Monday 5 August 2024


Posted on: Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Q: In the Mahabharata, why did an intelligent person like Bhishma choose to remain silent on sensitive issues and was ready to fight side-by-side with Duryodhana?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

Why do you want me to talk about Mahabharata? Bhishma has already said what happened there. He feels so obliged.

Duryodhana was in high command and the good people got trapped into his high commanding (position). That is the problem.

There are good people but in the wrong party with a wrong party head. And there are wrong people with a good party head as well. What will you do? This is what is happening.

Every party is keen to give a ticket to a criminal element. Do you know why? They have a vote bank. The criminal people have money and muscle power, so you give them a ticket and they will get elected. And everything is just a game of numbers in this democracy.

So inevitably they go and get elected because the good people sit at home and say, ‘Who will go and vote and do all these things. Anyway everybody is corrupt and all parties are hopeless.’

So there is a sense of apathy and they don't go and exercise their franchise. That is the reason.
I tell you, good people should form a vote bank, then no party will give ticket to people with criminal records or corrupt politicians. They will all look for people who have an attitude to serve.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


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