Sunday 31 May 2015

Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Sensible Use of Mobiles

 On the mobile there is a switch-off button, we should be kind enough to press it sometimes, that is all. Technology is no impediments at all. It is we who make it an impediment. The purpose of technology is to give us comfort, at the same time, our sleep, or our meditation, or other activities also give us comfort; in fact it gives us absolute comfort. So when a higher comfort is available, you have to leave the lower comfort and rest for some time.

 So, for few minutes, I would recommend you to use that switch-off button so that you can have sound sleep. And when you do good exercise, or when you are with family having a dinner, I think you can put it on silent mode.

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