?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You know our oceans are dumped with so much garbage, so much garbage that you can create another continent out of it. They say, off New York coast, the ocean is not an ocean but it is just a garbage dump. You can create an island, a big continent from it, that much waste is being dumped into the ocean. That is why recycling is so important today. We should be environmentally conscious. Ask everyone to use lesser and lesser plastics, and be kind to nature.
If you go to the tribal areas where native people live in Africa, Asia and South America, you will see how their villages are so clean. There is no garbage at all.
If you go in the forest, no animal dumps garbage. You can’t find carcasses or dead bodies lying around anywhere in the forest. All the animals know how to keep the forest clean. Nature knows how to maintain the forest so clean. Tribal people know how to keep cleanliness. It is only the so called civilized people; we use so much and we don’t recycle things as much as we should be doing. And we dump a lot of garbage, that too non-biodegradable waste. This is a matter of concern. We all should be concerned about it.
Guru One Liner of the day
Guru One Liner of the day
Q: Some dreams don’t come true in spite of putting efforts. What should one do?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You keep putting your effort. Perhaps you don’t succeed the first time or second time. Yet if your intention is strong, it will happen.
Q: Some dreams don’t come true in spite of putting efforts. What should one do?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You keep putting your effort. Perhaps you don’t succeed the first time or second time. Yet if your intention is strong, it will happen.
Wisdom Quote of the day
Wisdom Quote of the day
You need to make spiritual practices part of your life, like brushing your teeth. One day you don't brush your teeth, do you feel comfortable? You feel so awful, isn't it? Just like dental hygiene, this is mental hygiene! - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
You need to make spiritual practices part of your life, like brushing your teeth. One day you don't brush your teeth, do you feel comfortable? You feel so awful, isn't it? Just like dental hygiene, this is mental hygiene! - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
"Just open your eyes, shake your head, and look at what is happening in the world. It is amazing!" - @SriSri
"Just open your eyes, shake your head, and look at what is happening in the world. It is amazing!" - @SriSri
Knowledge Sheet
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Now is the Time to Act
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Behind every action, there is always a motivation to get a specific result. When you do every action with an eye on the end result or on any specific goal, the expectation of the result affects the process of your action. Put it another way, the means of achieving the end often becomes bigger than the end itself. But when you do some action as an expression of joy and are not bothered about the result, you will not be lost in the means. When you do some actions expecting joy out of them, it makes the action inferior. For example, you want to spread happiness, but if you are keen on finding out whether the other person has become happy or not, you get entangled in their vicious circle and you lose your happiness in the process. Or suppose, you want to take up a project, but you start it by worrying whether it will happen or not, then your whole enthusiasm for the project gets dampened.
The concern about the outcome of your action is what pulls you down and dampens your enthusiasm. So when you are aware of your potential, just jump into the action you want to do without bothering about the result.
When you are in doubt, any activity you do will bring more doubts. When you have a choice, the grass on the other side will look greener and this will prevent you from enjoying what you have in your hand. It will not allow you to focus on what is right now. So when you are bothered by a choice, just relax and understand that choices bring conflict and there is freedom in ‘choicelessness’.
So how to be centered when there is a doubt or conflict? In Narada Bhakti Sutras, Narada says, “Karmanyapi Sanyasyati” Take a break, not just from activity, but also from the fruit of the activity. You can take a break from the fruit of the action when you let go of the result and become totally centered in the action itself. It will bring deep rest from doubts and conflicts in the mind.
One who is not concerned about the outcome, is centered in the action itself and reposes in the Self, goes beyond the dualities, beyond conflicts.
This doesn’t mean that you should stop acting. Though one who is wise, who has attained knowledge, and experienced divine love, is beyond all actions yet he continues to engage himself in action. You can transcend only what you have gone through. You can let go only what you have. So to let go of the fruit of the action, you need to have the fruit and to have the fruit, you need to act! This is so beautiful.
Shri Krishna used the fruit of the action to motivate Arjuna to fight. He told Arjuna that if you die in the battle, you will attain heaven and if you win, you will rule the world. Jesus also did the same.
When you are bogged down with laziness, you need motivation to do something and the expected fruit of action acts as the motivating factor. But once you start acting, let go off the expected result. Just focus on the work on hand. So be active. Keep doing your work, and drop the fruit of action.All the fruit of action is there as the motivation for you to start acting. This is the way of the wise!
The concern about the outcome of your action is what pulls you down and dampens your enthusiasm. So when you are aware of your potential, just jump into the action you want to do without bothering about the result.
When you are in doubt, any activity you do will bring more doubts. When you have a choice, the grass on the other side will look greener and this will prevent you from enjoying what you have in your hand. It will not allow you to focus on what is right now. So when you are bothered by a choice, just relax and understand that choices bring conflict and there is freedom in ‘choicelessness’.
So how to be centered when there is a doubt or conflict? In Narada Bhakti Sutras, Narada says, “Karmanyapi Sanyasyati” Take a break, not just from activity, but also from the fruit of the activity. You can take a break from the fruit of the action when you let go of the result and become totally centered in the action itself. It will bring deep rest from doubts and conflicts in the mind.
One who is not concerned about the outcome, is centered in the action itself and reposes in the Self, goes beyond the dualities, beyond conflicts.
This doesn’t mean that you should stop acting. Though one who is wise, who has attained knowledge, and experienced divine love, is beyond all actions yet he continues to engage himself in action. You can transcend only what you have gone through. You can let go only what you have. So to let go of the fruit of the action, you need to have the fruit and to have the fruit, you need to act! This is so beautiful.
Shri Krishna used the fruit of the action to motivate Arjuna to fight. He told Arjuna that if you die in the battle, you will attain heaven and if you win, you will rule the world. Jesus also did the same.
When you are bogged down with laziness, you need motivation to do something and the expected fruit of action acts as the motivating factor. But once you start acting, let go off the expected result. Just focus on the work on hand. So be active. Keep doing your work, and drop the fruit of action.All the fruit of action is there as the motivation for you to start acting. This is the way of the wise!
Saturday, 30 August 2014
QnA with Sri Sri
QnA with Sri Sri
Q: Is it better for couples to come to the course together or each for him or herself?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Sometimes you come together, sometimes you come separately. Even if you come here together, sit in different corners and do your own meditation. Don’t watch each other and see what the other is doing. They are sitting and meditating and you are thinking, 'Is my wife here?'
It depends on you. Sometimes if both of you want to have your own space, that is your decision. And if you want to come together and enjoy it together, again your decision. Both are okay.
Q: Is it better for couples to come to the course together or each for him or herself?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Sometimes you come together, sometimes you come separately. Even if you come here together, sit in different corners and do your own meditation. Don’t watch each other and see what the other is doing. They are sitting and meditating and you are thinking, 'Is my wife here?'
It depends on you. Sometimes if both of you want to have your own space, that is your decision. And if you want to come together and enjoy it together, again your decision. Both are okay.
Guru One Liner of the day
Guru One Liner of the day
Q: Self-effort is required for enlightenment. But then you said effortlessness is the key. There is a paradox. So, what is the way?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Both. To get into your train, you need to put effort, you take your luggage and go to the right platform. But once you are on the train, you put your luggage aside and relax.
Q: Self-effort is required for enlightenment. But then you said effortlessness is the key. There is a paradox. So, what is the way?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Both. To get into your train, you need to put effort, you take your luggage and go to the right platform. But once you are on the train, you put your luggage aside and relax.
Knowledge Sheet
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
The Big Debate: Godman or Badman
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Spiritual gurus can marry if they want to.
In Hindu thought, the four ashramas are brahmacharya, grihasta, vanaprastha and sanyas. Though sanyas ashram comes last, there is a provision to allow mature people to go directly from brahmacharya ashram to sanyas ashram. The maturity comes from memory of past life and sadhana (mediation) in the present life.
Celibacy is more or less a happening than a vow. When ones prana rises up from the base chakra to higher chakras, the body becomes insignificant, hence the interest in sex is reduced to nothing.
Proponents of only three religions in the entire world — Hinduism, Buddhism and Catholics — practise celibacy as a religious vow. Among the three, Hinduism is much more liberal. There are swamis who are also grihastas (householders) like Ramakrishna Paramhans, Sriram Sharma of Gayatri Parivar and many others. So, spiritual leadership does not entirely lie only on sanyasis but also householders.
Though there have been cases where sanyasis got married and became householders, such decisions have not been appreciated by the society.
Sant Dnyandev’s father was a sanyasi who got married late in life. Society branded him an outcast. Dnyandev and his brothers and sister underwent a lot of hardships. Times have changed now and there is not as much stigma involved in such cases. Honesty, sincerity and simplicity are the fundamentals of a religion.
According to me, it will be difficult if you are not a yogi, to live in the world and still be a celibate. The pleasure one gets in deep meditation and samadhi is quantified as 1,000 times that of carnal pleasure. So naturally, the buddhas, the siddhas, sadgurus or sanyasis don’t feel the need for carnal pleasures.
In Hindu thought, the four ashramas are brahmacharya, grihasta, vanaprastha and sanyas. Though sanyas ashram comes last, there is a provision to allow mature people to go directly from brahmacharya ashram to sanyas ashram. The maturity comes from memory of past life and sadhana (mediation) in the present life.
Celibacy is more or less a happening than a vow. When ones prana rises up from the base chakra to higher chakras, the body becomes insignificant, hence the interest in sex is reduced to nothing.
Proponents of only three religions in the entire world — Hinduism, Buddhism and Catholics — practise celibacy as a religious vow. Among the three, Hinduism is much more liberal. There are swamis who are also grihastas (householders) like Ramakrishna Paramhans, Sriram Sharma of Gayatri Parivar and many others. So, spiritual leadership does not entirely lie only on sanyasis but also householders.
Though there have been cases where sanyasis got married and became householders, such decisions have not been appreciated by the society.
Sant Dnyandev’s father was a sanyasi who got married late in life. Society branded him an outcast. Dnyandev and his brothers and sister underwent a lot of hardships. Times have changed now and there is not as much stigma involved in such cases. Honesty, sincerity and simplicity are the fundamentals of a religion.
According to me, it will be difficult if you are not a yogi, to live in the world and still be a celibate. The pleasure one gets in deep meditation and samadhi is quantified as 1,000 times that of carnal pleasure. So naturally, the buddhas, the siddhas, sadgurus or sanyasis don’t feel the need for carnal pleasures.
Guru Punch of the day
Guru Punch of the day
Marriage is give and take, or compromise. You cannot say, 'I want it this way only', no! You have to let go of your wishes and desires and listen to what the other person wants. You have to compromise somewhere in between. If there is no compromise, then there are arguments. When there are arguments, then the fight happens. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Marriage is give and take, or compromise. You cannot say, 'I want it this way only', no! You have to let go of your wishes and desires and listen to what the other person wants. You have to compromise somewhere in between. If there is no compromise, then there are arguments. When there are arguments, then the fight happens. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Friday, 29 August 2014
QnA with Sri Sri
QnA with Sri Sri
Q: What to do when suddenly one experiences a state of emptiness? What to do when all meanings fade away? Please bless me!
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, bless you! All these feelings and emotions come and go. Sometimes you feel so dry like everything has disappeared. All your good feelings: love, dedication suddenly go away; but suddenly they appear too. So these are just passing phases in life, just keep moving on.
Q: What to do when suddenly one experiences a state of emptiness? What to do when all meanings fade away? Please bless me!
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, bless you! All these feelings and emotions come and go. Sometimes you feel so dry like everything has disappeared. All your good feelings: love, dedication suddenly go away; but suddenly they appear too. So these are just passing phases in life, just keep moving on.
Guru One Liner of the day
Guru One Liner of the day
Q: I keep on asking the Divine for something or the other all the time. I don’t like this sometimes.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When you get something after asking, your faith gets developed. And then even without asking you get what you need.
Q: I keep on asking the Divine for something or the other all the time. I don’t like this sometimes.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When you get something after asking, your faith gets developed. And then even without asking you get what you need.
Wisdom Quote of the day
Wisdom Quote of the day
Being in touch with knowledge is very essential. You know, while you are driving, listen to some knowledge. Or just before going to bed, listen to some knowledge and go to bed. If you do these things, it uplifts your spirit. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Being in touch with knowledge is very essential. You know, while you are driving, listen to some knowledge. Or just before going to bed, listen to some knowledge and go to bed. If you do these things, it uplifts your spirit. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
LIVE WEBCAST 30 August at 6 pm IST
Jaigurudev Dear Ones
There is an live webcast on 30 August at 6 pm IST on A Special Address by Sri Sri on Success and Happiness at BIMTECH, Delhi
Link to watch:
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
The Symbolism of Ganesh Chaturthi
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Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated on the day on which Lord Ganesha is believed to bestow his presence on earth for all his devotees. Ganesha, the elephant-headed son of Shiva and Parvati, is worshipped as the supreme god of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune. Though it is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Ganesha, the symbolism behind the festival is much deeper.
The essence of Ganeshji is brought out beautifully by Adi Shankara. Though Ganeshji is worshiped as the the elephant-headed God, the form (swaroop) is just to bring out its parabrahma roopa. Ganeshji is described as Ajam Nirvikalpam Niraakaaramekam. This means that Ganeshji is never born.
He is Ajam (unborn), he is Niraakaar (formless) and he is Nirvikalpa (attributeless). Ganeshji symbolises the consciousness which is omnipresent. Ganeshji is the same energy which is the reason for this universe, from which everything is manifested and it's the same energy in which the whole world will be dissolved. Ganeshji is not somewhere outside of us, but the very centre of our life. But this is very subtle knowledge. Not everybody can perceive the formless without the form. Our ancient Rishis and Munis knew this; so they created the form for the benefit and understanding of people at all levels. Those who can't experience of the formless, over a period of sustained experience of manifested form reach the formless Brahman.
So in reality, Ganeshji is formless; yet there is a form to which Adi Shankara prayed and that form carries the message of the formlesness of Ganeshji. Thus, the form serves as the starting point and gradually the formless consciousness begins to manifest. Ganesh Chaturthi marks a unique art of reaching formless Paramatma called Lord Ganesh by repeated worship of the manifest form of Ganesha. Even the Ganesh Stotram, the prayers recited in the praise of Ganeshji, conveys the same. We pray to Ganeshji in our consciousness to come out and sit in the idol for us for a while so that we can play with him. And after the puja, we again pray asking him to go back to where he comes from; that's our consciousness. While he is in the idol, we offer back whatever God has given us through the puja of the idol.
The ritual of immersing (visaran) the idols after few days of worship reinforces the understanding that God is not in the idol, it's inside us. So experiencing the omnipresent in the form and deriving joy out of the form is the essence of the Ganesha Chaturthi festival. In a way such organised festivity and worships lead to an upsurge in enthusiasm and devotion.
Ganeshji is the lord of all the good qualities in us. So when we worship him, all the good qualities will blossom in us. He is also the lord of knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge dawns only when we become aware of the Self. When there is inertia, there is no knowledge, no wisdom, nor is there any liveliness (Chaitanya) or progress in life. So the consciousness has to be awakened and the presiding diety of consciousness is Ganeshji. That's why before every puja, the Lord Ganesha is worshiped to awaken the consciousness.
Therefore, install the idol, worship it with infinite love, meditate and experience Lord Ganesha from within. This is the symbolic essence of Ganesh Chaturti festival, to awaken the Ganesha tatva which is masked inside us.
The essence of Ganeshji is brought out beautifully by Adi Shankara. Though Ganeshji is worshiped as the the elephant-headed God, the form (swaroop) is just to bring out its parabrahma roopa. Ganeshji is described as Ajam Nirvikalpam Niraakaaramekam. This means that Ganeshji is never born.
He is Ajam (unborn), he is Niraakaar (formless) and he is Nirvikalpa (attributeless). Ganeshji symbolises the consciousness which is omnipresent. Ganeshji is the same energy which is the reason for this universe, from which everything is manifested and it's the same energy in which the whole world will be dissolved. Ganeshji is not somewhere outside of us, but the very centre of our life. But this is very subtle knowledge. Not everybody can perceive the formless without the form. Our ancient Rishis and Munis knew this; so they created the form for the benefit and understanding of people at all levels. Those who can't experience of the formless, over a period of sustained experience of manifested form reach the formless Brahman.
So in reality, Ganeshji is formless; yet there is a form to which Adi Shankara prayed and that form carries the message of the formlesness of Ganeshji. Thus, the form serves as the starting point and gradually the formless consciousness begins to manifest. Ganesh Chaturthi marks a unique art of reaching formless Paramatma called Lord Ganesh by repeated worship of the manifest form of Ganesha. Even the Ganesh Stotram, the prayers recited in the praise of Ganeshji, conveys the same. We pray to Ganeshji in our consciousness to come out and sit in the idol for us for a while so that we can play with him. And after the puja, we again pray asking him to go back to where he comes from; that's our consciousness. While he is in the idol, we offer back whatever God has given us through the puja of the idol.
The ritual of immersing (visaran) the idols after few days of worship reinforces the understanding that God is not in the idol, it's inside us. So experiencing the omnipresent in the form and deriving joy out of the form is the essence of the Ganesha Chaturthi festival. In a way such organised festivity and worships lead to an upsurge in enthusiasm and devotion.
Ganeshji is the lord of all the good qualities in us. So when we worship him, all the good qualities will blossom in us. He is also the lord of knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge dawns only when we become aware of the Self. When there is inertia, there is no knowledge, no wisdom, nor is there any liveliness (Chaitanya) or progress in life. So the consciousness has to be awakened and the presiding diety of consciousness is Ganeshji. That's why before every puja, the Lord Ganesha is worshiped to awaken the consciousness.
Therefore, install the idol, worship it with infinite love, meditate and experience Lord Ganesha from within. This is the symbolic essence of Ganesh Chaturti festival, to awaken the Ganesha tatva which is masked inside us.
Guru Punch of the day
Guru Punch of the day
Install the idol, worship it with infinite love, meditate and experience Lord Ganesha from within. This is the symbolic essence of Ganesh Chaturti festival, to awaken the Ganesha tatva which is masked inside us. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Install the idol, worship it with infinite love, meditate and experience Lord Ganesha from within. This is the symbolic essence of Ganesh Chaturti festival, to awaken the Ganesha tatva which is masked inside us. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Ganesh Chaturthi celebration at @BangaloreAshram in presence of @SriSri!
Wishing you all a Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!
QnA with Sri Sri
QnA with Sri Sri
Q: I’m confused as to why in the Vedic books there is mantra for success in gambling when Lord Krishna forbids gambling in the Bhagavad Gita?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The ancient thought was that a king should know everything, even how to steal. So a prince, before he becomes a king, he was trained how to become a thief and steal, so that tomorrow when he becomes a king he understands a thief also.
So all this good, bad, all types of knowledge is present in the Vedas. It is so that people understand everything and everybody. To understand criminals you have to know their psychology and that is what they have said about. It’s not that you should do it or practise it.
Q: I’m confused as to why in the Vedic books there is mantra for success in gambling when Lord Krishna forbids gambling in the Bhagavad Gita?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The ancient thought was that a king should know everything, even how to steal. So a prince, before he becomes a king, he was trained how to become a thief and steal, so that tomorrow when he becomes a king he understands a thief also.
So all this good, bad, all types of knowledge is present in the Vedas. It is so that people understand everything and everybody. To understand criminals you have to know their psychology and that is what they have said about. It’s not that you should do it or practise it.
Guru One Liner of the day
Guru One Liner of the day
What is the secret of your energy?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: That is what I am sharing with everybody! Your connection with the Self, your connection with the source of energy. You are always connected with it, and that’s it.
What is the secret of your energy?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: That is what I am sharing with everybody! Your connection with the Self, your connection with the source of energy. You are always connected with it, and that’s it.
@SriSri arrives for #satsang at @BangaloreAshram!
Join us via LIVE Webcast:
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Facing the World Takes Faith
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Mankind is passing through difficult times. With rising stress levels, terror attacks, environmental pollution, there are dangers lurking in every corner.
When times get difficult, we need to renew our faith. It’s faith that pulls one through difficult times. It brings out the hidden courage and potential in more ways than one.
Another thing you need to have in order to sail through difficult times is a calm mind. When the mind is calm and you are centred, it’s much easier to face any situation. For this, you need to train the mind a little to live in the present moment and drop the stress. This can be done by attending to your breath.
Combine the inner calm with your faith, and then you have a formula to face any situation. Having faith is to realise that God’s protection is there for you. This much faith is enough to move ahead in life. During the time of reaping the harvest, the farmer holds a broad sieve and puts all the grains into it and stands on an elevated platform and shakes the sieve. If it is mere husk, it just flies away in the air and is lost.
If grain is present, then it falls to the ground and stays. If your faith shakes very quickly, then you are akin to being like the husk.
If your faith shakes quickly when difficulty strikes, you will not be able to face it with your smile intact. If you have faith, you will be able to find ground. And when you have faith that everything will be all right, everything will settle down.
When times get difficult, we need to renew our faith. It’s faith that pulls one through difficult times. It brings out the hidden courage and potential in more ways than one.
Another thing you need to have in order to sail through difficult times is a calm mind. When the mind is calm and you are centred, it’s much easier to face any situation. For this, you need to train the mind a little to live in the present moment and drop the stress. This can be done by attending to your breath.
Combine the inner calm with your faith, and then you have a formula to face any situation. Having faith is to realise that God’s protection is there for you. This much faith is enough to move ahead in life. During the time of reaping the harvest, the farmer holds a broad sieve and puts all the grains into it and stands on an elevated platform and shakes the sieve. If it is mere husk, it just flies away in the air and is lost.
If grain is present, then it falls to the ground and stays. If your faith shakes very quickly, then you are akin to being like the husk.
If your faith shakes quickly when difficulty strikes, you will not be able to face it with your smile intact. If you have faith, you will be able to find ground. And when you have faith that everything will be all right, everything will settle down.
If you understand God as energy, as love, as a presence, as a being, as sum of the whole creation,…
A public address by @SriSri on Success & Happiness, 30th Aug. 6 PM IST!
Join us LIVE -
Are you all reading the synopsis of #ShivaSutras?
It's available on ! Enjoy!
Guru Punch of the day
Guru Punch of the day
When you are on the path of meditation, when you go deep, what happens is your words gain so much power, and if you tell someone, 'You are a dirty goose', they really become one because your words have power. If you say, 'You are so generous', they become generous. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
When you are on the path of meditation, when you go deep, what happens is your words gain so much power, and if you tell someone, 'You are a dirty goose', they really become one because your words have power. If you say, 'You are so generous', they become generous. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
QnA with Sri Sri
QnA with Sri Sri
Q: I am in silence so I can’t speak but I wish to scream at some people on this course. They are so rude and think only about themselves. Shouldn’t spiritual people be more considerate?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, you are right. I keep them here so that they cause less problems in the world. Just imagine even after having come to the spiritual field if they are rude, how would they have been in their previous incarnation without the spiritual knowledge.
You don’t get disturbed by them. We are not a homogenous group here, not everybody is same. We are all different types of people here. Among the 500 people that are here there may be only three or four very irritating people. Thankfully they are only a minority. You don’t see everybody behaving that way, otherwise we would have a war here. There are some very good people here with a lot of patience as well. So put your attention on the good people, on the good natured decent people who have courtesy.
I am also at a loss with these people. I’m also thinking how to educate them. Maybe they are slow learners. Let’s hope one day they learn. Just remember there are all different types of people. We are literally in a zoo because the world is like that; it is like a zoo.
Q: I am in silence so I can’t speak but I wish to scream at some people on this course. They are so rude and think only about themselves. Shouldn’t spiritual people be more considerate?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, you are right. I keep them here so that they cause less problems in the world. Just imagine even after having come to the spiritual field if they are rude, how would they have been in their previous incarnation without the spiritual knowledge.
You don’t get disturbed by them. We are not a homogenous group here, not everybody is same. We are all different types of people here. Among the 500 people that are here there may be only three or four very irritating people. Thankfully they are only a minority. You don’t see everybody behaving that way, otherwise we would have a war here. There are some very good people here with a lot of patience as well. So put your attention on the good people, on the good natured decent people who have courtesy.
I am also at a loss with these people. I’m also thinking how to educate them. Maybe they are slow learners. Let’s hope one day they learn. Just remember there are all different types of people. We are literally in a zoo because the world is like that; it is like a zoo.
Guru One Liner of the day
Guru One Liner of the day
Q: What to do when suddenly one experiences a state of emptiness? What to do when all meanings fade away? Please bless me!
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, bless you! All these feelings and emotions come and go. Sometimes you feel so dry like everything has disappeared. All your good feelings: love, dedication suddenly go away; but suddenly they appear too. So these are just passing phases in life, just keep moving on.
Q: What to do when suddenly one experiences a state of emptiness? What to do when all meanings fade away? Please bless me!
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, bless you! All these feelings and emotions come and go. Sometimes you feel so dry like everything has disappeared. All your good feelings: love, dedication suddenly go away; but suddenly they appear too. So these are just passing phases in life, just keep moving on.
Wisdom Quote of the day
Wisdom Quote of the day
People who are ambitious, who work hard and make money, don’t forget to brush their teeth or eat their food, isn't it. However busy they are earning money, they take time to enjoy their food. Like that, spirituality is food for soul, so do it also. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
People who are ambitious, who work hard and make money, don’t forget to brush their teeth or eat their food, isn't it. However busy they are earning money, they take time to enjoy their food. Like that, spirituality is food for soul, so do it also. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Knowledge Sheet
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Your Home is Where you Can be at Peace
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What is home? Home is a place where you are at rest, you feel comfortable. For me, the entire world is my home. Wherever I go, I feel the same belongingness with the people. I want every home to be like an ashram. Ashram means where there is no shram (effort); where all the efforts of the mind, heart and body drop. All the fears, insecurities, stress, everything drops and you experience deep rest. Every home should be like an ashram. People dream of beautiful homes. They spend so much time, money and energy decorating and designing their houses; or they keep changing homes. Yet they are not at rest. You can be at rest only when you are comfortable within yourself. The first step is to relax and the last step is to relax as well! The most relaxing or comfortable place is right within you. Repose in that peaceful, cool, calm, serene depth of your being — this is immensely valuable and precious. When you are unhappy or tired, even sweet things are nauseating, music is disturbing, and the moon is irritating. When you are calm and centred, clouds are magical, rain is liquid sunshine and even noise is music. So it is important to take proper rest. But when can you rest? Rest is possible only when you have stopped all other activities. When the mind settles down, it has come back home. That is when one gets deep rest and this happens in meditation.
Guru Punch of the day
Guru Punch of the day
You have to invoke the greatness in a person, and that happens through praising. Praising is a divine quality. Don't think praising is only boosting someone's ego. Praising is bringing up the good qualities of a person. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
QnA with Sri Sri
QnA with Sri Sri
Q: I find that very often people take advantage of me. For a while it seems okay, but then it makes me angry that they are just walking all over me. Where do I draw the line? If I resist I often feel guilty that I’m being selfish. How can I differentiate between self respect and ego?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Now you are mixing up too many things up.
First of all, you should know when a person is taking advantage of you and when you have to be compassionate. This is like asking me how to balance a bicycle. Just balance! I can’t say if you fall to the right, push over to the left! No, balance like how you would ride a bicycle. If people are taking advantage of you, put your foot down and say no more. Where you need to help, there you help them. It’s not self respect issues all the time, but you should not be vulnerable to people taking advantage of you as well.
If someone is in need of help it’s okay to help, but someone is unduly asking help from you all the time then you should say 'No, it won’t work'. Our compassion should always be accompanied by wisdom. I was in the California Bay Area recently.
Our AOL volunteers came there very enthusiastically to tell me that they fed thousands of homeless people and that they wanted to do it on a regular basis. I refused and I asked them to stop. They were shocked because they thought I would be pleased listening to the service they had done. I said, 'No, I appreciate you did it this once but no more. Look at those people, they are not old or invalid people. These are strong men and women who can work and earn their bread. If you keep giving them food like that, while they are sitting on the roadside or in the homeless shelter, they will keep on eating and enjoying and they won’t do anything. You are spoiling them'. So I said no, this is not compassion but misled compassion. Compassion would be to instead teach them bhastrika (a breathing technique taught in Art of Living programs) and do some skills training for them.
Labour is not available these days; there is lack of drivers, construction workers, and many other areas. People should do some hard work. If they are invalid or very aged then definitely they need to be helped, but not someone who is in their youth and quite strong. Otherwise we are cultivating a wrong culture.
Compassion should always be accompanied with wisdom. Wisdom is knowing whom to give, where to give, what to give, how to give.
Q: I find that very often people take advantage of me. For a while it seems okay, but then it makes me angry that they are just walking all over me. Where do I draw the line? If I resist I often feel guilty that I’m being selfish. How can I differentiate between self respect and ego?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Now you are mixing up too many things up.
First of all, you should know when a person is taking advantage of you and when you have to be compassionate. This is like asking me how to balance a bicycle. Just balance! I can’t say if you fall to the right, push over to the left! No, balance like how you would ride a bicycle. If people are taking advantage of you, put your foot down and say no more. Where you need to help, there you help them. It’s not self respect issues all the time, but you should not be vulnerable to people taking advantage of you as well.
If someone is in need of help it’s okay to help, but someone is unduly asking help from you all the time then you should say 'No, it won’t work'. Our compassion should always be accompanied by wisdom. I was in the California Bay Area recently.
Our AOL volunteers came there very enthusiastically to tell me that they fed thousands of homeless people and that they wanted to do it on a regular basis. I refused and I asked them to stop. They were shocked because they thought I would be pleased listening to the service they had done. I said, 'No, I appreciate you did it this once but no more. Look at those people, they are not old or invalid people. These are strong men and women who can work and earn their bread. If you keep giving them food like that, while they are sitting on the roadside or in the homeless shelter, they will keep on eating and enjoying and they won’t do anything. You are spoiling them'. So I said no, this is not compassion but misled compassion. Compassion would be to instead teach them bhastrika (a breathing technique taught in Art of Living programs) and do some skills training for them.
Labour is not available these days; there is lack of drivers, construction workers, and many other areas. People should do some hard work. If they are invalid or very aged then definitely they need to be helped, but not someone who is in their youth and quite strong. Otherwise we are cultivating a wrong culture.
Compassion should always be accompanied with wisdom. Wisdom is knowing whom to give, where to give, what to give, how to give.
Guru One Liner of the day
Guru One Liner of the day
Q: When you experience that all is dissolving including this body, how to be enthusiastic about pursuing that which is temporary?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You know what, that is when you get the enthusiasm. Because everything is changing you get into the space of 'hey, there is something that is not changing and that something which is not changing, loves all that is changing and it plays around'.
Q: When you experience that all is dissolving including this body, how to be enthusiastic about pursuing that which is temporary?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You know what, that is when you get the enthusiasm. Because everything is changing you get into the space of 'hey, there is something that is not changing and that something which is not changing, loves all that is changing and it plays around'.
Knowledge Sheet
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Spirituality in our Everyday Life
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The twenty first century belongs to spirituality. But what is spirituality?
All that you do to nurture and enhance the spirit is spirituality. Spirit is joy. Spirit is love. Spirit is enthusiasm.
Look at what spirituality brings to our lives and to society. The spiritual dimension dissolves the boundaries of caste, creed and religion and gives one a broader awareness — that life is present everywhere. Spirituality brings a great sense of belongingness, responsibility, compassion and caring for the whole world. We have allowed our world to be driven by hatred and greed for too long; now, in this century, is the opportunity to drive this world by love and peace. Through spirituality, life attains its richest form. Without it, life becomes very shallow and we become unhappy, dependent and depressed.
The natural law of something is called dharma. It is the dharma of spirit to support and sustain life. Spirituality makes us strong. If we do anything — either for our own welfare or society or the world — without considering the spiritual dimension of life, it is not going to work.
One aspect of spiritual life is a sense of sacredness. When we have a deep sense of gratitude, combined with regard and respect for everything that comes to us in life, it brings about a sense of sacredness. And sacredness brings alertness in the consciousness.
Spiritual practice is getting in touch with the spirit that you are. Honouring life is spirituality. Corruption is nothing but a lack of sense of belongingness. Spirituality can help here too. Spirituality creates a sense of universality.
All that you do to nurture and enhance the spirit is spirituality. Spirit is joy. Spirit is love. Spirit is enthusiasm.
Look at what spirituality brings to our lives and to society. The spiritual dimension dissolves the boundaries of caste, creed and religion and gives one a broader awareness — that life is present everywhere. Spirituality brings a great sense of belongingness, responsibility, compassion and caring for the whole world. We have allowed our world to be driven by hatred and greed for too long; now, in this century, is the opportunity to drive this world by love and peace. Through spirituality, life attains its richest form. Without it, life becomes very shallow and we become unhappy, dependent and depressed.
The natural law of something is called dharma. It is the dharma of spirit to support and sustain life. Spirituality makes us strong. If we do anything — either for our own welfare or society or the world — without considering the spiritual dimension of life, it is not going to work.
One aspect of spiritual life is a sense of sacredness. When we have a deep sense of gratitude, combined with regard and respect for everything that comes to us in life, it brings about a sense of sacredness. And sacredness brings alertness in the consciousness.
Spiritual practice is getting in touch with the spirit that you are. Honouring life is spirituality. Corruption is nothing but a lack of sense of belongingness. Spirituality can help here too. Spirituality creates a sense of universality.
Guru Punch of the day
Guru Punch of the day
If you understand God as energy, as love, as a presence, as a being, as sum of the whole creation, then there can be no atheist left on this planet. This is a scientific way of seeing what God is. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
If you understand God as energy, as love, as a presence, as a being, as sum of the whole creation, then there can be no atheist left on this planet. This is a scientific way of seeing what God is. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Monday, 25 August 2014
You have to invoke the greatness in a person, and that happens through praising. Praising is a divine…
QnA with Sri Sri
QnA with Sri Sri
Q: What is faith?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: That which withstands all doubts is faith. Your doubt is always about something that is POSITIVE. You doubt the honesty of somebody, you never doubt the dishonesty of someone. You doubt the love of somebody, not the hate of anyone. You doubt your happiness, you never doubt your depression. Has anybody ever doubted their depression? Have you ever said, 'Wait, let me see, am I depressed or not'. You are so sure of depression! This is the nature of doubt. And faith is that something which even doubt cannot overshadow.
Once a journalist asked me, 'Don’t beat around the bush, I want to ask a direct question. Are you enlightened?' I just looked at him and smiled. If I say 'Yes' I have to prove it, so why take the headache of proving it. So I said 'No'. He said, 'You are kidding. I want a serious answer'. I said, 'When I say no, it is finished, no more conversation', yet he kept on insisting. I then said, 'Ask your heart. Is your heart telling you that I am not telling the truth?' He said, 'Yes'. 'So, what is that something inside you that is telling you this? Listen to that voice. Why do you ask me?'
Q: What is faith?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: That which withstands all doubts is faith. Your doubt is always about something that is POSITIVE. You doubt the honesty of somebody, you never doubt the dishonesty of someone. You doubt the love of somebody, not the hate of anyone. You doubt your happiness, you never doubt your depression. Has anybody ever doubted their depression? Have you ever said, 'Wait, let me see, am I depressed or not'. You are so sure of depression! This is the nature of doubt. And faith is that something which even doubt cannot overshadow.
Once a journalist asked me, 'Don’t beat around the bush, I want to ask a direct question. Are you enlightened?' I just looked at him and smiled. If I say 'Yes' I have to prove it, so why take the headache of proving it. So I said 'No'. He said, 'You are kidding. I want a serious answer'. I said, 'When I say no, it is finished, no more conversation', yet he kept on insisting. I then said, 'Ask your heart. Is your heart telling you that I am not telling the truth?' He said, 'Yes'. 'So, what is that something inside you that is telling you this? Listen to that voice. Why do you ask me?'
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