Friday 9 August 2024


Posted on: Saturday, August 10, 2024

Q: Is the bad period over? If yes, what will unfold in the good phase?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

Here in Satsang (where all of you are sitting) it's a good period! See, it's up to you, how you define it. If it is a phase in which whatever you do is not giving any results and things are falling apart, it is an opportunity for you to show your brilliance and your ideas. The bad period can bring out all talents and good qualities in you. It can show how patient you are, how balanced and strong you are.

If you have good intentions, and you are doing good work, every period is a good period. Yes, some periods are more challenging than the others. That period will show you who your real friends are.

Actually in a bad period, even your very good friends behave like enemies. And if the time is good, even your enemies behave with you like your friends. This is what you must understand. In Kannada there is a poem, "The one who has 'Hari' (the Lord) in his heart, for him, every time is a good time. Today is the best day if you think of the divine. This moment is the great time to remember the divine'.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


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