Thursday 7 May 2015

Knowledge Sheet of H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Is This World an Illusion?

 This world is a sort of illusion, but don't blame it. A lot of people blame this world saying, 'Oh this is rubbish, this is no good'. The tendency of the mind is to say, 'Oh this is all maya, this is an illusion. This is no good. I have to get away from this and go into myself'. This is when Krishna says in Bhagvad Gita, 'Wait a minute, what you consider as an illusion or ignorance, is also mine'. Then you take a big sigh of relief, 'Ah, okay'.

 See, now the mind is relieved from fighting. The mind always wants to do something. In the process of doing it moves away from the being. So the master very skillfully connects you back with the being, easing you from doing, and bringing you back to just knowing. This is exactly what he is doing. The non-dual philosophy can only happen when the tendency of 'doing' rests in the being.

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