Sunday, 7 February 2016


Q: It is easy to be a dreamer, it is easy to be a critical realist, how to drop all illusions and expectations and still have a flame in life?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is easy to be in extremes in anything in life, but it takes wisdom to take the middle path and that is what spirituality and yoga is all about. The whole thing is about being centered. Once you are centered, then whatever has to happen will happen, and things will happen through the cosmic law.

All his life, Lord Buddha said only one thing, "Take the middle path". The essence of the Bhagavad Gita is the same. Lord Krishna said, "One who works too much and one who is lazy, both cannot reach the height of yoga. Only those who walk the path of moderation can get out of misery".

I want to give you one practical example from your own lives. Have you noticed that you have done all that you could do for a friend or someone close to you, and for no fault of yours they became your enemy, or they went away from you? You poured your heart and still they were not satisfied and they went away. How many of you have had this experience? (People in the audience raise their hands). You wonder, "Why did this person move away from me? I did so much for this person", isn’t this so?

Similarly, there are people for whom you have done nothing, or they may have been your enemies, but at the time of need they became your best friends, or they might have helped you. How many of you have had this experience? (People in the audience raise their hands). This is strange! You wonder, "I have not done anything for them, but they helped me so much". This is where you must believe in the law of karma.

People come together and they move apart in strange situations and circumstances. It is all a play of karma. So, whether friends or enemies, keep your equanimity. You don’t know when your friend will turn into an enemy and when your enemy may become your friend. Be centered and keep your balance. This is the whole message.

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