Monday, 28 September 2015


Q: I am getting married soon but I have this one botheration. For the past 6 months I have had many fights with my fiancé and I am not sure if I should continue this relationship.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Now, you stop demanding love from the person. If you demand love or ask proof of their love, you are destroying it. How can someone prove their love to you? You should not burden the person.

Suppose, someone asks you every day, ‘Are you honest; Are you honest?’ What will you feel? Bad right? Similarly, if you keep asking someone, ‘Do you really love me?’ How will the person feel?

The burden to prove one’s love is a very big. Your fiancé is coming to you to find comfort, and instead of giving the person comfort, you make him miserable. You should stop demanding love. Love should be given and not demanded.

Take it for granted that we you both have good understanding and then understanding will grow. If you question or doubt the understanding, it will start crumbling. All these things are stupid things to do.

Your feelings need not be the football of others opinions. You should be independent of the way you feel.

When you feel his attention towards you has reduced, just say, ‘I know you love me too much. Why do you love me so much!’ Then the person will feel better and their whole tone will change to the way you want it to be.

Isn’t that want you want to hear? For that you should not blame the other. When you throw blame, blame will come back to you. If you show humility and throw compliments on the other person, that will bounce back to you.

Always give compliments and you will see that comes back to you many folds, and if you throw blame, it will come back to you. This is the law of attraction. Whatever you throw bounces back onto you.

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