Sunday 13 October 2024


Posted on: Monday, October 14, 2024

Q: Sometimes it becomes a burden to even remember knowledge. How can we take the knowledge we receive from manana (to ponder over again and again) to nidhidhyaasa (complete assimilation of knowledge)?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

Why are you increasing your burden by asking this question too? (Laughter) Just relax and be silent for a while.

The goal of knowledge is to transport the mind from its limited understanding and concepts to a more expanded state of awareness. The goal of all knowledge is to make the mind agree and say 'Yes!' As you listen to knowledge, the mind first says, 'Oh, yes! And then slowly the mind expands and becomes silent. Then you say 'It is!'

The JOB of the intellect is to make you say 'yes'. Once the intellect is at rest and agrees with the knowledge, then an expanded awareness dawns on you and you come to realize your true existence, that you are nothing but consciousness.

Then from that state, we expand further to realize that the Self alone is everywhere. You feel that ‘the Self alone is all that there is’. So you move from a state of individualized consciousness, i.e., 'I am', to the expanded state of realizing that everything ‘just is’. This is the flow of how our awareness expands with knowledge.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


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