Tuesday, 30 June 2015

QnA with Sri Sri
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

 Q: Please tell us about the importance of offering food (Prasad) to the Divine before eating. Also please tell us the authentic way of offering food. Is there any mantra needed? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When a lady cooks food at home, the first thing she does is takes out a spoon of rice, or dal, or whatever she cooks, and puts it outside in the garden for the birds, for the ants, and for the creatures. The significance of this is to say that the environment should be honoured. Also, many people, before they eat, they keep a few grains outside their plate and then later on they give it to the birds and the animals. In India, there is a tradition that is called Vaishva Deva.

 You know, the birds are such an integral part of the universe. So we need to care for the birds, we need to care for the ants; we need to care for every single creature. Any one creature missing from the universe, the universe will not be able to sustain itself.

 Prasad means, you take the food that you receive as a gift; as a blessing. Prasad simply means a blessing from God. Food is a blessing, life is a blessing, time is a blessing, our breath is a blessing. These are all gifts.


Guru One Liner of the day
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

 Q: What are the most important tenets of the Hindu dharma? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Unity in diversity and belongingness to all. These are the two tenets of the Hindu dharma. Nobody is alien to us, everyone is our own.

Wisdom Quote of the day
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

 We can pass on ideals to someone else only and only if we ourselves have imbibed and demonstrated those ideals and virtues. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

We need to educate ourselves in peace, love, integrity & honesty. It can't happen if the mind is stressed & intellect is full of prejudice.
Meditation is an art. It is a way to make the mind relax & there is no effort involved | More
I acknowledge the gesture by Andean Congress, Peru's Parliament & Lima City.Our Foundation will continue its work to reduce stress & violence

When your intention is only to give, you keep receiving more and more. The three awards received today in Peru only indicate the relevance of ancient spiritual wisdom in modern times. pic.twitter.com/MHLmBeHfaa
Knowledge Sheet by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How to Deal with Loneliness (Part 1)
 Any companionship when it goes from a place of wanting or lack, to contributing, it is long lasting. You came into this world all alone. Even if you are born twins, you are alone. When you go from here, you are going to go alone. Do not try to run away from loneliness. It is a blessing in disguise.

 This is the time for you to be centered. Push away everything around you. You will find that you are the scintillating energy of the universe. You are the centre of the consciousness. You are the ultimate truth. And this loneliness is only one step away from realizing that. Loneliness exists because you want to grab something from outside.

To be continued......


Join the Conference with LIVE from Peru | 1st July, 5:30 AM IST | Link:
Guru Punch of the day
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

 We are using our mind, our intellect, our memory so much, that it needs overhauling, it needs servicing. Our body needs servicing, our mind needs servicing, and the Art of Silence courses give us the much needed servicing. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Monday, 29 June 2015

QnA with Sri Sri
Tuesday, June 30, 2015 

 Q: In a country like India, especially Mumbai where I live, there is so much inequality that I feel embarrassed and guilty for what I have. Yet I have the ambition to earn money and live well. How to reconcile these two things? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Engage yourself in some service activity or another. It is good that something pricks you. That itself will motivate you to do something good for the society. And earmark 2% or 3% of what you earn, because if we use all of what we earn only on ourselves, then that is not good. We will definitely feel uncomfortable. So we must earmark 10% or 5%, whatever you can for social causes, and go and help the children, and the people in the slums.

 There is so much activity happening at Dharavi, you can be part of that. When you see these young children grow up educated, you will feel immense satisfaction. You don't need to feel guilty about having a comfortable home, and a good car.

Guru One Liner of the day
Tuesday, June 30, 2015 

Q: While doing puja or singing bhajans, I get very emotional. Is that wrong? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: No that is very good. This happens to the fortunate. If we are fortunate then tears well up in our eyes. When your heart blossoms, then the tears fall.

Wisdom Quote of the day
Tuesday, June 30, 2015 

 Scientists say, if you meditate for eight weeks, the structure of the brain changes. The grey matter increases, your immune system becomes stronger, your intellect becomes sharper, and your memory becomes clearer. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Life has 3 aspects: Self Effort, Time & Higher Power.3 tools you need Perseverance, Patience & Faith in all possibilities. Sri Sri
What Sri Sri said today: The Source Of True Happiness:

Wisdom from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Need to move away from fanaticism

Wisdom from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Need to move away from fanaticism: Day and night, I am also thinking on how to make people drop these minority-majority differences and come together as one human race, on...
Colombian guerrillas to embrace Gandhism, reveals Art of Living
Many times you are not clear about what you want, because you have never looked into yourself
Knowledge Sheet By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Monday, June 29, 2015

India - Land of Diversity (Part 3)

Continuation from India - Land of Diversity (Part 2)......

 In India, no gyani (wise or knowledgeable seer) was ever hanged or executed in any way, regardless of what caste or religion they belonged to. A Brahmagyani (one who is established in Self-knowledge) has always been highly respected in India, regardless of his roots and origin.

 Saints can have different approaches and beliefs. They are free to do that. They are not copy cats, they do not mimic each other’s philosophy and ways. They express knowledge in their own originality.

Tour Schedule: 6 August - 9 August 2015
: Zucchini & Summer Squash Skewers with Tahini Yogurt Sauce | Learn it at:
What Sri Sri said today: The Source Of True Happiness;
LIVE Webcast from Peru http://aolu.co/1JiZpzk  #SriSri
Guru Punch of the day
Monday, June 29, 2015 

 Give me the responsibility to fulfill whatever lack you may feel in life, and do not bother about that. I will look after that. Just focus on what all you can do to bring a more positive change. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Sunday, 28 June 2015

QnA with Sri Sri
Monday, June 29, 2015

 Q: In spite of spiritual inclination, some melodramatic tragedies keep on happening. Why is this so? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Tragedy is tragedy when you are affected. There is no explanation for some phenomenon. Why accidents happen, why do people die? It is these moments when you say “Why me?” You know, the ‘Why’ in the mind is associated with misery and the ‘How’ is associated with wonder and joy.

 When the question, ‘Why this problem only with me?’ arises in mind or it arises in some other’s mind, better don’t say anything. Just be! No explanation, no reasoning of that will suffix. You simply have to leave those questions for those moments. Time will take you across. Time will make you sail from that situation. Our tendency is to answer them or console them, but smile or a moment of silence will be better. No explanation. No reasoning, no theories will ever do anything. That is what I feel.

Guru One Liner of the day
Monday, June 29, 2015 

 Q: How to be complete in life? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: In life to be complete you have to be satisfied with what you have and think that this is all just a dream. Once you realize that, your life will be complete.


Wisdom Quote of the day
Monday, June 29, 2015 

 Every confusion means one old set of norms and ideas have broken down, and something new is coming up. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Scientists say, if you meditate for eight weeks, the structure of the brain changes. The grey matter
Sip warm ginger water with freshly grated ginger after meals to help increase Agni (digestive fire),
After a weekend relax yourself with a soothing Krishna Bhajan by singer Sachin Limaye ji:
The city of Tampa, Florida proclaimed June 18 as the 'Day of Happiness' in 's honor!
Knowledge Sheet by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Sunday, June 28, 2015

India - Land of Diversity (Part 2)

Continuation from India - Land of Diversity (Part 1)......

 You must have seen that a ‘Born Again’ follower (a sect in Christianity) will never enter a Catholic Church, and a catholic will never enter into a Church of St. Luther. A follower of St. Luther’s church will never go to a Presbyterian Church. They never step into another’s house of worship. But in India, everyone goes everywhere or not? Do you not see Hindus going to a Church, or to a Jain temple?

And do you not see Jains going to a Hindu temple? Haven’t you seen Hindus going to a Buddhist temple also? So everyone freely goes to another house of worship. Why is this so? This is because we have become habitual of living in harmony in the midst of so much diversity.

 That is why in the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna has not spoken about just one path to reach the Divine. In the Gita, Lord Krishna says that some worship the Divine by practicing abstinence and Mittahara (restraint in diet and lifestyle); some others attain the Divine through meditation; some contemplate upon the Divine through Sadhana; some others perform various Yajnas to please the Divine; some perform Japa Yajna (chanting as a means to attain the Divine); and there are some who take to the path of Self-knowledge to attain the Divine, and so on.

 So there are multiple ways and beliefs to attain the Divine, and being able to accept and honour them all is what makes one truly great and noble.

To be continued......

Guru Punch of the day
Sunday, June 28, 2015 

 Have this unshakeable faith that whatever is the best for you, that alone will happen in life. Nature will only give you that which will uplift you higher in life. Keep this deep faith. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Saturday, 27 June 2015

Don't wait for festivals celebrate everyday with your family
QnA with Sri Sri
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Q: I start to do a lot of things, but I don’t get to complete. Can you tell me a way how can I improve the situation? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If you want to do, you can do anything. It has to come from within. With the determination, ‘I will do this job, and I will see to it that it gets completed’. This commitment from within will help you, and get you through. Got it? Nobody can do the job other than you.

 So, take up with small things and follow it through, and then you will get the confidence. That prepares you to take up big tasks. You know, why do you drop things? Because you think they are not important. But there is nothing important or unimportant in life, everything has importance. So, even if something looks unimportant, you say, “I want to finish it, and I will finish it”. Then you will be able to enhance your commitment.

Guru One Liner of the day
Sunday, June 28, 2015 

 Q: How to deal with fools? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: First accept that they are fools. You have to be intelligent when you are dealing with fools. You don’t need intelligence to deal with intelligent people. Only fools test your intelligence, not intelligent people.


Wisdom Quote of the day
Sunday, June 28, 2015 

 Scientists say, if you meditate for eight weeks, the structure of the brain changes. The grey matter increases, your immune system becomes stronger, your intellect becomes sharper, and your memory becomes clearer. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


I had a very useful talk with FARC, the guerrilla revolutionary leaders, for the second time today in Cuba. We will have the final round of talks tomorrow. Looks like it's a breakthrough.

Interestingly, cow slaughter is a severely punishable crime in Cuba. Vintage cars & old buildings give a feeling of a journey through time.
Knowledge Sheet by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Saturday, June 27, 2015

India - Land of Diversity (Part 1)

 The beauty of India is that despite there being so many diverse religions and schools of thought, there is no enmity or conflict between any of them. Some people are devotees of Lord Hanuman, some others are followers of the Mother Divine, and some others worship some other deity. Do they ever fight among each other? The advantage of having so much diversity in our culture is that it has brought about great respect and tolerance for other religious faiths and beliefs. Do you get what I am saying?

 How many gods and goddesses are there in India? There are thousands and thousands of gods and goddesses in India today. Yet people who worship one deity still go to the temple of another deity also, isn’t it so? Do they ever fight between each other? So people may fight despite knowing that God is only one, and yet we see that even when there are so many gods and goddesses being worshipped, people still respect each other’s beliefs and live in harmony.

To be continued......


Guru Punch of the day
Saturday, June 27, 2015 

 You must think, “What do I have to do in life?” And then you should just go ahead and do that with all sincerity, without thinking about what results you will get out of it. You should not worry about that at all. Just do whatever you have to do. Then a deep sense of contentment dawns in life. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Friday, 26 June 2015

Guru One Liner of the day
Saturday, June 27, 2015 

 Q: I see You meditating. Is Sadhana necessary after enlightenment? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I am just in my element, that’s all. It doesn’t matter whether I meditate or don’t meditate. Doesn’t matter at all.

QnA with Sri Sri
Saturday, June 27, 2015

 Q: There is a constant running for importance and recognition in my life. Most of my decisions are based on this. Recognition has been my major motivation in whatever I do including seva. Please advise. 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It’s good that you recognize your weakness. Once you have recognized it, you are already coming out of it. Next time you do seva, tell yourself, 'Okay, I am going to do seva but not tell anybody about it'.

 In India there is something called as a secret gift. When you gift something it is called as a 'Gupt Daan'. It means you have given but didn’t tell that you are giving. Quietly you give. You donate but you don’t even want your name to be put on the name plate which says that so and so donated this. When you quietly give, it is called Gupt daan.

 What the right hand gives, the left hand also does not know. So, people used to take pride in that. You also take pride in the same thing. At least one time or two times do some seva for which you are not expecting any recognition. This act brings you so much joy. Once you get the taste of that act which is purely seva, you will find it so blissful, so interesting that you will want to go for it again and again. So, if not all the acts, at least some acts you should do without wanting recognition.

 For the other things that you do, it is quite natural to want recognition. You do some good work in your office and you want recognition, there is nothing wrong in that. When you find real fulfillment in life, you feel so contented, then you don’t mind whether someone recognizes you or not. You keep doing what is good for you.

What Sri Sri said today: Expect Less And Understand More:
Wisdom Quote of the day
Saturday, June 27, 2015 

 Violence cannot be stopped by violence. It has to be stopped by wisdom. Only wisdom can stop violence. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Knowledge Sheet By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar​
Friday, June 26, 2015
You Are Multi-Dimensional 

 At one level, the self knows everything and at another level, there is this realization, ‘I don’t know anything, I know very little’. This keeps your consciousness light and innocent. And that light and innocent consciousness or mind is the basis of intuitive ability, the basis of the mystic, ultimate blossoming of the divinity.
 The moment you think, ‘I know’, you become very hard. When you feel, ‘I don’t know!’ then you feel more alert because then there is a sense of wanting to know. When you want to know, you are so alert. When you think you know, your mind is away from the knowledge at that moment. When you think you know it, you are getting into some sort of hardness or inertia.
 Again this is on one level only. We have multi-layers of consciousness, you are multi-dimensional. That is why on one level, everyone knows that, ‘I am never going to die.’ You all live as though, you will live here forever. Nobody feels, ‘I am going to die one day,’ because one aspect in you is never going to die.
Guru Punch of the day
Friday, June 26, 2015

 If you do not want confidence, intelligence, intuition, inspiration, then you should stay away from spirituality. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
You can go on a mini-holiday every day of your life; all you have to do is sit with your eyes closed
Fasten your seat belts & get ready to go on a cost-free profitable holiday with :

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Guru One Liner of the day
Friday, June 26, 2015 

 Q: Is a strong wish enough to get anything? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes strong wish is there but it may take its own sweet time!

Wisdom Quote of the day
Friday, June 26, 2015

 We all want happiness, and yoga is the way for that much needed happiness factor in life. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Whatever it is that is making you suffer & miserable, just offer it to your Guru or to the Divine. That's it. Do not keep holding on to it so tightly. Just Surrender! Sri Sri
Knowledge Sheet By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Are We Finding Ourself or Creating Ourself?

It depends on what level you are thinking from. On one level you are creating, and on another level you are finding; both apply here.

If it is about your true nature, then you are finding because you don’t have to create your true nature, it is already there. You don’t know who you are and what you are; so you need to find who you are, you need to find your true nature.
When you are creating yourself, it brings up talents and you learn more skills. On the periphery you have to create yourself, in the center you have to find yourself.

Watch LIVE: Making Life a Celebration - Satsang with from | 26 June | Link:
Guru Punch of the day
Thursday, June 25, 2015

 The inner peace of spirituality does not support complacence. Inner peace supports dynamism. When you are happy, you only wish to do something more. When you are enthusiastic, you feel like doing something better. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Zucchini and Summer Squash Skewers with Tahini Yogurt Sauce

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

QnA with Sri Sri
Thursday, June 25, 2015

 Q: As a house wife, how can I play a role as a nation builder? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, women should stand up. Even if you are a house wife, stand up. You have equal rights, and you have great responsibilities. Never feel you are weak, you are empowered, you must do and you can do many things.

 Keep aside one hour every day for serving the nation. Women love talking, you should go and talk to the people on the streets, in the slums, and to the under privileged people. Go in groups to these areas where there are underprivileged people and sit with them, talk to them, and give them some solace. Just by talking you can reduce the burden and worries of many people. You can bring down their tension.

 Instead of just sitting and talking about movies and fashion, or jewellery, why don’t you go and give some solace to people who are suffering. You can contribute a lot. I see many ladies here who are doing such great work in old age homes.

Guru One Liner of the day
Thursday, June 25, 2015

 Q: What can I do to obtain something faster? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Use all your skills and at the same time meditate and increase your luck.

Wisdom Quote of the day
Thursday, June 25, 2015

 In your city, in your town, wherever you are, spread happiness. Start happiness centres and let people come there, sit and breathe, and learn some knowledge, and become happy. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
When the conflict is between justice & peace it is a humongous task to reconcile. Only spiritual dimension can ease the situation.
Public reception in the evening in Bogota. Everyone took commitment for Seva. Almost all want to come to India.

I dedicate this highest civilian award of Democratic Republic of Colombia to those who work for non-violence. I thank the President & all the MP's.
What Sri Sri said today: Just Surrender!
Jaigurudev Dear Ones,

You are invited to watch the Live webcast of an event - Making Life a Celebration in presence of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on 26 June, 5:30 am IST!!

you can watch it on: www.artofliving.org/webcast!

Do share this with all.

Addressing media in Bogota. For @SriSri day starts early. Laughter fills room. Humour  and wit #ColombiaHonraaSriSri
Knowledge Sheet By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Source of Joy and Happiness

 The capacity of the senses to enjoy is limited but the desire in the mind is unlimited. This discrepancy between wanting to enjoy and the ability to enjoy causes all sorts of ailments.

 Bulimia is one such ailment. Bulimia is only related to food but similar diseases can be related to all other senses as well. And this is what in one word you may call obsession.

 You are obsessed with something, though your ability to enjoy that is limited. That is where transcending the five sense has a lot of meaning. When you transcend the five sense, you find the inner peace and inner joy. Then this craving of five senses subsides naturally and effortlessly.

 The joy that comes from being still cannot be compared with anything. Then anything else becomes a botheration. It’s feels like things require too much effort and appears to be very small than the joy that you gain from being still. You need to get used to that also. So, when you recognize this problem, then you have put your foot down and say, ‘No, this is enough.’

All this only leads to one thing, that we want to be more happy, more joyful, and we think that we can find it in those things (here meaning from sensory pleasures) but it really isn’t so. We need to go into the source of joy, source of happiness and that can come only from within.

Siglo XXI University of honored with an honorary doctorate in the past.
Recieving the Highest civilian award, the National Order of Merito de Comuneros -
-One of the most influential spiritual leaders of the world! - via
Join on 26th June -"Making Life A Celebration" 5:30AM IST | Live:
Just landed in Bogota,Colombia.1st stop in my South American tour.Moved to see the warmth & thirst for spirituality! pic.twitter.com/0iiBVt2f3E
@SriSri will receive Colombia's highest honor "Orden de la Democracia Simón Bolívar" today. #ColombiaHonraaSriSri
QnA with Sri Sri
Wednesday, June 24, 2015 

 Q: I am 21 year old girl in the second year in the college. I find Starbucks more interesting than visiting temples. How can I cultivate an interest in Gods? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You cannot cultivate an interest in God, just relax. Know that it is already there. When you try to cultivate it, it becomes a pressure on your mind. So don't try to cultivate it. How long you can sit in Starbucks? When there is an examination, or when there is some problem, you automatically go to the temple. Or if you just pass a temple, automatically your head bows down. When there is uncertainty or insecurity in your life, or when you desire for a higher rank, or some prizes to come to you, you will run to the temple automatically. In moments of need and in moments when you feel so grateful you will always remember a greater power and at that time prayer happens.
Prayer is a happening and it happens on two occasions:

1.When you feel so grateful then prayer happens. In moments when you feel that you just got saved, at that time you don’t say Starbucks. When you get saved from an accident you say, ‘Thank God’. When you are saved from a mishap the first thing you remember is 'Rama'. Or immediately the words 'Om Namah Shivaya' comes out.

2.When you want something then too prayer happens. When you are in a running race or when you have applied for a job, do you pray to Starbucks to get you the job? No! You automatically remember a higher power when you need help. That is quite natural for anybody, even the most proclaimed atheist.

 Atheism is very superficial. It is very tough to become a true atheist. If you are a true atheist you will become a true spiritualist as well at the same time, simultaneously.
