Saturday, 3 August 2013

Knowledge Sheet

Pure Consciousness

Subscribe to Knowledge Sheets " Once you are on this path, you never feel that you have aged. Old and elderly people who are on the spiritual path keep their enthusiasm till their last breath.
No matter how old they become, their face still glows with joy and happiness. They have a child-like innocence in them. So how can you call someone who has such a child-like innocence in them as old? How can you call people who are unafraid of death and who keep smiling as old?
When a person completely understands that I am not the body, I am pure Consciousness, then such strength dawns in him. How can such a person be fearful of death anymore?
Such people feel free from old age and death (having realized their true nature that is eternal). They are filled with happiness and enthusiasm. They are free from the conflicts of craving and aversions.
Otherwise you see so many people who till the last moment of their lives keep worrying about their son, or their daughter, or grandchildren."

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

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