Thursday 5 September 2019


Q: How can I build a happy and successful relationship with my husband so that the relationship remains constant?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

First of all, do not go after building a successful and happy relationship. Take it for granted that your relationship is already happy and successful. That is because the moment you want to build something, you start behaving unnaturally. You are not yourself. Got it?

Be aware, and don’t try to build a nice relationship. In thinking or doing so, you think that there is no relationship, or you think that the relationship is not good to begin with. No, first of all, you must simply assume that you have a very good relationship.

You must assume that you have 100% understanding. Whenever you think you lack understanding, or the other person does not understand you, then also you are making the gap wider. Trying to explain this also does not work. How many of you have had this experience? Raise your hands. (Many in the audience raise their hands).

Whenever you think that the relationship is strained and that you need to start all over again to build it into a happy one, it will not work. Be natural, be kind, be loving, be good. Do not step on the ego of your husband, and do not demand from him to express his love. If you keep these few things in mind, your relationship will be fine. Do not go on questioning your spouse, “Do you really love me? You do not love me. These days you do not look at me”.

Even if someone is in love with you, they wonder, “Oh my God! How can I convince this person that I love them?” You are putting a burden on their head to prove their love to you.

Just imagine yourself in their situation. How would you feel if someone doubts your love for them, and you have to make an extra effort to make them believe that you love them? Is it not a burden? How many of you think it is a burden? (Many in the audience raise their hands).

My goodness! When you feel it is a burden to prove your love to others, why do you put others in a position for them to prove their love to you? You should not ask these questions at all. Do not question each other’s love, commitment and integrity. We must never question someone else’s love, commitment and integrity.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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