Knowledge Sheet
Why do you Worry?
happens when you sit? All these unwanted things come in the mind, like a
bubble. You are inside a bubble, where you are planning, you have
thoughts for the future, you have some cravings, or you are regretting
the past. Past experiences come to the mind as images. How to handle
this? First, viveka (discrimination). Viveka is remembering that all
this is not permanent; everything is temporary. When you are not going
to be here, what about your boyfriend, girlfriend, prestige, honor,
money, and all these things? We will die one day and leave all this.
None of this is permanent; everything is temporary. When this
realization strikes a deep cord within, then the mind becomes a witness.
Why am I worrying? It is stupid of me to just go around in the mind!
That is viveka. Second is vairagya (dispassion). Say ‘So what’, again
and again, ‘So what. Okay this is like that, so what?’ Vairagya brings
you freedom; it makes you subtle, it makes you free from within.
Viveka is that which makes you understand, makes you larger, makes you
understand something bigger, and not get caught up in small mind games.
|| Jai Guru Dev ||
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