Thursday 30 June 2016

How To Make Your Vibrations Positive |
Posted: 03 Mar 2012

Three Kinds of Love

There are three kinds of Love. The Love that comes out of Charm, that which comes out of comfort, and the Divine Love. Do you see what I am saying?

The love that comes out of charm does not last long. It comes out of unfamiliarity or out of attraction. In this you lose the attraction fast, and boredom sets in, like most love marriages. This love may diminish and bring along with it fear, uncertainty, insecurity and sadness.

The Love that comes out of comfort and familiarity grows. But this Love has no thrill, no enthusiasm, joy, or fire to it. For example, you are more comfortable with an old friend who is a familiar person, rather than with a new person.

The Divine Love supersedes both the above. The Divine Love has ever newness. The closer you go, there is more charm and depth. The Divine Love has comfort, enthusiasm, and familiarity. There is never boredom and it keeps everyone on their toes.

Worldly love can be like an ocean, yet an ocean has a bottom. The Divine Love is like the sky which is limitless and infinite. From the bottom of the Ocean, soar into the vast sky.

Anything more about Divine Love? Refer to our Bhakti Sutras.

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

Wednesday 29 June 2016

The Sign Of Progress | The Art Of Living Global
Posted: 02 Mar 2012


The whole world functions according to laws of Nature. What is that? That is Shiva.

The whole world is moving in an auspicious rhythm of innocence and intelligence. That auspiciousness is divinity. Shiva is harmonious innocence which knows no control.

Shiva reversed is Vashi. Vashi means control. Control is of the mind. Control means two, weakness. One is not doing something naturally but exerting pressure. Often people think they are in control of their lives, their situation. Control is an illusion. Control is a temporary exertion of energy in the mind. That is Vashi.

Shiva is opposite. Shiva is the permanent and eternal source of Energy, the eternal state of Being, the One without a second.

Duality is the cause of fear. That harmonious innocence dissolves duality.

When the moment is whole, complete, then that moment is Divine. In the moment means no regret of the past, no want for the future. Time stops, the mind stops.

|| Jai Guru Dev ||
The tour with Gurudev gets exciting in Columbus, USA! Some glimpses from the tour:
Discover the tour on the road with all the excitement, magic & transformation with !

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Wisdom from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Learn to Care For The Environment - From Within

Wisdom from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Learn to Care For The Environment - From Within: Yesterday, the World Environment Day‬‬ was celebrated across the world. Only the ones who are unpolluted from within can take care of the...
Posted: 27 Feb 2012

Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva or Guru Shakti

There are three forces: Brahma shakti, Vishnu shakti, and Shiva shakti. You may have one of these predominant. Brahma shakti is the force to create something new. Vishnu shakti is maintenance and Shiva shakti is bringing in transformation, filling in life, or destroying.

Some of you have Brahma shakti. You may create well, but you may not be able to maintain. For example, you may make friends very fast, but it does not last long.

There are others who cannot create but are good at maintaining. For example, people have long lasting friendships but cannot make any new friends. In such cases, Vishnu shakti is dominant.

And then there are others who have more of Shiva shakti. They bring in new life or transformation or they can destroy the whole set up.

In Guru shakti, all three shaktis have blossomed fully.

So each of you first identify which shakti you have more of and aspire for Guru shakti. Guru makes a group but a group cannot make a Guru.

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

Monday 27 June 2016

@SriSri Tweets

Over 700 people join the Happiness Event in #Columbus, #Ohio with Gurudev @SriSri! #GetHappyUSA

Posted: 25 Feb 2012


A person who argues should not be given knowledge. An argumentative mind is not receptive to knowledge. When someone is in an argumentative mood, then giving knowledge or advice is in vain. In an argumentative mood you feel you know it all. Then you are not ready for knowledge. That is why wise people do not give advice when they are in an argumentative environment.

Argument has a purpose. It can bring out the truth if there is no emotion or sense of "I" attached to it. Argument can also have a disadvantage. It can make untruth appear to be truth.

A wise man will not take arguments seriously; he will just have fun with them. Wisdom is beyond all arguments.

Both a worldly person and a spiritual person will tell you not to do wrong, though the reasons they give are totally different. A worldly person will tell you not to do wrong because it hurts or causes him pain. A spiritual person will tell you not to do wrong because it would only harm you more.

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

Sunday 26 June 2016

Wisdom from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Significance of Pujas, Homas, Yagnas, and Chanting...

Wisdom from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Significance of Pujas, Homas, Yagnas, and Chanting...

Wisdom from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Significance of Pujas, Homas, Yagnas, and Chanting...: There are two types of knowledge - Para Vidya and Apara Vidya. Apara Vidya includes homas, yagnas, and mantras (chants) and Para Vidya in...
Posted: 23 Feb 2012


A wise person makes no effort to conceal a secret. But he does not make an effort to reveal a secret either.

For example, you do not talk about menstruation, death, etc. to a five-year-old, but as they grow older these things are not hidden from them any more. They become known as a matter of course.
An unenlightened one tries to protect a secret; and he also reveals the secret at the wrong time, to the wrong person, in the wrong place and makes a big fuss about secrets.

Trying to protect a secret causes anxiety and discomfort.

An ignorant one is not comfortable with a secret, whether revealed or unrevealed, but the wise one is comfortable with a secret whether revealed or unrevealed!

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

Saturday 25 June 2016

Glimpses of Gurudev at the Happiness Program attended by 1260 people at Washington yesterday .
President of Colombia & FARC thank Gurudev to help end civil war.Do watch the video
Posted: 22 Feb 2012 01:20 AM


One who is not amazed by the magnificence of this Creation, his eyes are not yet opened. Once your eyes are open, they close and this is called meditation. (Laughter)

Tell me, what in this Creation is not a mystery?

Birth is a mystery; death is a mystery.

If both birth and death are mysterious, then life is certainly is a greater mystery. Isn't it?

Being completely immersed in the mystery of Life and this Creation is Samadhi.

Your knowing or believing doesn't really matter to what Is.

This Creation is an unfathomable secret, and its mysteries only deepen.

Getting steeped in mystery is Devotion.

The "Scene" is a mystery; the "Seer" is a mystery.

Deepening the mystery of Creation is science. Deepening the mystery of the Self is spirituality.

They are the two sides of the same coin.

If neither Science nor Spirituality can create wonder and devotion in you, then you are in deep slumber.

Knowledge Tidbits:

When a materialistic person tells you a secret, it will only create doubts and spread malaise.

When a wise or spiritual person tells you a secret, it will uplift your consciousness and spread benevolence.

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

Friday 24 June 2016

#GetHappy Prog with #Gurudev @SriSri in #WashingtonDC with 1060 people #GetHappyUSA

Learn To Care For The Environment
Posted: 21 Feb 2012 01:20 AM


Knowledge is a burden if it robs you of innocence.
Knowledge is a burden if it is not integrated into life.
Knowledge is a burden if it doesn't bring joy.
Knowledge is a burden if it gives you an idea that you are wise.
Knowledge is a burden if it doesn't set you free.
Knowledge is a burden if it makes you feel you are special.

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

Thursday 23 June 2016

What Sri Sri said today : How Yoga Can Benefit You
Gurudev meeting Shivaratri Deshikendra Swamiji of Suttur Mutt at JSS Mission's event in Maryland
Wisdom from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Surya Namaskar

Wisdom from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Surya Namaskar

Wisdom from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Surya Namaskar: The word Namaskar has two meanings: worship and greeting . When you meet somebody, you say 'Namaskar'. Namaskar means that you ...
Posted: 18 Feb 2012 01:20 AM

Three types of logical reasoning

To know yourself or to judge your actions you need to know Tarka, Vitarka and Kutarka.

Kutarka is wrong logic. Most people apply this logic and get caught up in ignorance.

For example : The door is half open means the door is half closed. Therefore, the door is fully open means the door is fully closed! Or: God is Love. Love is Blind. Therefore, God is Blind!!!
Tarka is sequential logical understanding; it increases scientific knowledge. When sequential logical understanding changes, then scientific conclusions change.

For example: Pesticides and antibiotics were considered to be very useful in the past, and are now proven to be more harmful. In Tarka, the paradigm changes.

Vitarka is asking questions to which there are no evident answers....
For example: Who am I? Where am I? What do I really want?

These philosophically appealing questions bring forth spiritual knowledge, increase your awareness and bring about the blossoming of Consciousness i.e. Atma Gyan increases.

The wise know to distinguish between the three. They will not apply kutarka or tarka for vitarka, and vitarka for tarka.

|| Jai Guru Dev ||