Sunday, 6 April 2014

What Sri Sri said today

Throw The Desires And Relax!

We should take the lessons from the past, and not the trauma from the past.
Usually, people hold on to the negative from the past and feel uncertainty, anxiety and fear about the future. This is the foolish way of living.
Intelligent people, people of wisdom, do it the other way around. They learn the lesson from the past, and keep hope and enthusiasm for the future, not anxiety. So you are all intelligent people, isn't it?

Q: Gurudev, when love turns into bitterness, what to do?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Just wait, don’t react, the bitterness will turn back into love again.
You often see that the people for whom you have done so much, they turn bitter! And you expect everyone to be in an enlightened state, that is not possible in the world.
Everyone is not just going to be smiling and accepting you as you are, and unconditionally being in a giving and loving space. That is not possible. You will have to face reactions, and you should face it, that is all.

Q: Gurudev, Who is the observer? Is our goal to merge with the observer?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
There is no goal, there is nothing to merge. It is there, that is it. Got it? What is there is there. In the present moment it is always there; the witness is there. Who is asking the question, that is the witness.

All that you need to do, is to know that the mind is getting clogged by desire after desire after desire. This bombardment of desires does not allow you to see the clear sky, that you are. So, throw the desires.

'Vihaya kaman yah sarvan pumams carati nihsprhah nirmamo nirahankarah sa santim adhigacchati' (2.71)
In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna has said, throw the desires, and then you get relaxation. Otherwise, there is a burning desire for something or the other, and this keeps you running.
As long as you are running on the treadmill (i.e., after desires), there is no relaxation. Somewhere you have to press the 'stop' button and sit down!
This is what we are doing. Running and galloping on the treadmill does not take you anywhere. Time and again, when you relax, you understand the truth. But even that state cannot be there forever. So again another thought, another desire will come.

What does Yogi mean? One who gets one desire in one year.
What does Ayogi mean? One who gets a million desires in every moment; every day.
So lessen your desires. Got it?
Now you may ask, 'How can I lessen my desires?. Know that everything is going to finish! That’s all. This is Vairagya, and you don’t need any practice for this.
Everything is going to finish! This one thought is an antidote for desires. Everything is going to be finished. This is meditation. Without vairagya, meditation is next to impossible!

Q: Gurudev, when God itself has become a botheration, then what to do?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Do not become a botheration for God!
When you think God is your botheration, then you have become a botheration for God! This becomes a problem.
Once a woman in Jamshedpur, or somewhere, was fasting for 8 days, and she said she will not eat food till she talks to Gurudev.
I said, 'This is a big problem'. I keep travelling around the world, the phone connects at some places and doesn’t connect at other places. If people start thinking this way, then there will be a big problem!
Then I had to scold her and say, 'Don’t be like this, first eat your food'.
I said to myself, 'This is not an act of seva, rather it is making me do seva!'
I am ready to do seva, but this becomes a headache for me! I said, 'I don’t believe in these kind of things'.

You should never say this, that God has become a problem for you. If you long for God, or for your Guru, in your heart, then that is good. This takes you on the path of progress. If that longing is not there then there is no juice in life.
The day the longing ends dryness begins to come in life. People keep yearning for the materialistic world, people yearn and they die for materialistic things. But you should yearn for God, then you will become realized.
You will rise and attain everything in life, such should be the yearning for god.

Q: Gurudev, the soul is eternal, pure and ancient, then how did it become deluded, that it does not know itself in its true nature?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
This is called Atiprashna, i.e., the question which does not really concern you, and it is too much to ask for.
So why did the first ignorance happen, these questions were never answered. In the scriptures also, it is said that this is Atiprashna.
What are you going to do knowing that? Even if someone will say, 'Okay, this happened two billion years ago', what is the use? What are you going to achieve, or solve by it?
There are many other things to know. First know who you are, and then you can say, how the first ignorance came.

Q: Gurudev, I am quite organized but my wife and daughter are totally opposite. This is one of the reasons I get annoyed at times. How do I correct them?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
That is okay, you should keep doing it so that they learn to be more organized. Otherwise there is no fun in life! Someone should lose temper, someone should cajole and pacify. Otherwise it will be so boring; eventless, juiceless, tasteless life. But don’t take it too far! Once in a while is okay.

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