Saturday 31 August 2013

Guru One Liner of the day

Q: When you see someone close to you caught up in their head, or in fear, or in concepts, how do you bring them to the level of heart?

+Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Just don’t worry, they will come back on their own. It is about time; time and place. There is a couplet in Hindi that says, the world has everything, the world has many gifts, but a person without good karma doesn’t get anything.

Wisdom Quote of the day

When we don’t need anything from anyone, we will not have cravings towards anybody. When there is no craving, there will be no aversion.+Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

QnA with Sri Sri

Q: Guruji, why am I here? Why did I do this course? Am I normal?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There are many standards of normality. From a lower standard, you may not be normal. From a higher standard you are normal. If from an even higher standard again, if you are not normal, then you need to be going up much more. So what do you mean by normal?
Why are you here? You should ask this question in a bigger context. 'Why am I here on this planet Earth', that’s a really precious question.
I leave this question to you, you should keep it. Ask yourself again and again. It will make you a great philosopher.

Knowledge Sutra for the day!

Faith in the world brings you peace of mind. Faith in God evokes love in you.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sheets: Why do you Worry?

Knowledge Sheets: Why do you Worry?: What happens when you sit? All these unwanted things come in the mind, like a bubble. You are inside a bubble, where you are planning, you...

Knowledge Sheet

Why do you Worry?

Subscribe to Knowledge Sheets What happens when you sit? All these unwanted things come in the mind, like a bubble. You are inside a bubble, where you are planning, you have thoughts for the future, you have some cravings, or you are regretting the past. Past experiences come to the mind as images. How to handle this? First, viveka (discrimination). Viveka is remembering that all this is not permanent; everything is temporary. When you are not going to be here, what about your boyfriend, girlfriend, prestige, honor, money, and all these things? We will die one day and leave all this. None of this is permanent; everything is temporary. When this realization strikes a deep cord within, then the mind becomes a witness. Why am I worrying? It is stupid of me to just go around in the mind! That is viveka. Second is vairagya (dispassion). Say ‘So what’, again and again, ‘So what. Okay this is like that, so what?’ Vairagya brings you freedom; it makes you subtle, it makes you free from within. Viveka is that which makes you understand, makes you larger, makes you understand something bigger, and not get caught up in small mind games.

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

Guru Punch of the day

In life, if you find there is a struggle, there is fight, and if it is for a good cause, just stand up and do it. If you feel it is not worth having a fight, it is not useful, then you should change your strategy; don’t be stuck, and move on. +Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Friday 30 August 2013

QnA with Sri Sri

Q: Guruji, is having two relationships wrong? Is it necessary to get physical in a relationship?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Listen, would you like your spouse, or boyfriend, or girlfriend to have two relationships? First you answer that!
What you are doing, would you like someone else to do the same thing to you? Can you accept it? Your mind will say no! Right?
It is better to be loyal in one relationship. It is no good to hurt two people at the same time.

Guru One Liner of the day

Q: Dear Gurudev, is one lifetime enough for enlightenment?

+Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Absolutely enough! More than enough.

Wisdom Quote of the day

You don't have to be afraid of God because it is like the mother who cares for you, loves you, adores you and uplifts you. All the motherly qualities are present in God. Usually we say, ‘Be God fearing; God is there to punish you’, no! This is a wrong idea. God will never punish you, but only educate and uplift you.+Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sutra for the day!

See God in the person next to you that is service.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sheet

Who is an Intelligent Person

Subscribe to Knowledge Sheets You know, only intelligent people can become spiritual. I tell you, people with less intelligence don’t come to spirituality. This is the criteria – who is an intelligent person? One who has a little bit of spirituality. If they don’t have that, then there’s something wrong. They are like a horse with blinders. They don’t have the broad vision. They don’t see their life. They don’t know who they are.

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

Knowledge Sheets: Who is an Intelligent Person

Knowledge Sheets: Who is an Intelligent Person: You know, only intelligent people can become spiritual. I tell you, people with less intelligence don’t come to spirituality. This is ...

Guru Punch of the day

Life is also a game; it is a play, not a war or struggle. You should remember that. However, finally, the game will end and everybody will die. Everybody is going to die. Everybody will merge with the Light, one day or another; going round and round a few times. +Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Thursday 29 August 2013

किसी भी परिस्थिति में यह विश्वास दृढ करो कि ईश्वर तुम्हारे अपने हैं| तुम्हारा सब काम हो जाएगा|

28th Aug. - 1st Sept. 2013, Bangalore Ashram Janmashtami special Gujrat AMC with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

QnA with Sri Sri

Q: Guruji, there are many religions in the world. Is religion the cause of division or does religion unite?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Without knowledge, without wisdom religion appears to divide people. It becomes the core or the only way of one's identity.

First conflict arises between different religions, then inside the religion you will see inter religious conflicts arise and then groups are formed. All this happens due to lack of wisdom and lack of understanding.

A wise man would benefit from all religions. He will see that religion is adding more value to one’s life. Without this wisdom if you hold on to religion only for identity and not for your evolution then definitely it is divisive.
Our identity should first be that we are part of one light. The second identity is that we are part of one human society, one global family. And the third could be nationality or language. The fourth could be religion. And fifth could be the heritage or family.
You can keep the other identities, but when you forget that you are a part of one human society, one universal light, that is when religion is used to divide our society and destroy ourselves. With wisdom you would celebrate diversity and take the best from every religion so that you can evolve to be a good human being.

Guru One Liner of the day

Q: Guruji, what is the secret of your smile?

+Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I have not kept it a secret any longer. That is what I am giving to everybody: Art of Living.

Wisdom Quote of the day

Virtues are your very nature and they will never leave you. Your vices are not your nature and they will leave you. The negative tendencies are transient and they will leave you if you do not act on them.+Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sutra for the day!

Perfect balance is like a razor's edge, it can be found only in the Self.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Upcoming live webcast with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar from Bangalore Ashram

Upcoming live webcast with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar from Bangalore Ashram

Date: 29th August, 2013 (Today)
Time: 7:00pm IST

No matter what the situation, strengthen the confidence that God is your very own, and all your work will get done. +Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

No matter what the situation, strengthen the confidence that God is your very own, and all your work will get done.  +Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sheets: What is Truth

Knowledge Sheets: What is Truth: Whatever you say has no existence, meaning it does not exist forever. Truth is that which transcends time - past, present, future. What is...

Knowledge Sheet

What is Truth

Subscribe to Knowledge Sheets Whatever you say has no existence, meaning it does not exist forever. Truth is that which transcends time - past, present, future. What is not truth? That which was yesterday, but is not there today, is not truth. What is today, what will not be there tomorrow, is not truth. The definition of truth is that which is not affected by time. Adi Shankaracharya was asked, ‘What is truth?’ He said, ‘yat...tat satyam’, which means, that which is not affected by time - by past, present, future, that is truth. Everything else that is being affected by time is maya, which means it has a relative existence.

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

Guru Punch of the day

What is it you need to remember? God is omnipresent, so He is present here, now. He belongs to me, He is in me, and He is there to fulfill whatever I lack. That’s it! +Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Wednesday 28 August 2013

QnA with Sri Sri

Q: Why does the mind wander all the time?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It doesn't wander all the time. When you like something, your mind is just fixed there.
Suppose you are watching a movie or television series, does it wander all over the place? No! For two and a half hours you are focused on the screen. You are sitting watching the movie and you are so immersed in it, tears come out of your eyes, and you roll and laugh.
I don't think your mind is wandering all the time. The mind sticks to what it likes. Where there is some attraction, where there is beauty, where there is love, where there is truth, the mind automatically floats there.

When you learn about the mind through yoga and meditation, you will know how you can bring your mind to the centeredness, the focus that you very much want

Guru One Liner of the day

Q: Guruji, please suggest some easy way to acquire wealth (Laxmi).

+Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Hard work and confidence. Self-confidence, sankalpa and diligence should go together.

Wisdom Quote of the day

Don’t think of anyone as a bad person. There is no bad person in the world. If people do something bad, it is because of their ignorance or lack of awareness, or because their mind has been hurt. So, don’t have negative opinions about anybody.+Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sutra for the day!

Feel generous right now, not tomorrow!
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sheets: Why Krishna had Feather on His Crown

Knowledge Sheets: Why Krishna had Feather on His Crown: You know the crown (of a King) is always very heavy. So, people who have the crown are not very happy. But the peacock feather indicate...

Knowledge Sheet

Why Krishna had Feather on His Crown

Subscribe to Knowledge Sheets You know the crown (of a King) is always very heavy. So, people who have the crown are not very happy. But the peacock feather indicates that the crown is so light. It means, you take the responsibility, but responsibility is so light, and very colorful as well. You’re not bogged down by the weight of responsibility.

When you have wisdom, your crown will be feather-light! It means you are able to take responsibility without a sense of burden. So, we have the responsibility for the nation and this responsibility we are going to shoulder without getting bogged down!

You know, if you lose your joy, your enthusiasm, you can’t do anything. First and foremost, you have to have the fire. You have to have the enthusiasm, the joy. With this joy you can achieve so much in society.

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

Guru Punch of the day

God is like the space in which everything comes, in which everything stays, into which everything dissolves. That can never be destroyed. And it is always there. You have no escape. You cannot go away from God at all. Impossible! +Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Tuesday 27 August 2013

What Sri Sri said today

Q: Gurudev, in the Bible Christ says, ‘I am the only way’. The Koran says that it is the only way, and the Gita also says ‘Mam ekam sharanam vraja’? Is this the reason for all religious conflicts? How can we change this?

Sri Sri: This knowledge was given to people present at that time, to help focus their mind in the present. Now if you are listening to me, I will tell you, ‘This is the truth, just be here, now!’ This is because the mind has a tendency to glorify the past, or wait for the future, and discard the present; the now.

Lord Krishna said, ‘Mam ekam sharanam vraja’, meaning, 'Come to me alone'.
He said this to his dearest disciple Arjuna to make his mind totally be there to value the present.
Whenever this has been said (I am the only way), it has been said from the higher consciousness, not to make one a fanatic. It has been said to make one realize the truth, and the truth is only One, and so they said, 'It is the only way', to emphasize that (One truth). Otherwise the mind discards the present.

The same thing happened with Jesus. People at that time were only thinking about somebody in the future, or the past. That is why he said, 'Right now, right here, I am the only way'. He said this from the ‘I am’ consciousness.
The Bible was also written 70 years after Jesus Christ left His body. Just imagine how much His words could have been interpolated; or how these same few words could have been translated at that time, is a big question mark.

When Jesus said, ‘I am the only son of God’, the church interpreted it as Jesus is the only son of God.
What Jesus said was, ‘I am the son of the only Father.’
There is only one father for everybody, and He said, ‘I am the son of the only one father’. Otherwise why would He say, ‘Let us pray to our father in heaven?’
He says, 'Our father', which means everyone’s father. Then how can he be the only son of God? Then what about everybody else? What about other people who were born before him; are they not the children of God?
How can we all pray, ‘Our father in heaven?' Then we should only pray, ‘Jesus’s father, you help me. You are not my father!’
This is a result of wrong interpretation. When Jesus said, ‘Our father in heaven’, he meant that He is the father of everybody.
He said, 'The son of the only father', but this got twisted to, ‘The only son of the father.’

Just shifting one word from here to there can make a big difference. This is the reason why, when interpreting the scriptures, one should always take into consideration when, where and how it was said, to whom it was said, and for what purpose.
Knowledge always is contextual, even though truth is timeless and universal. But there is always some context to knowledge.
Jesus once said, ‘I have come to put father against son, and mother against daughter. I have come to put fire and not make peace.’
If you take this out of context and say, 'Look at what Jesus said', then that would be wrong. You have to see where He said it, what he said and how He said it.

Jesus came to bring a revolution. Lord Krishna came to do the same thing, bring about a big revolution, and change the mindset of people.
Mohammad Paigambar also did the same. People were so lost in rituals that they would never go deep within and pray quietly. So He said, ‘Come on, enough of this. You are just going from one statue to another all the time. You are not closing your eyes and going within and meditating. Enough, now close your eyes and meditate!’
The rituals had become a business. People went to worship the idols out of fear. So he said, ‘Just go within and pray.’
Nirgun nirakar parabrahma, pray to the formless, unmanifest divinity.

This is the essence of Vedanta. It says, go from the form to the formless. And how? Through meditation.
There are three upayas (ways). First is Anva upaya, through prayer and worship. Second is Shakta Upaya, through meditation. And third is Shambava Upaya, through awareness, or effortless remembrance of the Lord (smaran).
Even though Mohammad said no forms are needed, He knew that people require some symbol, and so He put the Kaba stone. Just like a lingam, a Kaba Stone was kept, so one can go round it, and do namaz. So a symbol is essential to make the mind become one pointed.

In Vedic times, there were no idols; the Arya Samaj engaged in havans (sacrificial fire) with mantras (chanting). But not everyone could understand this philosophy, but anyone can relate to a form, or to idols.
See, if it is any great man’s birthday, people go and put garlands on their statues. On Gandhi Jayanti, people go to the Gandhi statues, put a ladder, climb up and garland the statue. Without a picture it is impossible in the present age to pay homage to someone. A picture is needed. That is how a a symbol became so essential in all religions. It is inevitable. Our Rishis knew this and so they said, ‘Okay, you can begin with idols, symbols and forms. But only for a short time, and then go and do visarjan (immerse the idols in water).’
That is the tradition, for ten day you do Ganapati Pooja and then you immerse the idol in the water.

That is why temples were built everywhere. It was not necessary to go to temples every day. Only when you feel the need for a symbol, you can go, sit there and pray.
And temples are done with Mantra Shakti, not just with idols. Prana or life force energy is induced in the place (temple), that is how temples became powerhouses. People were very intelligent in the ancient times, they understood human nature and knew the human consciousness.

Q: What are the symptoms of enlightenment? Does every enlightened person become a master? Are only Rishis, Sadhus and Swamis enlightened?

Sri Sri: You come up the answer to this. What do you think is enlightenment? The first step is, you feel that you are so lucky! And then you stop feeling that you are so lucky; that is enlightenment.

Did you hear the story I said a few days ago?

Once, a student came to a Master and said, ‘I failed my exam.’
The Master said, ‘Oh, you are so lucky.’
Then, another gentleman came to the Master and said, ‘I lost my job.’
The Master replied, ‘Oh, you are so lucky’.
A third gentleman came and said, ‘My wife left me.’
The Master replied, ‘Oh, you are so lucky.’

So, when anyone would come and say something, the Master would say, ‘Oh, you are so lucky’; and somehow they would all get the message.

An onlooker found this very puzzling. He asked the Master, ‘How can you say to the boy that he is so lucky when he failed in his exam?’
The Master explained, ‘Yes, a person who has failed in an exam will study the same subject again and again, and he will become so thorough in that subject that he will become an expert.’

Once a Swamiji had come here, and he said a very interesting thing. He said that in 1942 there was only one surgeon in Bangalore and this surgeon had failed his MBBS seven times!
In those days, whenever people had appendicitis operation, the doctors would cut a particular vein because of which some of the patient would die. They did not know which vein they were cutting. So this gentleman (who failed seven times) discovered that and became very well known and very respected. Later on he also got an international honor. But he had failed seven times in MBBS! So if someone has failed in an exam, they study more. That is why the Master said that people who fail, not all though; some who fail, can become very lucky, because they can study the same subject again and again, and become so thorough.

To the person whose wife ran away and left him, the Master said, ‘Now you know what mistakes you did. Till now you were so engrossed in your own thing. Now you know how to treat a woman, and what mistakes you should not do.’

To the person who lost his job, the Master said, ‘Day and night you were engrossed in your job. You didn’t have time to even reflect on yourself; ask yourself questions like, ‘What is life? Who am I? What do I want? Now you have time for that'.

Finally, another gentleman came and said to the Master, ‘I am so lucky, I have everything. I am so grateful.’
The Master gave him one slap, and the person started dancing. He became very happy.

The Master explained to the onlooker that when you say, ‘I am grateful’, you are surrounding the ‘I’. The ‘I’ is important, ‘I’ am so lucky, ‘I’ am grateful. When this ‘I’ dissolves, you become like a child, and become one with everybody. Existing and not living, is ignorance. Living as though you don’t exist, is enlightenment. Simple and natural!

Q: Gurudev, spirituality is freedom for me, but many times I feel service at The Art of Living and other things are very conceptualized. Somewhere I cannot connect with such conceptualized trainings. How do I deal with this?

Sri Sri: It is the mind that creates a conflict. There is no demand on you to do all the seva. Do whatever you can.
Seva is a must in everybody’s life because it brings fulfillment and happiness. And you do as much as you can, without tirying yourself down too much.

I think you have too much free time to think about concepts and all that. What is a concept? Teaching has a system, and the system makes it very effective.
All knowledge could just be taught anywhere and anyhow (referring to an ineffective manner); like the Nati Vaidyas (local medics) in villages. When people get sick in villages, they go to these Nati Vaidyas who prescribe some adhoc herbs, and tell them to grind it and drink it, and everything will be alright!
There is a saying in Sanskrit, ‘Yasya kasya tarormoolam, Yena kenaapi choonitam, Yasmai kasmai pradaatavyam yadyaa tadva bhavishhyati.’
It means, 'Just pluck any trees, any root, or anything, grind it, make it into a paste, and give it to anybody, and then anything can happen!’
This is an unmethodical way of practicing medicine, and there are several people who are doing this in India. It is a very common thing.
In India everybody is a doctor, and everybody gives some or the other grandmother’s remedies for anything. There is some value to the grandmother’s remedies as well, I am not saying no, but a doctor who is systematically trained brings greater value since he knows the subject thoroughly. A herboligist knows the herbs thoroughly; it is not just anybody doing anything, and anything can happen. In the same way, teaching is also a methodology.

Though everyone may know the points, and have the knowledge, anybody teaching it, in any way will not yield the desired results. That is why a system is in place.
Even in the ancient days, students would go and study thoroughly at Gurukuls, before they became acharyas (teachers).

Q: Gurudev, after introspecting on the questions, ‘Who am I? Where am I?’ I realize that I am nowhere, and everywhere, as empty space. How to stay in this pure consciousness without drifting to body consciousness?

Sri Sri: Trying to stay out of body consciousness is an effort. Don’t make such efforts. As you become well established in knowledge, it will automatically happen. As the vasanas (impressions) become less and wane away, it becomes much clearer to you. And you cannot force yourself to get rid of vasanas.

Sadhana, satsang, good company are necessary. If you sit in the company of people who are greedy and have a negative mindset, then your mind becomes totally engrossed in such things. So, uplift the spirit with wisdom, and effortlessly you will see that it happens.

Q: Gurudev, I got divorced four years ago and got remarried less than a year ago. I see that the same situations repeating in my life. Is this karma or am I not able to apply the knowledge?

Sri Sri: You will know this better.
See what mistakes you are making. Do you have acceptance? Do you serve a person? Why would someone not like to be with you if you are a fountain of joy and enthusiasm?
Why would someone not like to be with you if you are full of love and service, if you are hollow and empty, if you are in wisdom and knowledge, everyone will want to spend time with you. So keep yourself soaked in knowledge, day and night.

Sleep with knowledge, and when you wake up, listen to knowledge again. Read Yoga Vasistha, Ashtavakra Gita and Bhakti Sutras.
We have been given such precious knowledge. Just one sutra at a time is enough. For example, 'Yogash chitta vritti nirodhah, Tada drashtuh svarupe avashthanam', establishing in the seer and not in the scenery is yoga. Dwelling on such knowledge, one can move back to the seer, recollecting that all this is scenery.
'The body is the scenery, let me find the seer', this takes you back in, to the source immediately. It makes you realize that the body is all empty. There is emptiness outside, and everything is empty.

Look at a cup; there is space inside and outside. The body is a cup, you are a supatra (a good cup), a mind which is hollow and empty.
Kupatra is when the mind is filled with all rubbish things. You are a supatra, a good cup, which is free, clean inside and outside. When you realize this, immediate you are able to relax; every cell in your body starts relaxing. All the garbage leaves, all negative thoughts disappear. You are a clean vessel, hollow and empty. How joyful this state of mind is. Then you can then work 18-20 hours a day, without feeling tired and bogged down; the mind is fresh. Every day, you should rest well for about six hours.

Q: Many students want to do the Yes+ course, but parents don’t allow us. How can we convince our parents about being spiritual at this age?

Sri Sri: Just be nice to them, and tell them you have meditated. On days that you are nasty with them, tell them that you have not done any meditation, which is why you lost your temper. They will ask you to go and meditate.

Q: Gurudev, you say, in order to attain Krishna one has to become Radha, and to attain Rama one has to become Hanuman. I just want you, what do I need to become?

Sri Sri: Nothing. Don’t make the effort to become anything, just become empty. Whatever you have become, give it up and become empty. You already have me.

Q: Gurudev, what is important in life, money, love, self-respect, or relationships?

Sri Sri: Me! Whatever you find after leaving all of this, is the only thing worth attaining.

Lord Krishna - Epitome Of Love

Lord Krishna - Epitome Of Love
August 10, 2012

Bangalore, India

Today is Lord Krishna’s birthday, and people are celebrating it all over India.

Lord Krishna said, ‘I am never born and I never die. I am ajanmaa (one who is never born).’ Celebrating the birth of One who is never born is a very fascinating thing.

Before being born as Lord Krishna, there was another birth that Lord Krishna had taken. In that previous birth, he was known as Kapil Muni (a wise enlightened sage). In His incarnation as Kapil Muni, Lord Krishna gave His mother the knowledge of the Self, the knowledge of Sankhya Yoga. So He had an avatar (incarnation) by the name of Kapil Muni before being born as Lord Krishna.

Now, a mother’s love is such that she would always want her child to keep coming back to her in every birth. So, even though she received Self-knowledge, still her attachment to her child remained. So in the next birth she was once again born as mother to Lord Krishna – Yashoda, and Lord Krishna took birth again.
As Kapil Muni, He gave his mother the knowledge of the Self, but as Lord Krishna He gave her a lot of love and affection, and not Self-knowledge.
So in one birth He gave her only knowledge and in another birth He gave her only love. He did not give any Self-knowledge to Yashoda. He played and did so much mischief with Yashoda. So today is a day to be mischievous! (Laughter)

The birth in which knowledge, love and mischief all come together is considered as the birth or incarnation of Lord Krishna.
So today, on Lord Krishna’s Birthday, all of you must take a Sankalpa (pledge or promise) to read the Bhagavad Gita.
How many people here have not read the Bhagavad Gita till now? (Many raise their hands)
See! Let us do one thing. We will start reading the Gita from today itself. Read it with its simple translation, and understand as much as you can. If you cannot understand, never mind but at least read it once. Whatever you understand is good enough.
Do not expect to understand the entire Bhagavad Gita all at once. Throughout your life you must read and go through the pages of the Gita again and again, only then will you be able to understand it completely.
As the level of maturity of our mind and intellect rises, our understanding of the Bhagavad Gita also increases.

So, today the Krittika Nakshatra (the Krittika or Pleiades constellation) is also very bright and active. Today is Friday, also it is Ashtami (eighth day of the Hindu lunar month which is considered to be auspicious), and it is Janmashtami as well. All of this coming together is very special.

Lord Krishna says, ‘Senaninam Aham Skandah’ – Among Military Generals, I am Kartikeya. (Kartikeya was the most powerful leader of armies).
Among Munis (wise sages) I am Kapil Muni.
Among Rishis (enlightened seers) I am Veda Vyasa.
Among Pandavas I am Arjuna.
So He says that He is both Krishna and Arjuna.

If someone is able to understand the tenth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, they would have perfected the knowledge of Advaita (philosophy of Non-duality of the Self; experiencing all as ‘One’).
It is called Vibhuti Yoga. One’s life becomes endowed with Vibhuti.
Vibhuti does not just mean the holy ash that one smears on the forehead. Vibhuti also refers to miracles.
A lot of miracles happened in the life of Lord Krishna. But at the same time, He also had a blessing or you can call it a curse also, in a way. The moment a miracle would happen, people would instantly forget about it for around one year.
So for example, if some miracle would have happened today, everyone would forget about it and they would be able to remember it only after one year! Have you heard about this?

This is mentioned in the Srimad Bhagavatam (texts of Sanskrit literature, with its primary focus on bhakti (religious devotion) to the incarnations of Vishnu, particularly Krishna. ) It is said that after being a witness to any of the magnificent manifestations of the Lord, people would forget about it in the next minute.
So when Lord Krishna danced on the head of Kaliya (the many headed serpent), after witnessing this when the people returned to their homes, everybody forgot about the miracle and went about doing their work as if nothing had happened.
It was ordained that His miracles would be forgotten, only to be remembered after one year had passed.
Some say it was a blessing, and some say it was a curse from Lord Brahma (the Creator among the holy Trinity) that people’s memory would be veiled whenever a miracle happened.

So whenever any calamity would befall Gokul (Lord Krishna’s village), the residents would gather and chant, ‘Om Namo Narayana’, and pray to Lord Narayana (Lord Vishnu) to save their young Krishna and prevent any harm from happening to Him.
So everyone in Vrindavan would pray and chant, ‘Om Namo Narayana’, for the safety of Yadukul Nandan (a descendant of the clan of Yadus, here referring to Lord Krishna). They would also pray to Lord Shiva for the safety and wellbeing of their young Krishna. So all the miraculous events that happened then, whether it was the slaying of Shakatasur (a demon), or that of Putana (a demoness sent by Krishna’s uncle, Kansa, to kill Him as an infant); all these would be forgotten by people in a matter of a few seconds. And they would remember it only after a year had passed. As a result of this, people would keep talking about the past events.
So goes the story from the Srimad Bhagavatam.

It would appear from reading the Srimad Bhagavatam that the times of the Lord were filled with fun, frolic, happiness, love and devotion. But, along with this there is a lot of vairagya (dispassion) as well.
If you wish to understand dispassion, you should refer the Srimad Bhagavatam.
So, the Srimad Bhagavatam is a very rare and extraordinary confluence of Vairagya (dispassion) and Anuraga (love); knowledge and devotion, even though it seems to be so contradictory to each other.

So, Lord Krishna was the centre of attraction. But along with Lord Krishna was Lord Balarama (Lord Krishna’s elder brother) and He represents great strength and power. People are mostly scared of great strength.
Usually where there is attraction and love, one also experiences weakness or helplessness. Though love is the greatest strength, yet it can also make a person feel very weak. And if someone only sees this weakness that comes from love, then they run away from it. Then it transforms into hatred.
So Lord Krishna is the centre of attraction and the fountain of love, while Lord Balarama represents dignity and strength. Both always go hand in hand.

Also, Lord Krishna could not be without Radha. That is why I said that there is weakness in love as well.
Radha is a Shakti, Radha was not a person. She represents Lord Krishna’s strength, the strength of love. And Lord Balarama represents power which walks with Lord Krishna wherever He goes.
It is said ‘Nirbal ke Balaram’. Just as Lord Rama offers shelter to the weak and helpless, the same goes for Lord Balarama who signifies the strength of Lord Krishna, and is always by His side.

Where there is love, there will be longing. Where there is longing, there will surely be love. Both go together. There is longing because there is love. In the same way, love brings with it great strength also – Lord Balarama.
Lord Balarama circumambulated the Earth many times and connected himself with every part of the Earth. But Lord Krishna just stayed where He was and smiled, and the entire Earth revolved around Him.
One has to make efforts to attain strength, but for love one need not go anywhere or do anything. You can be immersed in love wherever you are.

Lord Balarama signifies effort and hard work, while Lord Krishna symbolizes deep rest. And in that deep rest love dawns within you.
Love cannot be found by making efforts, rather by doing nothing. But strength comes only by making efforts and striving hard. Sitting idle and doing nothing will not give you great strength.
To achieve capability or excellence in any field, you will have to work hard and strive hard. If you wish to play the Sitar, you will have to practice rigorously for two hours every day. If you wish to play the Flute, then too you will have to practice. You have to exercise regularly to make your body strong. So, one has to make efforts to attain strength.
Even to receive knowledge one has to make effort. But for love, you need not make any effort. You just need to relax and repose in self.

Lord Krishna says, ‘Dharmaviruddho Bhuteshu Kamo’smi Bharatarshabha'.
The desires that arise inside you, know them to be Me too (inspired by Me), as long as they do not oppose or destroy Dharma (righteous conduct). Any action or desire that opposes Dharma is not Me. This is quite surprising.
If you act according to Dharma, and act as per your Svadharma (one’s own responsibilities as prescribed by the scriptures), then all the righteous desires that arise in you are borne out of Me (Lord Krishna). I am (the source of) all those desires that arise in you that are of a righteous intent.
This is so astonishing and unique.

He says, ‘I am the strength of the strong; I am also the beauty in all whom you see as beautiful. Any and all good qualities that you see in another person come from Me only.’ Why is He is saying this? This is because the tendency of the mind is to run wherever it finds beauty. If there is great wealth or great strength in someone, the mind runs there.
So, to collect and bring the mind back to the Self, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna, ‘See Me alone in everything that you see. Whatever greatness you see anywhere or in anyone, it is due to Me, I am the power behind it all, and I am right here.’
To retrieve and collect the mind that wavers and wanders here and there and to bring its focus back on the Atma (Soul) which is the source of all strength, Yogeshwara (Lord Krishna) gives this Vibhuti (miraculous secret) to attain perfection (siddhi).

Lord Krishna used to worship Devi (Mother Divine). This is mentioned in the Durga Saptashati (a series of 700 verses in praise of the Mother Divine, from the Markandeya Purana). How many have heard about this?

‘Roopam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisho Jahi’. These verses come from the Argala Stotram in the Durga Saptashati and become a kavach (armour or shield) for one who recites them.
It is said, ‘Krishnena Samstutay Devee Shashvad Bhaktyaa tathaambikay, Roopam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisho Jahi.’
Meaning, ‘Oh Devi (Mother Divine) who is worshipped with eternal devotion by Lord Krishna, bless us with beauty (Roopam), victory (Jayam), glory (Yasham) and destroy all craving and ignorance (Dvisho) in us.’
This is the prayer. It is in the 3 verses from the Kavach Argala Keelakam.

If you see, it is actually the Devi who rescued Lord Krishna. Devi was also born on the day of Ashtami, to Yashoda. And on that very same day was brought to Mathura. Kansa tried to get hold of her and kill her but she escaped from his hands.

Here, Kansa symbolises Ahankaar (ego), Lord Krishna symbolises Ananda (bliss) and the Devi or Durga symbolises Aadhyashakti (primordial energy within us, or Consciousness).
Ego cannot catch hold of Consciousness or the primordial energy (Devi), nor can it catch hold of Ananda (bliss, that is Krishna).
So the Divine Consciousness (Devi) then made a prophecy that the One who is destined to destroy the Ego (Kansa) is Bliss (Krishna) and he has already been born.

When life becomes full of Ananda (bliss), then ego vanishes. When one is feeling blissful there is no ego. But as long as ego remains, a person keeps on suffering and is miserable. They become sad due to something or another, or go on blaming someone or the other. Even then ego cannot destroy Consciousness, because Consciousness is eternal.
Nothing can destroy or diminish the power of Consciousness. It is constant and eternal. Those who know physics would know this very well that energy can never be created or destroyed. So also, Consciousness can never be created nor destroyed. Any efforts to create or destroy that (primordial) energy will only fail.

See, if you look at it on the surface, it seems only like a story. But if you delve deeper, you will find such amazing knowledge hidden within it.

Lord Krishna was born in a prison. When He was born, all the guards who were keeping watch fell asleep. Who are the guards? They symbolise our senses – When our senses, which are always focused outwards come to rest that is when we can go inward, and that is when we can experience the bliss that springs forth from going inward.
So keep on contemplating and analysing these stories, and you will find that both, amazing knowledge and love become available to you.

Lord Krishna says, ‘You cannot free yourself of your own sins. I will liberate you from your sins.’
See, everything that a person does – fasting, visiting places of worship, feeling guilty, etc., all this one does it to free oneself of sins.
So, Lord Krishna says, ‘Aham tvam sarva-papebhyo mokshayishyami ma suchah’.
He says, ‘You will have to do just one thing. You must surrender everything to Me, and seek refuge in Me’.
He says, ‘Come and seek refuge in Me’, that is His first condition. And then He says, ‘I will liberate you of all your sins. That is my job.’
So, your only job is to come under His protection and seek refuge in Him and He will liberate you of all your sins. With this He says it all. This completes it.

I think we all should make these words of Lord Krishna available everywhere. We do not do this but instead we keep listening to many other things around us. Especially these words, ‘Come and surrender unto Me and seek refuge in Me. I will absolve you of all your sins.’
This itself will help curb all the religious conversion that is going on in our country.
Lord Krishna has said this very thing.
Gurudev, Yudhisthira (the eldest of the five Pandava brothers in the Mahabharata) used to gamble. He gambled and lost his wife (Draupadi) in a game of dice. Then why is he given the title of ‘Dharmaraj’ (the supreme upholder of Dharma or moral virtues)?
Sri Sri: In those days, gambling was not considered a bad thing. Just like how today there are licensed bars, and government sanctioned liquor shops which have the permission to serve alcohol.
In the same way, gambling was considered to be a sort of game or sport of the kings.
You need to understand that it is not that whatever Yudhisthira did was all correct. You cannot think like that. In fact I would say what he did was very wrong. But because his heart and mind were pure and there was no malice or sinful thought in his mind, he had the support of the Lord with him.
Also, if he had not played the game of dice, then how would all those problem arise? How would the Mahabharata take place? If, as Dharmaraj he had refused to play the game of dice, then there would have been no problem at all.
See, any person, even if he or she upholds very high human values, when they acquire some position of power, you will find some or the other flaws in them.
Moreover, Yudhisthira was not a sanyasi (a renunciate), he was a worldly man. And it is only natural for someone who is a worldly person to have some flaws. To become completely blameless and turn into a sanyasi is a different thing altogether.
So even as a king, he did have some flaws, like the habit of gambling. He simply could not refuse an invitation to gamble. And had he refused, the Mahabharata would not have happened, the Pandavas would not have gone into exile and Draupadi would not have had to undergo so much suffering (referring to the attempt of disrobing of Draupadi in the royal court). And had all this not happened, then the Mahabharata too would never have happened, and we would have never had the Bhagavad Gita.
Then Lord Krishna would not have had anything to do! He would have simply enjoyed his time eating butter in Vrindavan, and he would have never left the place (Laughter). There would have been no need for him to leave Vrindavan at all.
Wherever Lord Krishna went, there was surely some mischief or chaos which he would try to resolve.
This is why all this is called as His Leela (pastimes or divine play of the Lord).
So there is no use criticizing whatever happened, and neither is there much to be gained by over-analysing these events. It is not an intelligent thing to do. You must see all of this as the Leela of the Lord. Then you will find that there is a treasure chest of wisdom and knowledge to take away from it. Knowledge that is so useful and practical for life.
Q: It is said that souls chose their parents. Why do abortions and cases of rape etc. happen?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: This is called janam rahasya (secret of birth). Many souls compete to get a body and only one can win. It’s like a running race. Like millions of people compete and only one wins, in the same way there is a rush and only one gets a body. That’s why it is said that the human birth and life are very precious. Don’t waste it on insignificant things. We eat to live and not live to eat. Many people start living just to eat. There are many possibilities – what soul can come and what not? The possibilities are infinite. Nobody knows.
Q: Guruji, in the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says, ‘My birth (janam) and actions (karm) are both Divine.’ Please elaborate on this.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, when you acquire self-knowledge, then you feel that your birth and your actions are both Divine. This understanding comes to you.
Once discipline and morals are established in you, then you just cannot commit mistakes. Not a single bad word comes out from your mouth. There is no hate or ill feelings in your heart towards anyone. It just cannot happen because everyone feels part of you; like your very own. This is the pinnacle of Love.
It is a state of love where you have no negative thoughts in your heart for anybody. When this knowledge, this consciousness gets firmly established in you, then you experience the self in time. This is what is said in the Gita, ‘Tat Swayam Yoga Samsiddhaha Kalen Atmani Vindathi.’
See, in life, you need to understand just this much – whatever I am doing and whatever I have done has been inspired by the Divine. And these acts are surrendered to the Divine.
First of all, you must feel that you are surrendered to the Divine then you can see effortlessness even in your wrong doings.
This does not mean that you overlook your wrong doings or shortcomings. If we have done something wrong, committed some mistake due to some craving or desire, then you will also have to find a solution for that and take some corrective measures. As you keep doing this, a stage will come when you will achieve that state of love, and you feel that everything is inspired by the Divine.

Q: Should we follow Bhagat Singh or Mahatma Gandhi? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Bhagat Singh was also supporter of non - violence. But they were encountered with one such situation, thatthey had to take such steps. Follow Sri Guru Gobind Singh, be a Saint – Sipahi. Have peace of saint in heart and strength ofwarrior in action. That is why Sri Krishan told Arjuna to be a Yogi and then fight

Q: Should we follow Bhagat Singh or Mahatma Gandhi?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Bhagat Singh was also supporter of non - violence. But they were encountered with one such situation, thatthey had to take such steps. Follow Sri Guru Gobind Singh, be a Saint – Sipahi. Have peace of saint in heart and strength ofwarrior in action. That is why Sri Krishan told Arjuna to be a Yogi and then fight

QnA with Sri Sri

Q: Guruji, what did your parents think when you took up spirituality at such a young age?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Oh! You want to hear about it? When I first came home, I had a beard. You should ask me why I grew a beard? I was in Delhi, at Beach Arbhatta, opposite to Kamal Theatre, teaching meditation there.
People would come, because they had heard that Gurudev was going to teach meditation. They would see me; no beard, a young boy of 19 years old or 20 years old and they would ask me, ‘Where is Gurudev?’
I would say, ‘I am Gurudev!’
When they would see me and they would go away. So I lost half my students; many were professors, elders, some were from Delhi University.
I thought I looked too young, too much boyish and I should grow a little beard. So I grew a beard. And then they thought that I am in a Guru's uniform.

When I went back home with a beard, my mother was so upset! She told my sister, ‘Ask him to take off that beard!’
My sister said, ‘Don't tell him anything. He will go away; he has come for a few days.’
My mother was not very happy with me growing a beard. Somehow I cajoled her, counseled her. I told her that this is a uniform! Without this uniform, people think I am a small boy. They are not learning anything from me, not taking my words seriously. That is the story.
Of course, she also loved everything else I did; later, she got used to the beard.

Guru One Liner of the day

Q: I don’t feel like studying.

+Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Do some pranayama and meditation and you will be able to concentrate.

Happy Krishna Janmashtami

Happy Krishna Janmashtami

Wisdom Quote on the day

Krishna is inside you, guru is inside you, god, the divine is inside you, have an inner connection with the divine. +Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sutra for the day!

Like birds returning to their nests, again and again come back to your Source; only there can you realize that you host the Divine.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

In many situations saying "Sorry" is better than establishing your righteousness. It can avert much unpleasantness. +Sri Sri Ravi Shankar #gurujicodes

In many situations saying "Sorry" is better than establishing your righteousness. It can avert much unpleasantness.
+Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sheets: Yoga - The Science That Makes You Feel Lighter

Knowledge Sheets: Yoga - The Science That Makes You Feel Lighter: Love means, when your mind becomes so light. In anger and hate, the mind stays lifeless, and heaviness is felt. When you are in love, t...

Knowledge Sheet

Yoga - The Science That Makes You Feel Lighter

Subscribe to Knowledge Sheets Love means, when your mind becomes so light. In anger and hate, the mind stays lifeless, and heaviness is felt. When you are in love, the mind becomes so light. Have you experienced this? See when you are happy, what is the feeling that you get? A sense of lightness. And when you are unhappy, it feels like a stone is sitting on your head, right? Yoga is the science to make you feel lighter. It is not just weight loss programs, but it make you feel mentally lighter as well. You lose all that mental stuff of anger, jealousy, hatred, greed, etc, that you acquire from everywhere, and feel so light from inside. When can you feel light? When you know, when you believe, when you have the faith that the right will win – Satyamev Jayate (Truth alone wins). Then you have confidence that what you want will happen.

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

Guru Punch of the day

Do you know what happens when you meditate? You are creating a rapport with the other realms of reality. When your mind is still, when meditation is happening, you are not only purifying every cell of your own body, but you are spreading positive energy all around you. Your meditation brings peace and joy to people who have already passed and gone to the other side, which is very, very important. +Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Monday 26 August 2013

QnA with Sri Sri

Q: Guruji, when will the world be free from nuclear weapons?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When people become spiritual! When we spiritualize politics, socialize business and secularize religion, then the world will be free from weapons.

Religions should be secular. Religious leaders should be secular in their outlook. They should not say, ‘I pray only for the people of my religion, my community’, or ‘My religion is higher, everybody else should convert to my religion’. This is a wrong mindset.
All religious leaders should say, ‘Pray for everybody, for people of the entire planet. Let people all over the planet be blessed. Let them all be happy’.
This is secularizing religion.

Spiritualizing politics; this is what Mahatma Gandhi stood for. Politicians should have that spiritual bent of mind. It should not be ‘All about me, me, and me!'
Instead they should think, 'Let me do everything for everyone’. This should be the attitude. Don’t you think our politicians should be spiritual? How many of you think that instead of being selfish, promoting their own children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, politicians should see who are the capable people and help them to come up in life? Support them. Encourage them. And treat everyone the same. Don’t you think they should do that? How many of you agree on that? (Everyone raises their hands) Yes! We need to spiritualize politics.

Socialize business. If every business keeps 10 per cent of their profit for social development, for helping those who are in need, this country would shine. Businesses today barely spend 1 per cent or 2 per cent of their profit, not even their income, on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). They should spend 10 per cent on CSR. Don’t you think so?
Do you know we can clear the slums in Delhi? If industrialists in Delhi give 5 per cent of their earnings for a year, not to the government, but to any NGO working in these areas (or do it themselves), then they can turn around the situation. They can free Delhi from all sorts of pollution. This is what I feel.

Guru One Liner of the day

Guruji, what should be one’s goal in life: money, fame, position or something else?

+Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Contentment.

Wisdom Quote of the day

I don’t need anything from anyone', this is what we need to keep in our mind.+Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sutra for the day!

A mind in the present moment is meditation.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sheets: Who are You?

Knowledge Sheets: Who are You?: Who are you? Are you your thoughts? No, they keep changing. Are you your body? Just picture yourself 5-10 years back, your body has cha...

K nowledge Sheet

Who are You?

Subscribe to Knowledge Sheets Who are you? Are you your thoughts? No, they keep changing. Are you your body? Just picture yourself 5-10 years back, your body has changed so much. In one year, every cell in our body changes. Do you know that? So each cell of our body is changing. The lining of our stomach changes every five days. Blood changes every 24 hours. Our skin changes in 30 days. And every cell, every atom in our body changes in a year’s time. So your body is a flowing river. Same river, but water is new. So you are new and you are ancient as well. It is the same with Ganga, the same with Yamuna, the same with Kaveri (rivers in India). The river is the same, from many years, but the water is always new. In the same way, you are new and you are ancient as well. Observe what is ancient within you and what is new. Know yourself. God will follow automatically.

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

Guru Punch of the day

This world is layers of layers of layers of reality; of truth. So, when you leave this body, your spirit goes and stays in another realm for quite some time, till it gets another body to come back. This life, our human life, is very precious because from this life you can merge with the Light. In this life, you can express love. The human body is very, very precious. +Sri Sri Ravi Shankar