Wisdom Quote of the day http://srisriravishankarquotes.artoflivinguniverse.org/2015/01/wisdom-quote-of-day_1.html
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
QnA with Sri Sri
Q: What is your message for New Year.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Every year, we begin the New Year wishing others happiness and prosperity. What is the sign of prosperity? The sign of prosperity is freedom, a smile and the willingness to share with people around you, without fear. The sign of prosperity is the trust and confidence that you will get whatever is needed in life.
Welcome the New Year with a smile from within. As we flip the calendar, we need to keep flipping our mind as well. Often, our diaries are full with memories. See that you don’t fill your future dates with past events. Learn and unlearn from the past, and move on. You want to be free from greed, hatred, jealousy and all such imperfections. Forgive the past. This new year make up with someone with whom you are not on good terms. Commit yourself to dropping the past and starting a fresh life.
When the New Year arrives wish everyone with a sankalpa (intention) for peace and prosperity for all the people on the planet. With the economic meltdown, looming terrorism, with floods and famine around, do more selfless service. Realize that our foremost priority is to check violence in the world, to free the world from domestic and societal violence. Make a resolution to do more good to society, help the people who are in need and bring solace to those who are suffering. Take responsibility for the nation.
The spiritual dimension of life brings a great sense of belongingness, responsibility, compassion and caring for the whole world, for the whole humanity. The spiritual dimension, in the truest form, smashes the narrow boundaries of caste, creed, religion and nationality and gives one a broader awareness of life present everywhere.
This year, let your devotion flower. Give it a chance to work. We should experience the divine’s presence, the divine’s light around us. You should have a desire in your mind to experience this. When you sing or pray there should be total involvement. If the mind is preoccupied elsewhere then that is no prayer at all.
You are like a free bird. You are fully open. Feel that you are flying like a bird. Learn to fly. This is something which you have to experience within yourself. There is nothing else. If you consider yourself as bonded, you will remain bound here. Be free. When will you experience freedom? Become free right now. Sit down and become content. Spend some time in meditation and satsang so that your inner self becomes strong enough to deal with the challenges.
When the mind relaxes, the intellect becomes sharp. When the mind is loaded with small things such as ambition, feverishness and desire, then the intellect loses its keenness. And when the intellect and observation are not sharp, life does not express itself fully, ideas don’t flow and abilities diminish day by day. With this understanding, step out of your little mind and that step will solve many problems in your life. Be natural. Be with love. Involve yourself in service. Celebrate your life.
Q: What is your message for New Year.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Every year, we begin the New Year wishing others happiness and prosperity. What is the sign of prosperity? The sign of prosperity is freedom, a smile and the willingness to share with people around you, without fear. The sign of prosperity is the trust and confidence that you will get whatever is needed in life.
Welcome the New Year with a smile from within. As we flip the calendar, we need to keep flipping our mind as well. Often, our diaries are full with memories. See that you don’t fill your future dates with past events. Learn and unlearn from the past, and move on. You want to be free from greed, hatred, jealousy and all such imperfections. Forgive the past. This new year make up with someone with whom you are not on good terms. Commit yourself to dropping the past and starting a fresh life.
When the New Year arrives wish everyone with a sankalpa (intention) for peace and prosperity for all the people on the planet. With the economic meltdown, looming terrorism, with floods and famine around, do more selfless service. Realize that our foremost priority is to check violence in the world, to free the world from domestic and societal violence. Make a resolution to do more good to society, help the people who are in need and bring solace to those who are suffering. Take responsibility for the nation.
The spiritual dimension of life brings a great sense of belongingness, responsibility, compassion and caring for the whole world, for the whole humanity. The spiritual dimension, in the truest form, smashes the narrow boundaries of caste, creed, religion and nationality and gives one a broader awareness of life present everywhere.
This year, let your devotion flower. Give it a chance to work. We should experience the divine’s presence, the divine’s light around us. You should have a desire in your mind to experience this. When you sing or pray there should be total involvement. If the mind is preoccupied elsewhere then that is no prayer at all.
You are like a free bird. You are fully open. Feel that you are flying like a bird. Learn to fly. This is something which you have to experience within yourself. There is nothing else. If you consider yourself as bonded, you will remain bound here. Be free. When will you experience freedom? Become free right now. Sit down and become content. Spend some time in meditation and satsang so that your inner self becomes strong enough to deal with the challenges.
When the mind relaxes, the intellect becomes sharp. When the mind is loaded with small things such as ambition, feverishness and desire, then the intellect loses its keenness. And when the intellect and observation are not sharp, life does not express itself fully, ideas don’t flow and abilities diminish day by day. With this understanding, step out of your little mind and that step will solve many problems in your life. Be natural. Be with love. Involve yourself in service. Celebrate your life.
Guru One Liner of the day
Q: What is your message for New Year?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When the New Year arrives wish everyone with a sankalpa (intention) for peace and prosperity for all the people on the planet. Be natural. Be with love. Involve yourself in service. Celebrate your life.
Q: What is your message for New Year?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When the New Year arrives wish everyone with a sankalpa (intention) for peace and prosperity for all the people on the planet. Be natural. Be with love. Involve yourself in service. Celebrate your life.
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Seven Levels of Existence
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There are seven levels of existence: the (physical) body, the breath, the mind, the intellect, the memory, the ego and the self.
Is your mind here at this moment? Are you all here? Are you listening attentively to what I am saying? Or is your mind wandering somewhere else?
Your mind must be present here, right now. The faculty that helps you hear, see, taste, smell and touch is the mind. Then comes the Intellect.
The intellect is the faculty that helps us decide whether something we hear is nice or not; whether something we taste is to our liking or not.
Then come the memory or Chitta. It is that faculty that helps us remember all that we perceive and understand through our senses and the intellect. Events leave their impressions on the Chitta.
Then comes the ego, and finally the soul or the self. If we gain a little deeper understanding of these seven faculties of our existence, then it can bring about a great transformation in our lives. And this is what The Art of Living is all about. When you gain this knowledge about the levels of your existence, then you start blossoming with joy from within.
Is your mind here at this moment? Are you all here? Are you listening attentively to what I am saying? Or is your mind wandering somewhere else?
Your mind must be present here, right now. The faculty that helps you hear, see, taste, smell and touch is the mind. Then comes the Intellect.
The intellect is the faculty that helps us decide whether something we hear is nice or not; whether something we taste is to our liking or not.
Then come the memory or Chitta. It is that faculty that helps us remember all that we perceive and understand through our senses and the intellect. Events leave their impressions on the Chitta.
Then comes the ego, and finally the soul or the self. If we gain a little deeper understanding of these seven faculties of our existence, then it can bring about a great transformation in our lives. And this is what The Art of Living is all about. When you gain this knowledge about the levels of your existence, then you start blossoming with joy from within.
Guru Punch of the day
In life, each one of us becomes a Guru for someone or the other. What does being a Guru mean? A Guru desires nothing from you except your well-being and progress on the path. That is the Guru Tattva. You will surely have to play the role of a Guru in someone’s life. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
In life, each one of us becomes a Guru for someone or the other. What does being a Guru mean? A Guru desires nothing from you except your well-being and progress on the path. That is the Guru Tattva. You will surely have to play the role of a Guru in someone’s life. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Inviting all join the New Year Celebrations with @SriSri via webcast | 1 Jan, 12:30 AM IST http://www.artofliving.org/webcast
Inviting all join the New Year Celebrations with @SriSri via webcast | 1 Jan, 12:30 AM IST http://www.artofliving.org/webcast
Inviting all join the New Year Celebrations with @SriSri via webcast | 1 Jan, 12:30 AM IST http://www.artofliving.org/webcast
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
The Role of a Guru
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When you meditate more, you will realize that the Guru is a Tattva, the Guru is a light that is ever glowing and eternal. The Guru is not the (physical) body. The Guru is the Divine light that resides within the body; the Guru is love.
Whatever you have received from your Guru, you must share it with others. In life, each one of us becomes a Guru for someone or the other. What does being a Guru mean? A Guru desires nothing from you except your well-being and progress on the path. That is the Guru Tattva. You will surely have to play the role of a Guru in someone’s life.
Whatever you have received from your Guru, you must share it with others. In life, each one of us becomes a Guru for someone or the other. What does being a Guru mean? A Guru desires nothing from you except your well-being and progress on the path. That is the Guru Tattva. You will surely have to play the role of a Guru in someone’s life.
QnA with Sri Sri
Q: I start to do a lot of things, but I don’t get to complete. Can you tell me a way how can I improve the situation?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If you want to do, you can do anything. It has to come from within. With the determination, ‘I will do this job, and I will see to it that it gets completed’. This commitment from within will help you, and get you through. Got it? Nobody can do the job other than you.
So, take up with small things and follow it through, and then you will get the confidence. That prepares you to take up big tasks. You know, why do you drop things? Because you think they are not important. But there is nothing important or unimportant in life, everything has importance. So, even if something looks unimportant, you say, “I want to finish it, and I will finish it”. Then you will be able to enhance your commitment.
Q: I start to do a lot of things, but I don’t get to complete. Can you tell me a way how can I improve the situation?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If you want to do, you can do anything. It has to come from within. With the determination, ‘I will do this job, and I will see to it that it gets completed’. This commitment from within will help you, and get you through. Got it? Nobody can do the job other than you.
So, take up with small things and follow it through, and then you will get the confidence. That prepares you to take up big tasks. You know, why do you drop things? Because you think they are not important. But there is nothing important or unimportant in life, everything has importance. So, even if something looks unimportant, you say, “I want to finish it, and I will finish it”. Then you will be able to enhance your commitment.
#VenuNaad in presence of@SriSri in Nashik! A historical performance of 4000 Indian Flautists! http://aolu.co/VenuNaad
Monday, 29 December 2014
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
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Reincarnation definitely exists. Just know this for sure. In Physics it is said that matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. The mind and the soul are pure energy, and they manifest again and again in different ways.
I have been here many times earlier and you too have been here in earlier lifetimes as well. The difference is that I know this while you are still unaware about it. That’s all. If you meditate more often, you too will have the same experience.
I have been here many times earlier and you too have been here in earlier lifetimes as well. The difference is that I know this while you are still unaware about it. That’s all. If you meditate more often, you too will have the same experience.
Guru One Liner of the day
Q: Is it bad karma to lie to my father when I come here to do a course?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If it is going to happen again and again, then it is better to talk to them. No father will refuse if things are explained properly.
Q: Is it bad karma to lie to my father when I come here to do a course?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If it is going to happen again and again, then it is better to talk to them. No father will refuse if things are explained properly.
QnA with Sri Sri
Q: The mind gets disturbed on listening to the wrong deeds being performed by saints and religious leaders. Please guide us how to handle this.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: See, there are thousands of saints and religious leaders in the country. Out of this, if two or three are found to commit wrong deeds, or if they get stuck in wrong thinking, then one should not let their own mind get troubled and become negative because of that. Whoever does something wrong will surely have to repent and pay for it. That is his Karma and he has no choice. But you should not let yourself get stuck in these things. Just take whatever good knowledge and guidance you get from anywhere or anyone.
If someone whom you regarded as a saint does something wrong and falls from such a revered position, then you should feel sympathy and compassion for them. You should not feel hatred for them, because what they did was out of ignorance and wrong knowledge. Just move on ahead.
See, Ravana (the demon king of Lanka in Ramayana) also disguised himself as an elderly sage to abduct Devi Sita, isn’t it so? So there must be some people having such a kind of thinking even today. What can one do? If Ravana had not disguised himself as saint then we would not have had the Ramayana today.
See, there are some miscreants in every sphere of society. These few wrongdoers bring dishonour to the entire field because of their wrong deeds. There were a few doctors reported in the news who were stealing kidneys from the patients they operated on and were making a fortune by doing so. But does this mean that you keep thinking about this and become so fearful that you stop visiting doctors altogether? Will you be able to stay healthy?
In the same way, there are some shopkeepers who adulterate the food grains and sugar to make profits. They mix adulterants in milk and butter. But if you shut down all the shops because of this, then how will things work in society? If we keep doubting and mistrusting everything that happens in life, then that will not help. When we see some people who do such wrong deeds, we should feel compassion and sympathy for them. You should understand that they have strayed away from the right path.
Sometimes honest and innocent people also get falsely blamed and accused in criminal cases. Respect everyone, always take the good things about them and imbibe it in life.
All good qualities that you see in the world today come from the divine. And bad qualities or habits come from an ignorance of the divine. When one’s vision gets muddied and blurred due to wrong knowledge and ignorance, then one does such wrong things. So understand this and just relax.
Q: The mind gets disturbed on listening to the wrong deeds being performed by saints and religious leaders. Please guide us how to handle this.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: See, there are thousands of saints and religious leaders in the country. Out of this, if two or three are found to commit wrong deeds, or if they get stuck in wrong thinking, then one should not let their own mind get troubled and become negative because of that. Whoever does something wrong will surely have to repent and pay for it. That is his Karma and he has no choice. But you should not let yourself get stuck in these things. Just take whatever good knowledge and guidance you get from anywhere or anyone.
If someone whom you regarded as a saint does something wrong and falls from such a revered position, then you should feel sympathy and compassion for them. You should not feel hatred for them, because what they did was out of ignorance and wrong knowledge. Just move on ahead.
See, Ravana (the demon king of Lanka in Ramayana) also disguised himself as an elderly sage to abduct Devi Sita, isn’t it so? So there must be some people having such a kind of thinking even today. What can one do? If Ravana had not disguised himself as saint then we would not have had the Ramayana today.
See, there are some miscreants in every sphere of society. These few wrongdoers bring dishonour to the entire field because of their wrong deeds. There were a few doctors reported in the news who were stealing kidneys from the patients they operated on and were making a fortune by doing so. But does this mean that you keep thinking about this and become so fearful that you stop visiting doctors altogether? Will you be able to stay healthy?
In the same way, there are some shopkeepers who adulterate the food grains and sugar to make profits. They mix adulterants in milk and butter. But if you shut down all the shops because of this, then how will things work in society? If we keep doubting and mistrusting everything that happens in life, then that will not help. When we see some people who do such wrong deeds, we should feel compassion and sympathy for them. You should understand that they have strayed away from the right path.
Sometimes honest and innocent people also get falsely blamed and accused in criminal cases. Respect everyone, always take the good things about them and imbibe it in life.
All good qualities that you see in the world today come from the divine. And bad qualities or habits come from an ignorance of the divine. When one’s vision gets muddied and blurred due to wrong knowledge and ignorance, then one does such wrong things. So understand this and just relax.
Wisdom Quote of the day
Spirituality is that which takes you deeper within yourself and also enables you to bring peace and happiness to others around us. Life is so dry and juice-less without spirituality. A life that is dry is the surest way of sinking into negativity. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Spirituality is that which takes you deeper within yourself and also enables you to bring peace and happiness to others around us. Life is so dry and juice-less without spirituality. A life that is dry is the surest way of sinking into negativity. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Guru Punch of the day
Look at life from a broader perspective and you will see anger and jealousy fade away. What are you jealous about? There are seven billion people on this planet and everybody has enough opportunity. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Look at life from a broader perspective and you will see anger and jealousy fade away. What are you jealous about? There are seven billion people on this planet and everybody has enough opportunity. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Sunday, 28 December 2014
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Dealing with Insults
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See, when someone insults you, what can you do? You cannot control everyone’s mouth. In such a situation, you have only two choices:
Who in the world has the time to stop and brood over these petty situations, or to keep thinking about someone else? So when such things happen, do not worry and get disturbed by them.
- You also behave in the same way and insult them. But that will not improve the situation in any way
- You simply smile at their ignorance. Just tell them that every person has the right to their ignorance and to display it as well, and then be quiet.
Who in the world has the time to stop and brood over these petty situations, or to keep thinking about someone else? So when such things happen, do not worry and get disturbed by them.
QnA with Sri Sri
Q: I feel that people around me deceive me very quickly and easily. What pleasure do they get in doing such things?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Whether they deceive you sooner or later, how does it matter? I tell you, it is better they deceive and cheat you sooner than later. Being cheated later will bring more difficulties for you.
Listen, know that you are wise. Cheating someone is a two-way thing and takes two people to make it happen, just like clapping needs both your hands. If someone cheats and takes advantage of you, then it is also because you were not fully aware.
If you are alert of what is happening around you, then how will they be able to deceive you? So you should stay alert. If you do not get carried away by emotions then who can cheat you? This applies even for your brother, sister, your own family and personal relationships. Do not let your emotions get the better of you. Emotions have their own place in relationships. But where you have to be intelligent and act wisely, there you should not get carried away by emotions. Be alert and take intelligent action. Then you will not get deceived, and you will see that even your relationships will become sweeter and more harmonious.
When people do not use their wisdom and act purely on the basis of emotions, then you will see that they quarrel over very trivial matters. We should not give anyone a chance to take advantage of us, or deceive us.
If you have a lot of gold and money at home, keep it away in a safe rather than outside. If you carelessly keep it lying outside and your maidservant secretly steals something, then how can you blame her for it? It is your mistake in the first place. You should be wise and not keep it outside so that they do not get the tempted.
आज का ज्ञान सूत्र
यदि शब्दों का हेर फेर करो तो वह असत्य है। यदि शब्दों से खेलो तो वह मज़ाक है। यदि शब्दों से खेलो तो वह मज़ाक है। यदि शब्दों पर निर्भर रहो तो वह अज्ञान है पर यदि शब्दों के परे चले जाओ तो वह ज्ञान है। - श्री श्री रवि शंकर
यदि शब्दों का हेर फेर करो तो वह असत्य है। यदि शब्दों से खेलो तो वह मज़ाक है। यदि शब्दों से खेलो तो वह मज़ाक है। यदि शब्दों पर निर्भर रहो तो वह अज्ञान है पर यदि शब्दों के परे चले जाओ तो वह ज्ञान है। - श्री श्री रवि शंकर
Guru Punch of the day
Look into the eyes of the goats, or even the chicken, cows, dogs. Look into their eyes. This entire creation is filled with love, and how people can slaughter them to fill their little tummy. It is not even healthy. This is unfortunate. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Look into the eyes of the goats, or even the chicken, cows, dogs. Look into their eyes. This entire creation is filled with love, and how people can slaughter them to fill their little tummy. It is not even healthy. This is unfortunate. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Saturday, 27 December 2014
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
How to Manage Cheating
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Listen, know that you are wise. Cheating someone is a two-way thing and takes two people to make it happen, just like clapping needs both your hands. If someone cheats and takes advantage of you, then it is also because you were not fully aware. If you are alert of what is happening around you, then how will they be able to deceive you? So you should stay alert.
If you do not get carried away by emotions then who can cheat you? This applies even for your brother, sister, your own family and personal relationships. Do not let your emotions get the better of you. Emotions have their own place in relationships. But where you have to be intelligent and act wisely, there you should not get carried away by emotions. Be alert and take intelligent action. Then you will not get deceived, and you will see that even your relationships will become sweeter and more harmonious.
When people do not use their wisdom and act purely on the basis of emotions, then you will see that they quarrel over very trivial matters. We should not give anyone a chance to take advantage of us, or deceive us.
If you do not get carried away by emotions then who can cheat you? This applies even for your brother, sister, your own family and personal relationships. Do not let your emotions get the better of you. Emotions have their own place in relationships. But where you have to be intelligent and act wisely, there you should not get carried away by emotions. Be alert and take intelligent action. Then you will not get deceived, and you will see that even your relationships will become sweeter and more harmonious.
When people do not use their wisdom and act purely on the basis of emotions, then you will see that they quarrel over very trivial matters. We should not give anyone a chance to take advantage of us, or deceive us.
QnA with Sri Sri
Q: If every formless is Shiva and every form is Shakti, then what is breath, which is both form and formless?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, the formless is Shiva and the form is Shakti. You can define it in any manner. Prana (life force energy obtained from breath) is also known as Mukhyaprana. Hanuman is connected with prana, air (Vayu Tattva) is connected with prana, Omkar is connected with prana. So everything is prana in the universe. We are in an ocean of prana, and prana is both Shiva and Shakti.
A point comes where you cannot distinguish between Shiva and Shakti. The border vanishes, it becomes invisible. Shiva and Shakti become one. That is when it is called Brahman, which means it is all one; there is no second.
Advaita means, no second, no two (even to count to one, there must be two. That is why it is said, ‘There are no two things, just one’). It is one field of energy. Nothing other than that exists. Advaita means non-dual, it is the non-dual power in the universe.
This is the ultimate knowledge, i.e., non-dual, there are no two things. The whole universe is made up of one thing.
When you come one step below; it is like Quantum Physics. One more step below, and then it is like the Periodic Table in Chemistry. Do you know the Periodic Table? You have different elements, different aspects; these are all the different devas and devatas(specific divine energies).
Q: If every formless is Shiva and every form is Shakti, then what is breath, which is both form and formless?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, the formless is Shiva and the form is Shakti. You can define it in any manner. Prana (life force energy obtained from breath) is also known as Mukhyaprana. Hanuman is connected with prana, air (Vayu Tattva) is connected with prana, Omkar is connected with prana. So everything is prana in the universe. We are in an ocean of prana, and prana is both Shiva and Shakti.
A point comes where you cannot distinguish between Shiva and Shakti. The border vanishes, it becomes invisible. Shiva and Shakti become one. That is when it is called Brahman, which means it is all one; there is no second.
Advaita means, no second, no two (even to count to one, there must be two. That is why it is said, ‘There are no two things, just one’). It is one field of energy. Nothing other than that exists. Advaita means non-dual, it is the non-dual power in the universe.
This is the ultimate knowledge, i.e., non-dual, there are no two things. The whole universe is made up of one thing.
When you come one step below; it is like Quantum Physics. One more step below, and then it is like the Periodic Table in Chemistry. Do you know the Periodic Table? You have different elements, different aspects; these are all the different devas and devatas(specific divine energies).
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Handling Problems
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When a small problem comes, or (whatever you think as) a big problem comes to you, you get stuck with it. Wake up and see, there are bigger problems that people are facing. They need you and you can be of use to them. Start moving in that direction of helping people who are really in need. When you do this, then suddenly you will find that your problem is so insignificant, it is much smaller and not as big as you thought. The moment you recognize that your problem is not that big, you have already have found the energy and the enthusiasm to handle it and move through it.
Guru Punch of the day
See as to how many people are comfortable with you. You can do a survey about yourself and see how many people you make happy and comfortable? If you dislike people, you will find you are not friendly. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
See as to how many people are comfortable with you. You can do a survey about yourself and see how many people you make happy and comfortable? If you dislike people, you will find you are not friendly. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Friday, 26 December 2014
@SriSri: Meditation is accepting this moment, and living every moment totally with depth. #Meditation"
Guru Punch of the day
We have accepted the whole world as our family. Then you should rise up to that idea. Feel at home with anybody and everybody. Don’t just focus on what is comfortable for you and what is not comfortable. You should get out of your comfort zone and bring comfort to others. This is most important. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
We have accepted the whole world as our family. Then you should rise up to that idea. Feel at home with anybody and everybody. Don’t just focus on what is comfortable for you and what is not comfortable. You should get out of your comfort zone and bring comfort to others. This is most important. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
QnA with Sri Sri
Q: What is stress? How to overcome stress?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: One of the definitions that you can give for stress is, when you have a lot to do and have very little energy and time to do it. This creates stress. Today it is not practically possible to reduce your work. Time is constant, you cannot increase time. So the only other alternative that we have is to increase our energy levels. And there are many ways to increase energy:
Food; eating healthy food. In the SAARC countries, we eat food that is not very healthy, and that is low in nutrition. We only eat carbohydrates. Our food is very imbalanced. The vegetables that we eat are potato, tomato, brinjal and onion. That’s it! There’s starch in potato, starch in our roti (Indian bread) and in our dal (pulses). This is an imbalanced diet. We don’t consume nutritious food in our day to day life. We need to bring back the awareness about nutrition and healthy food habits.
Good sleep. Sleep also gives you energy. Sleep helps more than medication. I cannot undermine the effects of medication, but if you give someone medicine and don’t let them sleep then even medicines will not work. So, sleep is very important.
Insomnia is a big issue today, and lack of good sleep is also another big issue. People are unable to sleep well. Nightmares have become a common phenomenon. There are techniques in yoga which help people to sleep better without medication and sleeping tablets.
Hygiene. We need to create awareness about it. This is what The Art of Living Foundation has been doing through its 5H program (Health, Hygiene, Homes for people, Harmony in diversity and Human Values). We are all different people. In India there are 600 different dialects, and so many different religions. So what is most important is to live in harmony. So these are the 5 issues that we are looking into in our 5H program. We must see how we can prevent diseases by helping people to attend to their environment.
Breathing is another source of energy. Fresh air and clean air is essential. Sometimes in big cities when we walk around, not just the petrol fumes but also the electro-magnetic garbage affects the body. If you watch television for 8-9 hours, it will definitely cause illnesses. Many people don’t open their doors in winter, and when you get inside, there is stale air in the rooms. In many houses there is no cross-ventilation. I heard from a very well known oncologist that one of the main issues of cancer is that people don’t breathe enough. If you oxidize (take in a good amount of oxygen) your body then it flushes out toxins and helps you to heal yourself. Deep breathing definitely helps prevent cancer. I have seen hundreds of cases where breathing exercises, meditation, yoga and some changes in diet have helped people with cancer overcome this disease. People didn’t have to go through chemo as they found that their body had started healing itself.We need to take care of the health of society by looking into our lifestyle management and see what we can do to reduce stress.
We need to educate people to honor this beautiful instrument that nature has given us called the body. We need to honor the body and honor the mind.
Q: What is stress? How to overcome stress?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: One of the definitions that you can give for stress is, when you have a lot to do and have very little energy and time to do it. This creates stress. Today it is not practically possible to reduce your work. Time is constant, you cannot increase time. So the only other alternative that we have is to increase our energy levels. And there are many ways to increase energy:
Food; eating healthy food. In the SAARC countries, we eat food that is not very healthy, and that is low in nutrition. We only eat carbohydrates. Our food is very imbalanced. The vegetables that we eat are potato, tomato, brinjal and onion. That’s it! There’s starch in potato, starch in our roti (Indian bread) and in our dal (pulses). This is an imbalanced diet. We don’t consume nutritious food in our day to day life. We need to bring back the awareness about nutrition and healthy food habits.
Good sleep. Sleep also gives you energy. Sleep helps more than medication. I cannot undermine the effects of medication, but if you give someone medicine and don’t let them sleep then even medicines will not work. So, sleep is very important.
Insomnia is a big issue today, and lack of good sleep is also another big issue. People are unable to sleep well. Nightmares have become a common phenomenon. There are techniques in yoga which help people to sleep better without medication and sleeping tablets.
Hygiene. We need to create awareness about it. This is what The Art of Living Foundation has been doing through its 5H program (Health, Hygiene, Homes for people, Harmony in diversity and Human Values). We are all different people. In India there are 600 different dialects, and so many different religions. So what is most important is to live in harmony. So these are the 5 issues that we are looking into in our 5H program. We must see how we can prevent diseases by helping people to attend to their environment.
Breathing is another source of energy. Fresh air and clean air is essential. Sometimes in big cities when we walk around, not just the petrol fumes but also the electro-magnetic garbage affects the body. If you watch television for 8-9 hours, it will definitely cause illnesses. Many people don’t open their doors in winter, and when you get inside, there is stale air in the rooms. In many houses there is no cross-ventilation. I heard from a very well known oncologist that one of the main issues of cancer is that people don’t breathe enough. If you oxidize (take in a good amount of oxygen) your body then it flushes out toxins and helps you to heal yourself. Deep breathing definitely helps prevent cancer. I have seen hundreds of cases where breathing exercises, meditation, yoga and some changes in diet have helped people with cancer overcome this disease. People didn’t have to go through chemo as they found that their body had started healing itself.We need to take care of the health of society by looking into our lifestyle management and see what we can do to reduce stress.
We need to educate people to honor this beautiful instrument that nature has given us called the body. We need to honor the body and honor the mind.
Thursday, 25 December 2014
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Sri Sri's Message on Christmas Eve 2014
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This time of the year when it is cold and nature is still and silent and it is darker, nature has less and less activity. Then in the middle of this springs celebration. See, when sun is there, there is so much activity. But at the time when there is very little sun, nature is sleeping, everything has gone into hibernation, the animals are quiet. In that still and quiet night, springs a celebration with lights, with joy, with love, and that is Christmas. So it is an outer symbolism for inner phenomenon. Inside also when you are still and quiet, when you are hibernating, then comes up from there a message of love. Stillness brings the message of love. In activity you are outward looking, in stillness you are inward looking. Love springs from looking inside.
The little mind is like the child. It is always dependent. And the big mind is like the mother. The individual self sleeps in the lap of the universal self. And that is the heavenly peace. Heavenly peace is not outside somewhere, heaven is when the small mind is in the lap of the big mind. When small mind is away from the big mind, then there is chaos, confusion, hell. Then the small mind starts crying and runs to the big mind, the mother, then it sleeps in heavenly peace. That peace is real peace. Holy, is when the mother and child are together. When you put the small mind in the lap of the big mind, that is meditation. Mother and child in heavenly peace is meditation.
The little mind is like the child. It is always dependent. And the big mind is like the mother. The individual self sleeps in the lap of the universal self. And that is the heavenly peace. Heavenly peace is not outside somewhere, heaven is when the small mind is in the lap of the big mind. When small mind is away from the big mind, then there is chaos, confusion, hell. Then the small mind starts crying and runs to the big mind, the mother, then it sleeps in heavenly peace. That peace is real peace. Holy, is when the mother and child are together. When you put the small mind in the lap of the big mind, that is meditation. Mother and child in heavenly peace is meditation.
Guru Punch of the day
A Christmas tree bears the gifts and the lights not for itself. Similarly, all the gifts (Talents) you are carrying in your life are for others. Anyone who comes to you, offer them your gifts. When you show kindness, your true nature comes into play. Also remember that like how christmas tree leaves are ever green despite storm or snow, your life is evergreen and your spirit is eternal despite personal and social grief. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
A Christmas tree bears the gifts and the lights not for itself. Similarly, all the gifts (Talents) you are carrying in your life are for others. Anyone who comes to you, offer them your gifts. When you show kindness, your true nature comes into play. Also remember that like how christmas tree leaves are ever green despite storm or snow, your life is evergreen and your spirit is eternal despite personal and social grief. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Wednesday, 24 December 2014
QnA with Sri Sri
Q: Your Message for Christmas.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You are the Christmas tree that points upwards with branches on all sides. At the time of year when other trees are barren, you are green with many gifts to offer. You bear gifts and lights — not for yourself, but for others. Remember that all the gifts you are carrying in your life are for others. Anyone who comes to you, offer them your gifts.
Your life is a gift. And you have come to unwrap this gift. In the process of unwrapping, remember to also save the wrapping papers. Your whole environment, situations, circumstances, and body are the wrapping papers. Often when we unwrap, we tear the wrapping papers. At times we are in such a hurry that we even destroy the gifts. With patience and endurance, open your gifts – and save the wrappers!
Human life is a combination of body (matter) and spirit (vibration). Isn’t it? Joy is forgetting that you are matter and becoming an intense vibration. Carnal instincts also make you feel intense vibrations momentarily, and that’s how they give a glimpse of joy. But the thing is, this joy is short-lived and it makes you dense later on.
Pleasure that comes from Satsang is of a higher nature. Mantras and singing create vibrations in the spirit. That’s why when you sing, the ecstasy stays for a long time. Pleasure from the gross is short-lived, tiring and binding. Pleasure in the subtle is long lasting, energizing, refreshing, and freeing. When you know you are electricity (vibration/energy), then craving, greed, lust, and anger disappear. Then you become a true celebration.
Q: Your Message for Christmas.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You are the Christmas tree that points upwards with branches on all sides. At the time of year when other trees are barren, you are green with many gifts to offer. You bear gifts and lights — not for yourself, but for others. Remember that all the gifts you are carrying in your life are for others. Anyone who comes to you, offer them your gifts.
Your life is a gift. And you have come to unwrap this gift. In the process of unwrapping, remember to also save the wrapping papers. Your whole environment, situations, circumstances, and body are the wrapping papers. Often when we unwrap, we tear the wrapping papers. At times we are in such a hurry that we even destroy the gifts. With patience and endurance, open your gifts – and save the wrappers!
Human life is a combination of body (matter) and spirit (vibration). Isn’t it? Joy is forgetting that you are matter and becoming an intense vibration. Carnal instincts also make you feel intense vibrations momentarily, and that’s how they give a glimpse of joy. But the thing is, this joy is short-lived and it makes you dense later on.
Pleasure that comes from Satsang is of a higher nature. Mantras and singing create vibrations in the spirit. That’s why when you sing, the ecstasy stays for a long time. Pleasure from the gross is short-lived, tiring and binding. Pleasure in the subtle is long lasting, energizing, refreshing, and freeing. When you know you are electricity (vibration/energy), then craving, greed, lust, and anger disappear. Then you become a true celebration.
Guru One Liner of the day
Q: What is your message for Christmas?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You are the Christmas tree that points upwards with branches on all sides. At the time of year when other trees are barren, you are green with many gifts to offer.
Q: What is your message for Christmas?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You are the Christmas tree that points upwards with branches on all sides. At the time of year when other trees are barren, you are green with many gifts to offer.
Wisdom Quote of the day
Celebration is the nature of the spirit. Any celebration has to be spiritual. A celebration without spirituality does not have any depth. And silence gives the depth to celebration. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Celebration is the nature of the spirit. Any celebration has to be spiritual. A celebration without spirituality does not have any depth. And silence gives the depth to celebration. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Give Peace to Others
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We have said, 'Vasudaiva Kutumbakam' (one world family). We have accepted the whole world as our family. Then you should rise up to that idea. Feel at home with anybody and everybody. Don’t just focus on what is comfortable for you and what is not comfortable. You should get out of your comfort zone and bring comfort to others. This is most important.
See as to how many people are comfortable with you. You can do a survey about yourself and see how many people you make happy and comfortable? If you dislike people, you will find you are not friendly.
As we expand, we become friendly with people of different natures and different parts of the world. Sometimes, we feeling comfortable with people of our own state or country or religion. Here you have to mix with everybody. We have people of different faiths all here, Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs. We have people from every state of India, right from the Northeast to Kerala, and right from Jammu to Tamil Nadu. We also have people from all over the world and everyone has their own mannerisms and food habits. So you need to learn and bring comfort to others. You have had enough peace, now it's better you give peace to others.
See as to how many people are comfortable with you. You can do a survey about yourself and see how many people you make happy and comfortable? If you dislike people, you will find you are not friendly.
As we expand, we become friendly with people of different natures and different parts of the world. Sometimes, we feeling comfortable with people of our own state or country or religion. Here you have to mix with everybody. We have people of different faiths all here, Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs. We have people from every state of India, right from the Northeast to Kerala, and right from Jammu to Tamil Nadu. We also have people from all over the world and everyone has their own mannerisms and food habits. So you need to learn and bring comfort to others. You have had enough peace, now it's better you give peace to others.
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