Sunday 31 May 2015

QnA with Sri Sri
Sunday, May 31, 2015

 Q: How much importance should we give to Vaastu Shastra in our life? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is an ancient scripture with the science of directions. It says which direction the wind blows, which direction the cosmic energies are moving. Unfortunately, we don't have the whole of Vaastu Shastra. Lot of it is lost, destroyed. So whatever we think we have and our Vaastu people have, we are making use of it. There is something interesting about it, there are scientific validations to that. There are scientific validations to ancient thoughts. Just that not explained scientifically. We need to understand some of the customs properly.

Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Sensible Use of Mobiles

 On the mobile there is a switch-off button, we should be kind enough to press it sometimes, that is all. Technology is no impediments at all. It is we who make it an impediment. The purpose of technology is to give us comfort, at the same time, our sleep, or our meditation, or other activities also give us comfort; in fact it gives us absolute comfort. So when a higher comfort is available, you have to leave the lower comfort and rest for some time.

 So, for few minutes, I would recommend you to use that switch-off button so that you can have sound sleep. And when you do good exercise, or when you are with family having a dinner, I think you can put it on silent mode.

Guru Punch of the day
Sunday, May 31, 2015

 When you become a source of inspiration, then you can do great things and bring about a lot of good change in the society and the world. You all should keep moving forward with this sense of enthusiasm and confidence. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Guru One Liner of the day
Sunday, May 31, 2015

 Q: What is Siddhi? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Siddhi means perfection. You do less and accomplish more, that is Siddhi. You do a lot and you accomplish very little, that is not Siddhi. You think about it, and you have it. That is Siddhi.

Wisdom Quote of the day
Sunday, May 31, 2015

 What you need to remember at all times is Mein Tera (I am yours). And tell everyone the same thing, 'I am yours; I belong to you'. Whoever you meet, say this to them, 'I belong to you'. Then you will see that everyone in the world will feel like your own. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Saturday 30 May 2015

Art of living is happy to announce the first total solar village of the country in Pandri village, Purulia, West Bengal. Solar power is used not only for lighting but also for irrigation & rice mills in the entire village. Its a project that can be replicated by the government & other NGOs to make villages self reliant.

Guru Purnima Celebrations with at Art of Living Center, Canada | 31 July | Details:
Never Complain, Never Explain
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Dealing with Prejudice

 I think three things are important in life: Education, Education, and Education. Education is what makes a big difference in anyone’s life. Now education should not be confused for collecting information. To me, education is developing holistic personalities.

 Today, there is racial prejudice, gender prejudice, religious prejudice, and class prejudice. Certain sections of society think that the rich people are always oppressors; rich countries are always oppressors. These prejudices have to be done away with, then only I would say that we have reached a level of education, and we are well-cultured and civilized people.

Guru Punch of the day
Saturday, May 30, 2015

 The memory tends to hold on to the negative. If you are given ten compliments and one insult, what do you hold on to? You forget all the ten compliments and hold on to one negative thing. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

. arrives for today's at Amphitheatre, !

Friday 29 May 2015

QnA with Sri Sri
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Q: What is Nirvana? Or better, give it to us right now! 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Nirvana is bringing the balance and having no feverishness for any desire. Desire means a lack. When you say, I want nothing, I am content, that is nirvana. But that doesn't mean you shun your duties. You perform your duties well but you are with your center. Even craving for enlightenment is an hindrance to enlightenment. All emotions are linked with people, objects and events. Catching on to objects, people or relationships hinders freedom, liberation. When the mind is free from all impressions and concepts, you are liberated. The state of nothingness is called Nirvana, enlightenment, Samadhi. Nirvana is getting back to me from mine. Who am I? When you go deep inside you, layer after layer, that is nirvana. It is like peeling an onion! What do you find in the center of an onion? Nothing! When you know that everything is changing - all relationships, people, body, feelings - suddenly the mind which clings on to misery comes back to you. The return from mine to me, gives you contentment and freedom from misery. Reposing in that state of contentment is nirvana.

Wisdom Quote of the day
Saturday, May 30, 2015

The entire creation is filled with bliss; everything is born out of bliss, sustained by bliss and the final goal of life is also bliss. So any excuse to celebrate is good enough, as it brings joy and bliss to our life. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Guru One Liner of the day
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Q: I got married & got trapped. How come You did not? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Because I have to make you laugh! If I got trapped then how could I make you laugh?
What Sri Sri said today: Accepting Imperfection:
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Friday, May 29, 2015
Taking Pride in Compassion and Non-Violence

 The importance of non-violence in life needs to be stressed. Don’t you think so? With our world becoming more and more violent, we are sort of getting immune to violence.

 When I was growing up, if any student in the class got upset or threw any tantrum, everyone would look down upon that student, ‘Oh what is wrong with this guy? He has lost his balance’.

So on losing the balance or the equanimity of our mind, we were put to shame. Today, pride got itself attached with aggression, not with peace. We need to change this, we need to start attaching pride with compassion and non-violence, rather than with aggression and violence.

Treating Vertigo with Yoga
The Science behind Stretching

@SriSri  Our first Ayurveda hospital in Iraq was opened today after many hurdles.

Guru Punch of the day
Friday, May 29, 2015

 When we get stuck with something in life, often we remain stuck in a position; it is the intellect that gets stuck, and this is called prejudice. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Thursday 28 May 2015

QnA with Sri Sri
Friday, May 29, 2015

 Q: What made God alive? When did you start believing in God, Have you seen God, what does God look like? 
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: This same question was asked 10000 years ago by a little boy to his dad. He asked his father, “Dad, what is God, how is God, how does God Look like?” Dad takes him by hand, brings him out of his house and asks him, “What was here before this house was built?” The boy says Space.
 Dad: Where the house is built? He says in the space.
 Dad: When this house will demolish what will exist, what will remain? He says space. Dad says that is God.
 God is not a person sitting somewhere and showing little finger and as you try to catch him he runs away. It’s only so in some paintings. God is love, God is the space in which everything exists.
God is from which everything has come and into which everything dissolves. And that is what is said in Upanishads, it says God is Brahman. God is like a space, joy and love that is all pervading. The space around you is not dead space, it is filled with energy, intelligence and that energy, that intelligence is divinity and it is inside you, outside you, and everywhere.
 If you see the native cultures of all parts of the world, most of the countries in the world have this concept; they say God is in the mountain, in the river, in the flowers, in the trees, in the animals, in the human beings, God is everywhere all pervading. Love is god, you can feel it and not see it, but you can experience this enormous energy when you go deep in meditation.

Guru One Liner of the day
Friday, May 29, 2015

 Q: What are your thoughts on past lives? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Past life exists. You have come here many times and so have I. Only I know it and you don't.
Wisdom Quote of the day
Friday, May 29, 2015

 Caring, sharing, and responsibility are the characters that yoga simply nurtures inside of us. We all have this inside us. The entire population has this, but it needs nurturing. I would say yoga is one of the best tools to nurture an individual to take responsibility. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

@SriSri  The goal of spirituality is to bring such happiness, which nobody can take away from you.

Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Diverse World (Part 2)

Continuation from Diverse World (Part 1)......

 Somehow, I don’t like this word ‘tolerance’. Do you know why? It has a negative connotation to it. Usually we have world-over interfaith programs where we say, ‘We should have tolerance’. I think it is a word of bygone error. You tolerate something which you do not like. Now the time has come to appreciate and celebrate diversity, not tolerate it. This is something that we need to really look into. Our universe has so many varieties and we must appreciate it, enjoy it and celebrate it.

 I usually tell people: 'We accept food from every part of the world, we accept music from every part of the world, we accept technology from every part of the world. We do not ask, 'Where was this technology discovered?’ But when it comes to wisdom, there seems to be some sort of resistance. We put up a wall and say, 'This is Jewish, or this is Hindu, or this is Buddhist.’ We bring in prejudice and we stay away from it'. As long as this strain continues, the world cannot be a peaceful place. Even if a small part of the world thinks that only they have the key to heaven and everybody else is going to hell, they are bound to create hell for everyone else.

 So here comes our collective responsibility to educate our people with a multi-cultural and multi-religious education. Thanks to the technology today of the internet, this has been made possible; but still there is a big number of people that remain ignorant, thinking that only they have the key to heaven.

Guru Punch of the day
Thursday, May 28, 2015

 We need to learn mental hygiene, i.e., meditation. We must teach our population how to get rid of all the anger, greed, jealousy, and hatred from our mind. It is through breathing, meditation that we can keep ourselves lively, loving, caring, compassionate, and intelligent. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

QnA with Sri Sri
Thursday, May 28, 2015

 Q: How do I forgive? I find it difficult to let lose off the grudges. 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There are 6.5 billion people on this planet. Don’t forgive the 6.5 billon but just forgive this one person.

 You know, inside every culprit there is a victim crying for help. You must know they are victim of situation and circumstances. They might have done something wrong, but this is because they don’t have that knowledge. They were never exposed to higher knowledge, so they make mistake. See what is happening today, all the church scandals are coming out. It is so painful, so pity of a condition because just reading books and understanding doesn’t help violent tendencies or any kind of tendencies to be fixed. These can only be fixed through meditation, through breathing exercise and yoga. Only through that the violent aggressive energy doesn’t surround.

 Prisoners say, “AOL is responsible for our being in the prison, because if you had given us this knowledge earlier, we wouldn’t have landed in the prison. You are responsible and you should have given the knowledge much earlier. So, our life would have been much different”, and I agree with them.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Tour Schedule: 1 August - 3 August 2015

Guru One Liner of the day
Thursday, May 28, 2015

 Q: What is your plan to make India a superpower? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: India is already a superpower, we are already making it one. We have to spread the knowledge from India to all corners of the world, that’s it.

Wisdom Quote of the day
Thursday, May 28, 2015

 We are connected with everybody; all of us are connected; we are all part of one organism, one human mind. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
When your heart beats for others, for something higher, something finer & something more meaningful, then there is no boredom in life.

What Sri Sri said today:Listen To Your Heart:
On13th June,over 300 cities in108 countries Yogis perform Sun Salutation with the rising Sun
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
 Diverse World (Part 1)

 We live in a diverse world. If God wanted the world to be without diversity, there would be just one type of fish, one type of flower, one type of fruit and vegetable. This universe, this world has so many varieties. It is a bouquet of flowers.

 The fauna and flora of this beautiful universe give us the message that we live in a multi-verse, in a planet where there are differences, and these differences make life beautiful.

To be Continued........................

Guru Punch of the day
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

 The consciousness or the mind in you has the ability to expand and contract. If you know this, and if you understand and experience this, then nobody can take the smile away from you. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Tuesday 26 May 2015

QnA with Sri Sri
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

 Q: Is it possible to become like a child again and to rekindle that positive vibration around us? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is possible. The secret lies in our own breath. Through breathing exercises, certain breathing techniques and some practice of meditation, we can rekindle positive vibrations within and around us.

 Are you aware that sometimes for no reasons you feel like talking to some people, and sometimes for no reason you want to avoid some people? I am sure everyone has this experience!

 We convey more through our presence than through our words. If we are uptight, angry or stressed, then we become repulsive. Now, the question is how do these negative vibrations come in our aura? We are storing all these negative things that we have seen and heard in our aura.

Guru One Liner of the day
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

 Q: What is the difference between Self and ego? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: For Ego you need the other person to be there. Ego needs someone else, Self does not. Ego is also part of Self, take it that way. It’s ok.
Wisdom Quote of the day
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

 We all want happiness, and yoga is the way for that much needed happiness factor in life. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

A Way to Stop Misery before It Comes
What Sri Sri said today: Smile And Make Smiles:

The Art of Busting Stress: Have Faith that the Best will Happen

Sharing 5 simple ways to improve focus which will help you to achieve more:
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
A Way to Stop Misery before It Comes

 Patanjali, the profounder of yoga, in his Yoga Sutras, he enunciated the purpose of yoga. He said ‘Heyam Dukham Anagatham’. The purpose of yoga is to stop misery before it comes.

 On many counts, this is very useful. When a conflict is boiling somewhere, ask people to breathe, sit together and communicate better, you will see that you can resolve the conflict right at the very root cause of it. Whether it is greed, jealousy, anger, hatred, or frustration, all these negative emotions can be healed or re-oriented through yoga, and this is my experience throughout the world.
Guru Punch of the day
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

 Getting upset is normal, but to carry those emotions for months or years together is not normal. You should be like children; have you noticed when children are crying, it takes children just a few minutes to smile back. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Monday 25 May 2015

Who is Shiva? Was he a historical figure like Sri Rama or Krishna?
+Sri Sri Ravi Shankar throws light - resolving the popularly misconceived notions of Lord Shiva . A guide to better understanding of the supreme consciousness!
Download by clicking the following link:


1. हर एक घटना का कारण होता है। कारणों का कारण परमेश्वर है। इस सत्य को जानने से आप मजबूत होंगे।

2. प्रत्येक घटनेचे कारण असते. कारणांचे कारण ईश्वर आहे. हे सत्य जाणल्याने तुम्ही सशक्त व्हाल.

QnA with Sri Sri
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

 Q: How important is it that we act for planet? What can we do? How do we sustain? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: We need to wake up and see that planet is our home and when you go higher, you don’t see borders. Borders are our understanding, our illusions. There really is no border. Sky knows no border, clouds know no border, and wind also knows no border. The elements of this earth have no borders. The planet is one home for everyone. We are all one family. So, we need to think from a broader perspective. Which is the correct perspective? That the whole planet belongs to us.
 We cannot dump our nuclear waste into some other place. The effect of dumping any waste anywhere in Earth will again come back to us! We cannot keep one place clean and pure in isolation. It is not possible because the air will carry! We have to care for the whole planet. We have to make the entire planet organic.
 We have created so many types of viruses on this planet. Because we meddled with nature. We have destroyed many species on this planet because we have not taken good care of it, and our food production has gone so low. That it’s going to be a very heavy thing on the coming generation, you know! I think every individual, every human being on the planet will have to take responsibility of not polluting the planet, of continuing sustainable development by planting more trees, preserving our lakes, preserving water. It is so important!
 Water scarcity is another big issue in the world. Millions of people are into starvation! So, we need to have a global picture and care for the whole planet. Of course, we need This is most important! But at the same time, we should have the idea about the whole planet and the entire humanity being a family.

Guru One Liner of the day
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

 Q: How to overcome the pain of a marriage break-up and the grief of possibly not being able to meet the daughter ever again? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Meditation will give you the much needed strength. Have the faith that only the best will happen to you in the future and move on. Sudarshan kriya will help tremendously.

Wisdom Quote of the day
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

 Parliaments world over are striving to achieve this goal of human existence - happiness! We all want happiness, and yoga is the way for that much needed happiness factor in life. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
QnA with Sri Sri
Monday, May 25, 2015

 Q: I was wondering what exactly the mind is. Is it a little space in our brain or is it universal? And yes, I want to tell you that you rock. 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Mind is energy which is all over the body. See, every cell in your body is emitting some energy and the totality of all that energy around you is what you call the mind. Mind is not present at some point in the brain, but mind is all over the body. There is so much deep knowledge about consciousness; we should sometime go much deeper into it. We will understand more. The more you understand, the more wonder-struck you are. Wow!

 You know, people have phantom hand, that means they really don’t have a hand, but they feel they have a hand, and they feel sensations like itching or paining in that hand. People who have lost their hand or leg in a war or accident, later sometimes, they feel they have a phantom hand or a leg. Though, they don’t have it physically. That explains or gives a clue that the mind is not just in one spot, it is all around the body. The aura of body is mind. We think that mind is inside the body, it is the other way around - Body is inside the mind. Body is like the wick of the candle and mind is like the glow all around.

Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Monday, May 25, 2015
We Are All Born Yogis

 You do not need a yoga teacher if you observe a baby anywhere in the world. From the age of 3 months to the age of 3 years, a baby does all the yoga postures. Their breathing, the way they sleep, the way they smile, everything is yoga. Babies are yoga teachers, they are yogis and that is how a baby is stress-free and happy.

 A baby smiles 400 times in a day. The purpose of yoga is to put a smile on our face in spite of all the stress and tensions, or situations that we are put through in our day-to-day life.

Guru Punch of the day
Monday, May 25, 2015

 I am not saying that you should not get angry, upset or feel jealous; it is okay! You can shout, get angry, be upset, but that should not stay for more than a few minutes; only then it is healthy. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Guru One Liner of the day
Monday, May 25, 2015

 Q: How to distinguish between moha and love? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Moha gives you pain not love. Love appears to give you pain but moha gives you more pain. How to get rid of Moha? It’s wisdom, knowledge.
Wisdom Quote of the day
Monday, May 25, 2015

 Since there are so many desires that arise, some get fulfilled, and some don`t. If you remain happy whether the desire is fulfilled or not, then it does not become a thorn. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
What Sri Sri said today: Happy - At All Times:

Sunday 24 May 2015

QnA with Sri Sri
Sunday, May 24, 2015

 Q: Please can you teach me how to be connected to the faith? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Trying to connect to the faith is trying to connect to the air around you. ‘I want to be connected to the air.’ My dear, you can’t be but! You are already connected. Relax. Why do you try to connect to air? Are you getting what I am saying? Doubt as much as you can. I would say, you should doubt as much as you can. A point comes when you no longer can doubt, the truth will stand up. Truth can never be destroyed by doubt. Do you understand what I am saying? Truth will stand. Doubt can cover it, delay it for some time, drag on for some time, but it can never destroy the truth. Therefore, when people have doubts, I say, ‘doubt as much as you can. One day those doubts will fall off.’ If you are lucky, it will fall off immediately the way it comes. Unlucky ones hang on to it for a little longer time. That’s all. Unlucky ones will carry the garbage on their back for some long distance. Lucky ones know that they carry garbage and throw it right there. Two steps, and they drop their garbage. Otherwise one carries on the shoulder for a long distance.

Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Happiness Through Yoga

 Whether you are a businessman, or a public figure, or a private individual, you want peace, you want to smile, you want to be happy, isn't it? This happiness can only happen when we look at the root cause of unhappiness, and unhappiness is because of lack of vision, stress, tension and worry.
 Again, European Union, you have been talking quite a bit about GDH. I suppose from GDP we are moving towards Gross Domestic Happiness (GDH). Yoga is something that can aid that, it can be a very useful tool.

 A large percentage of our population today is suffering from depression. Just popping a Prozac or anti-depressants will not help. We need something that is so natural, as natural as our breath, that we can use and elevate our spirit and feel that much needed happiness; that pursuit of happiness that everybody is after.

 I just want to ask you, when you are happy, what is it that you feel? Have you noticed a sense of expansion within you? Suppose you are complemented, or you accomplished something you wanted to accomplish, you will find that there is something in you that is expanding. At the same time, when we face a failure or when someone insults you, what happens? There is something in you that shrinks. So, yoga is putting your attention on this something in you that seem to be expanding when you are happy, and crushing or contracting when you feel unhappy.

Guru Punch of the day
Sunday, May 24, 2015

 Sometimes the thoughts come because of the surroundings or company. Do not be afraid of bad thoughts. These thoughts are similar to the dark clouds that come and pass away. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Guru One Liner of the day
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Q: If birth and death are continuous then how to put an end to it. 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When you are happy and content then you put an end to it.
Wisdom Quote of the day
Sunday, May 24, 2015

 When do you not like to take responsibility? When you are tired and stressed. If you have taken care of these two issues and you have enough enthusiasm and energy, you will definitely take more responsibility, and with a sense of lightness. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

- Sutra 11 | Tritaya bhokta virshah | Read the essence at :

Saturday 23 May 2015

Guru One Liner of the day
Saturday, May 23, 2015

 Q: My husband is asking, I want to see change in you when you come back from Ashram. What should I do for that? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Ya, smile bigger. Definitely everybody will expect when you go back from Ashram, they will want to see a change in you. Be kind, be a little extra kind. You can tell them also, I want to see change in you, you go to Ashram!

QnA with Sri Sri
Saturday, May 23, 2015

 Q: Please say something about spiritual materialism. 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I am hearing a new word today. Well, don’t divide life: this is spiritual or this is materialistic. Take a holistic view of life. There is also food in a temple. In that sense both material and spiritual aspects are there. Music is both a form of entertainment and spirituality. We even put ornate clothes on our deities. Ancient people never separated the spiritual and material. They enjoyed putting precious jewels in temples.

 In South India, in Madurai, kings gave away most of their precious jewels to the temples. Everything co-existed. In the same way, you can treat work as worship. It is sacred. Spirituality has entered our material life. Action is sacred. Lord Krishna says, “Janma karma samay divya”. All actions are divine. Lord Krishna himself was very much of the material world except for his discourse to Arjuna. All he did was materialistic. He ruled the country, advised as a minister, and so on. Life should not be compartmentalized. Materialism and spirituality are not opposed to each other.

 However, money earned through unethical means is never spiritual. It will pinch your heart. The spirit is awake in you. It is your natural instinct. If you have a plate full of food and someone comes to you, you will not be able to eat it alone. It is such a natural part of your life that you cannot renounce one for the other. Every spiritual person has to do charity. You want to be compassionate, but how can you be when you have nothing to give away. Charity cannot happen with an empty bowl.

 Narayana is the pinnacle of spiritual life and Laxmi is the symbol of wealth. Both Narayana and Laxmi go together. Saraswati sat on a rock. The knowledge that you have gained will always be with you. Laxmi sits on a lotus which floats on water. You will never believe what happens in the share market. Wealth is unsteady just as a lotus floating on water. These are the eternal symbols that convey truth. Grasp what is needed. This is very important.

When the path is Charming, Commitment is effortless and is a part of your nature.-

Wisdom Quote of the day
Saturday, May 23, 2015

 We should welcome wisdom, irrespective of its source, as long as it does not conflict with our traditions. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

1.MH govt. spent Rs1495.6mn on drought relief. Our volunteers are confident of rejuvenating the Maan river in Rs200mn as a permanent solution.

2.Art of Living volunteers in Satara, Maharashtra, independently de-silted Maan river bed in Rs 1.35mn (govt. estimate was Rs 7.2mn)
What Sri Sri said today:A Commitment To Happiness:

Jaigurudev Dear Ones,

Meditate with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for a peaceful Africa.
Join us at or Sri Sri App at 6:30 pm IST on 23 May 2015.

Friday 22 May 2015

Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Friday, May 22, 2015
Yoga - A Way to Nurture an Individual to Take Responsibility

 Yoga also helps people to be more responsible, and to take more responsibility in their life. This is called Karma Yoga. A Karma Yogi is one who takes responsibility.

 We all play many roles in our life. We have an option to play the role either as a yogi or as a non-yogi; one who is responsible or one who is not-so-responsible. You can have a responsible teacher, a responsible doctor, or a businessman who cares.

 Caring, sharing, and responsibility are the characters that yoga simply nurtures inside of us. We all have this inside us. The entire population has this, but it needs nurturing. I would say yoga is one of the best tools to nurture an individual to take responsibility.

1. That which gives you strength and stability, a vision & a mission in Life is Spirituality.
2. Glad that 3,50,000 people meditated in Africa in past few days. Today,millions to join #IMeditateAfrica on  6.30pm IST

A Commitment To Happiness

QnA with Sri Sri
Friday, May 22, 2015

 Q: If whatever we do is in search of happiness, then why is there so much pain and misery in the world? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is a story of Mullah Nasserudin. His wife was pregnant and the time of delivery had come. But the baby was not coming out. When doctor told this to Mullah Nasserudin, he ran to the market, bought a toy, and kept that toy in front of her wife. He said, “After all this is my child, so he will surely come out with greed”. Whole our life we keep on running behind things with the hope of getting something. We keep on looking for some kind of profit. How would such person experience happiness? Neither does a greedy person get happiness nor does a person who is bombarded with too many desires. The one who relaxes in his consciousness, is happy. One who is centered, experiences the true happiness. I am not saying there is no happiness in the outer world, but the happiness you get when you go within is incomparable. The world is running in search of happiness. The body gets baked, the mind gets baked, the intellect gets deluded but still we keep on getting stuck in the same repetitive cycle. When you meet the Guru, you come to know that you are the source of happiness. Then the mind calms down, and you realize that you are the one in whose search you kept on running here and there.

Guru One Liner of the day
Friday, May 22, 2015

 Q: No matter how much sadhana I do, negative impressions are not going. What do I do? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: They will go by themselves through Sadhana. You don’t need to worry about it.
Wisdom Quote of the day
Friday, May 22, 2015

 Science is a systematic logical understanding of what is. In that sense, yoga is a science; it is a systematic understanding of the subject. Knowing ‘What this is’ is science. Knowing ‘Who am I’ is spirituality. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Guru Punch of the day
Friday, May 22, 2015

Divine love is not somewhere far, it is with me right here. If we have this faith, then we can never feel separate from Divine love. I have come to tell you that you can never be far from God. If you understand this today then I will consider my work done. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Thursday 21 May 2015

What you are experiencing today is because of what you did yesterday. You accept & move on.
‏@SriSri  Conflict is the nature of the world; comfort is the nature of the Self. Amidst the conflict seek the comfort.

What Sri Sri said today: A Healthy Way To Deal With Emotions:

What Sri Sri said today Are You Being Responsible?
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Thursday, May 21, 2015
What Is Stress and How to Get Rid of It?

 Stress is too much to do, too little time, and no energy, Do you agree with me? In a short time, we have to do a lot, but there is no energy, and this causes stress.

How to get rid of stress?

 •By reducing the workload - This does not appear to be a possibility these days.
•By increasing the time - This is which we cannot do. It is fixed, unless we go to another planet.
•By increasing the energy level within us - And this is the only option we are left with.

 When we have enough energy and enthusiasm, we are able to handle any challenge.

 One aspect of the yoga way is to provide us with tools and techniques to lead a stress-free life and a tension-free life. On the other hand, I would say, yoga is also the greatest wealth of humankind.

Guru Punch of the day
Thursday, May 21, 2015

 In order to seek perfection, look at perfection, everywhere in creation. In creation, every step is perfect, every object is perfect, everything has its own place. When one does this, then grumbling and complaining mind stops, and rests peacefully. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Wednesday 20 May 2015

QnA with Sri Sri
Thursday, May 21, 2015

 Q: I have heard of many people benefitting from Ayurveda. Can you please talk about that? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: We definitely need to adopt certain things from Ayurveda. Lots of thoughts disturb us when there is stomach disorder. When vatta or pitta in body gets imbalanced, too many thoughts arise in mind. There is a ayurvedic medicine, Triphla, which balances the three Imbalances in the body. It is good to take Triphla for 1 - 2 months. You can take 1, 2 tablets, or a spoon of Triphla churna before going to bed. It increases energy level in body. Vitamin C also provides you immunity. Sometimes allopathic doctors prescribe medicines for 15-20 days for stomach disorders, and that adversely affects liver and body. There is Devati which you can take. It is very effective in curing fever also. Ayurveda has the specialty of correcting disorders and diseases without any side effect. And hence we should adopt Ayurveda. All these are home remedies and one should keep these with oneself. And if at some time, some disease prolongs then one should definitely consult doctor.
Guru One Liner of the day
Thursday, May 21, 2015

 Q: What should I follow, my interest or passion? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Passion’s drive is the biggest drive in us. But it should be placed in the right place. So your passion should go through the filter of your intellect and your wisdom. Then it will work miracles for you.

Wisdom Quote of the day
Thursday, May 21, 2015

 Yoga brings equilibrium in the mind. When you can do any action with mindfulness, you are aware of what you are saying or doing, this makes you a yogi. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

@SriSri arrives for the Satsang at @BangaloreAshram today.

Time and again we should lift our eyes away from the mundane. The nature of the mundane is that it…

Watch LIVE: Knowledge session & Satsang with | 21 May | 7 PM IST | Link:

- Sutra 10 | Aviveko maya sausuptam | Read the complete essence at :

Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Handling Conflicts

 When you go to the root cause of conflicts, you will find that it is stress, mistrust, and fear of the other. Yoga helps you get over all the three. Fear of the other vanishes, because you have broadened awareness, broadened consciousness. You feel everyone is part of you and you are part of them. Fear of losing one’s identity or fear of losing existence, being extinct, is something that is very deep-rooted. Yoga, I feel, is the best thing to remove these fears from the minds of people.
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@SriSri  We need to start attaching pride with compassion and non-violence, rather than with aggression and violence.

Guru Punch of the day
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

 When you know you are part of the divine plan, you stop demanding. Then you know everything is being done for you. You are taken care of. Patience in the mind and dynamism in action is the right formula. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Tuesday 19 May 2015

QnA with Sri Sri
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

 Q: I want to know how to have harmonious relation with juniors and at the same time take work from them? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Create a sense of belongingness with your juniors. You know that they respect you and you need to be cordial with them. Respect needs some distance, this distance is good but that should be of an arm’s length and not longer than that. A little distance is ok to keep the respect among your juniors but too much distance will bring a breakdown in communication. You need to maintain that balance. A little bit distance needs to be there so that respect is maintained at the same time communication is cordial.
Guru One Liner of the day
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

 Q: What will help us more in life our experience or knowledge. 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Both. Knowledge and experience together.

Wisdom Quote of the day
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

 People who meditate, who engage in seva, who have a goal in their life and who live for others and not only themselves, you will see that they have a glow in their life, and on their face. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Does Practicing Yoga Interfere with Any Faith?

 By eating Chinese food, we do not become Chinese. Listening to Beethoven, does not turn you into a German. When we can accept food from every part of the world, music from every part of the world, technology from every part of the world, why to single out wisdom that can bring you inner peace, without interfering with your own faith or belief system? This is my question.

 No doubt, yoga has its root in Hinduism. Actually, Hinduism is a way of life. Patanjali never talks about many Gods or pantheism. Patanjali simply says - there is the body, the mind, the breath, and the life-force; attend to all of this. We should welcome wisdom, irrespective of its source, as long as it does not conflict with our traditions.

Guru Purnima Celebrations 2015 with in Canada! Block your dates & stay tuned:
Facts About Meditation

Guru Punch of the day
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

 Instead of just being a spectator, be a participant in this phenomenon called the universe. You should be a participant, or agent of change in society, rather than just watching television every day and looking at what is happening. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Monday 18 May 2015

QnA with Sri Sri
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

 Q: There are many things in my life which I think are not ok. I don’t know what to do about these things. 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When you say, ‘It’s not ok, it’s not ok’, the seed of ‘not ok’ is not letting your mind to relax. When do you go to bed? When everything is ok, and when there is comfort. When you are hanging on to the discomfort, how can you ever be comfortable? You have to accept things as they are. ‘It’s not ok, it’s not ok’ keeps you all outside. Those imperfections are there for a cause or purpose. It is going to be ok, it will take some time. Things are ok the way they are now, They will be ok in the future Whatever happened in the past was ok. When you understand this, you relax and in that relaxation you can meditate. When you want to retire, its nivriti but when you want to come out (of rest) its pravritti. Then you can act. When you are tired but you are hanging on to what is not ok - then you cannot retire. When you have to chill out, what do you say? ‘Everything is perfect,’ otherwise you can’t chill, you can’t act! It is neither pravritti, nor nivriti. Dhyan yoga is nivriti, Karma yoga is pravritti. Most people are hanging onto the ‘not ok’ and are unable to relax, to enjoy life, to chill, to be creative. They are holding onto the seed of ‘not ok’. That person, this situation, the government, the administration - everything is not ok. Then it comes to you - I am not ok. Subtly, it reflects on you that you are not OK. Then you don't like that feeling, and to cover that up, you make up many justifications and the mind is all confused. If tamogun is too much, you don't know the pravritti or the nivriti. When there is Satva, then we know what to act, when to act, whether to act or not. When Rajogun prevails then its half way through - you regret and act. Many of us act and then we regret. Mother scolds her child, regrets it and then becomes nice. In Satva, you don't regret, you retire and relax, there is clarity. In Rajogun, there is confusion and chaos. In Tamogun, there is total inertia and lethargy. There is no strict border between the three gunas. It is very fluid, one flows into another.

Guru One Liner of the day
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

 Q: What is the trick to make people do the Happiness Program when they don’t do it after telling them so many times? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You keep telling them about it. Things change with conviction.
Wisdom Quote of the day
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

 You know, people who are on the spiritual path, they feel young and alive all the time. They overcome senility. This is one thing for sure. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Monday, May 18, 2015
We Have All Been Yogis

 You have done it as a baby, but you don’t know it. Not a single child on this planet has grown up without doing yoga.

 Babies, when they sleep, they are in the Chin Mudra while sleeping. In any part of the world you see, when babies are lying down they lift their legs first, and then they go on their belly and try to lift their shoulders. To some extent every child has done asanas on this planet.

 Then coming to the breathing pattern - the way we breathe is different from the way a baby breathes. A baby has a stress-free mind, a happy mind. All the science of yoga is already there in a baby and as babies, we have all been yogis. We are just going back to our roots.

 Yoga has eight limbs; there are eight steps to it and one among them is physical postures. But, the central teaching is maintaining an equanimous state of mind.

 'Samatvam yoga uchayate' - yoga brings equilibrium in the mind. When you can do any action with mindfulness, you are aware of what you are saying or doing, this makes you a yogi.

 See, science is a systematic logical understanding of what is. In that sense, yoga is a science; it is a systematic understanding of the subject. Knowing ‘What this is’ is science. Knowing ‘Who am I’ is spirituality.

Guru Punch of the day
Monday, May 18, 2015

 If you recognize the ego of others, it will get into you, and you will walk like a mouse. Walk like a lion, and be happy. Don’t frown, or roar like a lion, just smile and feel like a lion inside. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sunday 17 May 2015

QnA with Sri Sri
Monday, May 18, 2015

 Q: Whenever I see a good looking girl, I find myself in love. Is that love or infatuation? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Well, time will tell you! First, find out whether they are in love with you or not. If that matches, it is a different story. If it doesn’t match, that is a different story altogether. Either case, you will become mature. But don’t keep falling in love. Rise in love! In love,you don't expect anything in return. If you want something in return,don’t call it love. Then that’s a need. In a relationship there is a need, but there is no need in love. Love is your very nature. If it sounds too philosophical for now, just keep it in the background and relax. One day you will understand, when your heart breaks or when you realize you expected something too much, something will pop up from the background of the mind and try to save you.

Wisdom Quote of the day
Monday, May 18, 2015

The spirit or the energy has no birth and no death. There is something deep inside of you that was never born and that never will die. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Guru One Liner of the day
Monday, May 18, 2015

Q: Do heaven and hell exist?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When you do meditation all your questions will just disappear. Heaven is here, hell is also here. Both are inside us.

Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Mastery Over Oneself

 You know, people who are on the spiritual path, they feel young and alive all the time. They overcome senility. This is one thing for sure. People who meditate, who engage in seva, who have a goal in their life and who live for others and not only themselves, you will see that they have a glow in their life, and on their face.

 If you look at Mahatma Gandhi, or Nelson Mandela, you see that there is a glow in them. That is because their life is dedicated to something bigger. So Lord Krishna says in Bhavad Gita, 'One who comes to me will never have this (jara) old age. There is no death for them and they feel liberated'.

 Coming to the master is not being bound but feeling the inner freedom. It is not slavery, it is mastery over oneself. It is freedom from our own mind. Freedom from craving and aversions. Freedom from feeling of 'I can do this' and 'I cannot do this'. So those who take refuge in me, strive for liberation.
Thousands await 's arrival in Sunday at Guru Paduka Vanam, !

Guru Punch of the day
Sunday, May 17, 2015

 If somebody has ego, how does it bother you? You should walk happily. They should feel ashamed looking at you. Look at this man, he is so happy! Egoistical people should feel jealous seeing you being happy. It depends on you. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Saturday 16 May 2015

QnA with Sri Sri
Sunday, May 17, 2015

 Q: Would you please share with us your appreciation of soul consciousness? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is something in you that is not changing.

 Now, if you cannot find what is not changing in you, at least can you recognize everything in you that is changing? If you just stand in front of the mirror and look at your picture that was taken five years ago, you will find that you have changed. Your body has undergone changes, your thoughts keep changing, your emotions keep changing – you cannot hold onto the same emotion forever, so emotions keep changing, and its intensity keep changing.

 So everything changes, and you recognize the change because there is something that is not changing inside of you, and that is the reference point of all changes. Logging onto that is meditation. For meditation, you do not have to do something, you simply have to relax.

 To me, meditation is not doing something, it is emptying yourself; emptying the vessel. When you are empty, everything becomes the same. So empty your mind for a few moments. We all take rest by sleeping but when we sleep we become unconscious for six to eight hours; we do not know where we are. But if you consciously sit, relax and clear the mind, that gives you enormous amount of energy, enthusiasm, and intuition.

Guru One Liner of the day
Sunday, May 17, 2015

 Q: Why do our nearest ones often remain strangers? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Because no one can understand anyone totally. Life is a mystery!
Wisdom Quote of the day
Sunday, May 17, 2015

 Maya means illusion. Maya means that which is temporary, that which is not the truth. Maya simply means appearance. Like the sunset is maya, because it only appears to be setting. In reality it is not setting. So sunset is maya. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Jaigurudev Dear Ones,
Mongolia and India are closely linked with ties of spirituality. Yoga and Meditation have brought a sea-change in the lives of the people of both the countries.
The Art of Living’s vision and efforts for a stress-free violence-free society have resonated with the people of Mongolia like elsewhere in the world.
It is a joyous occasion for us to welcome the Honorable Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi who has great admiration for work ethics and spirituality.
Join in to watch this event live on on 17 May, 2:00 pm IST

. reveals the mechanism of the mind and intellect. How concepts and one’s understanding change over time:

Interview with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
3 'C's can bring a huge change in your life:
1. Seeing life from a bigger context
2. Committing to a bigger cause
3. Compassion in life.

Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Fog of Cravings and Aversion

 Cravings and aversion, it is almost in-built in your system. Almost is what I said, not really. It appears to be in-built. Cravings and aversion creates a cloud in our mind and prevents us from seeing the deep blue sky which is beyond it; the unblemished sky beyond it.

 On a dark cloudy day, you can't see the blue sky that is clear. So it is the same with consciousness. Our mind has this fog of cravings and aversion, and so it cannot see the clear consciousness.
Guru Punch of the day
Saturday, May 16, 2015

 I have only two things to tell you. One is that there is no misery in life. Wake up and see. There is no sorrow, no problem. If that doesn't work, the second is, give your problems to me. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The cause of sadness is a thorn of desire stuck in your heart. If you notice it and manage to pull it…

- Sutra 9 | Svapno vikalpah | Read the complete essence at :

Striving for a peaceful world through ! Join the millions around the world in celebration

Beautiful moments from ​'s Birthday Celebrations has been uploaded for you! Catch them:

Friday 15 May 2015

Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Friday, May 15, 2015
Don't Try to Gauge Others

 There is an old proverb which says, 'Don't try to gauge others'. And for the enlightened it is said, 'You can't gauge the enlightened, by their action or by their words. You can't know them'.
 Why is this? It is because the consciousness is so vast, so deep and so multi-dimensional, and we have the ability to only know a few dimensions.
 The consciousnesses is multi-dimensional and so only the consciousness can know. One knowing that becomes that.

Guru Punch of the day
Friday, May 15, 2015

 Those who we feel do not belong to us, we are not happy with them. We want to dominate them. The tendency to dominate is because of the ego, and the antidote for this is having a sense of belongingness to everybody. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

QnA with Sri Sri
Saturday, May 16, 2015

 Q: In difficult situations, what should we do in order to take control of our minds, or to reach a state of equilibrium. I would like to ask Gurudev for a very simple exercise we can practice to reach a state of equilibrium. 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I think you have already led us to meditation.

 Let us first clear the misconception that meditation is concentration. meditation is not concentration. To do any work, you need concentration. If you are driving and if you are not concentrating on the road, you will miss the exit. So, for doing anything you need concentration, but to do nothing, you do not need concentration. Meditation is just the opposite to concentration. Concentration is an outcome of meditation. So first of all, we do not try to stop thoughts, we do not fight with good or bad thoughts, or grab onto good thoughts; all that we do is simply keep relaxing. Our body is like the wick of a candle, our mind is like the glow all around it.

 Second misconception is, we think our mind is in the body. It is the body which is inside the mind; the mind is all around us, and inside of us of course.

 Third thing is, you have to take on the three important golden rules for meditation:

1.The first rule is: (for the next 10 minutes or so that I sit for meditation) I want nothing. Can we say that? I want nothing. Afterwards there is no limit for your want, but just for the time that you sit for meditation, you have to remove that clothes of want and put it aside.

2.The second rule is: (for the next 10 minutes or so that I sit for meditation) I have to do nothing. I am not going to do anything - I am not going to chant something, or remember something, or focus on something, or anything like that.

3.The third rule is: (for the next 10 minutes or so that I sit for meditation) I am nothing. If you think ‘I am very intelligent’, you are stuck, you will not be able to meditate at all. And if you think ‘I am stupid’, then also you are stuck. So, ‘I am neither rich nor poor, nor intelligent nor stupid.’ So when you sit for meditation, remove all the labels. ‘I am young , I am old, I am wise, I am not so wise', remove all the stickers that you put on ourselves, and see that you are nothing.’
‘I do nothing, I want nothing, I am nothing.’ These are the three golden rules of meditation.