Tuesday, 21 March 2017

POSTED: 24 MAR 2012


In the Srimad Bhagwatam, there is a story of king Ajamila. The king had many vices. When he was on his deathbed, he called his son who was named ‘Narayan'. And when he uttered the Divine’s name, he got liberated.

This story builds trust in people that however their past has been; there is no need to waste time in repenting. If you turn to the Divine even at the last moment, you have a chance to be liberated.

Instead of brooding over the past, just wake up and acknowledge it. Move forward and don’t get stuck in blaming yourself or others. It is like playing volleyball. You throw the ball and the ball comes back to you again. This game goes on. If you want to get out of this game, acknowledge the mistake.

What do we normally do is to justify our mistakes so that the guilt is not felt. It doesn’t work. Whatever justification you give, the guilt lingers on. You resist the guilt and it continues and then distorts your behaviour deep inside. You have all the right to feel miserable for the mistake you have done. A justification does not remove the guilt as it is superficial. Be 100% with the guilt and that pain will become like a meditation and relieve you from the guilt.

How do you deal with a person who has committed a mistake? Do not tell a person a mistake he already knows and make them feel guilty, defensive or resentful. This will only create distance. Before pointing out the mistake of a person, see whether your comment in any way help to improve the situation.

Don’t see intention behind other’s mistakes. When we see from a broader perspective, every culprit is also a victim. They may be a victim of lack of education or information, too much stress and narrow-mindedness. All these would cause someone to make a mistake.

If a wise man sees mistakes in others, he helps them to come out of it in a compassionate manner. But a fool is happy if someone else does a mistake and takes pride in it and announces to the world.

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

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