Friday 30 May 2014

QnA with Sri Sri

Q: I do not know how to express my feelings and emotions. As I was trying to hide them, all the stress goes into myself. I do not know what to do with this. Is it very difficult to empty my mind even while meditating with your guidance?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If you get too many thoughts, there are certain reasons. One of the reasons, for getting too many thoughts, is when your bowel is not clear, when your stomach is upset, constipated. If your bowel movements are not ok then you get too many thoughts. If there is no proper blood circulation in the body, then also you get too many thoughts, yeah? So, yoga and pranayama will help. Proper food and diet will help. Show to Ayurvedic doctor, he will say if there is too much pitta in your system, then he will suggest the food, which will also help.

Guru One Liner of the day

Q: Today I read in Patanjali about truth consciousness. Is it inborn, or can it be cultivated?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Both. It is there, but it needs to be increased. Just like how rice is inside the paddy, but the husk on it has to be removed.

Knowledge Sutra for the day!

The love that is defined by a relationship is limited. Dive deep in a love that is beyond relationships.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Wisdom Quote of the day

Bad thoughts, and good thoughts come and go. Don’t become attached to them. If you try, and resist bad thoughts they will persist. Just let them be. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sheet

Rising in Divine Love

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Rouse yourself to the behold Divinity that's in you. First you wake up from inertia and dullness; then the human in you wakes up; thereafter the Divinity in you becomes evident.

One story says that after creating man, God said, "I made a mistake". For God was flooded with complaints: "Why did you do this? Why did you do that?" God wondered why despite all that he had created, man was so full of complaints. Why was man grumbling most of the time? God went to a saint and said, "I am in deep trouble. Man may even drag me to court!" The saint whispered something into God's ear. He told God to go and hide in the heart of man because that's where man never goes. God's eyes sparkled. He sneaked into the heart of man and has been lying hidden there ever since. Become aware, therefore, of the Divinity that's in you.

So what then is God? God is beauty. God is space, joy and love, and God is all-pervading. God is the space in which everything exists, from which everything has come into existence, and into which everything dissolves. The space around you is not dead space; it is filled with energy and intelligence. That energy and intelligence is divinity. It is everywhere – inside you as well as outside you.

When a disciple once asked what God is, the master gently replied that God is Truth, beauty and love. God is that field and energy present in every particle of entire creation. You can feel it but cannot see it. You can experience that enormous energy when you go deep in meditation.

Once a man went to the Buddha and asked, "I don't believe in God." The Buddha said, "You are right". The man went back, happy. A second man came and said, "I believe in God", to which the Buddha once again said, "You are right". That man also went back happy. Then, a third man came who humbly asked: "Some people say that there is no God. When I listen to their logic, I get convinced. But when I listen to saints, I feel that God exists. Now, I am confused. Does God exist or not?" The Buddha told him he'd come to the right place because he did not have a preconceived notion of God and so they could look for God together!

A perturbed mind can never go close to God. Drop your concepts of God. Sit with your eyes closed and go deep within yourself. When you experience depth then the truth will automatically dawn on you. You will find the answer.

The most relaxing or comfortable place is in you. Repose in that peaceful, cool, calm, serene depth of your being that is valuable and precious. All complaints disappear when you dive in to the inner recesses of your heart. Have you seen the mythological picture of Vishnu sleeping on the serpent? The serpent is the symbol of alertness, of awareness and on this the Lord is happily sleeping. Lakshmi, goddess of wealth is right there as well.

Cultivate love of divinity. It helps if you are with one who has found this love. To be like a child, you have to be with a child; to be happy, be with a happy person. The company of one who is in Divine love will make you shine in that love, too.

Guru Punch of the day

When you make service your sole purpose in life, it eliminates fear, brings focus in your mind, purposefulness in action, and long-term joy. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Thursday 29 May 2014

QnA with Sri Sri

Q: A lot has been said of Chanakya Neeti and his ways of administration. Is it still applicable in these times?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, definitely. Chanakya Neeti means skillfully bringing everybody together; that is what Chanakya did. India was fragmented into many small kingdoms, it was Chanakya who united it and made India one huge empire.
In the Arthashastra (an ancient Indian treatise on statecraft, economic policy and military strategy), in the rules on economy, he has given many little formulas that hold good even today.
Indian economists have always praised Chanakya, and the skill with which he dealt with every situation. Anyone who is very skillful and very clever, they call him Chanakya here; so, it is a title. It is a state of mind where you want to make progress fast, still be skillful, and take on challenges as an opportunity. Then, you can give the title to yourself. You could be a Chanakya if you have all the skills to face all the challenges, and get what you want.

Guru One Liner of the day

Q: How much do you love me? How do I know?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Leave it! Love cannot be measured because it is infinite. There is no boundaries to it. But knowing has a boundary. Ponder on it.

Wisdom Quote of the day

Truth is that which neither mind nor words can catch. Only when the mind becomes still, only then can you grasp it. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sutra for the day!

Demanding for rights id ignorance. Knowing that no one can take away your rights is freedom. Giving away your rights is love.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sheet

Softness and Forcefulness

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Certain types of people are soft and their softness comes out of lack of courage and forcefulness. There is yet another type of softness in people and this softness comes out of maturity, magnanimity, and the knowledge of the Self.

The people who are soft out of lack of courage suffer a lot. And sometime or other they become volatile.

Similarly there are two types of forcefulness in people, aggression or assertiveness. Some people are forceful in an aggressive manner out of weakness, lack of strength, or out of fear. Others are forceful out of care and love, out of compassion.

David: Aggressive control and aggressive support.
Guruji: So look into yourself and become aware of what type of softness and what type of forcefulness you have.

Guru Punch of the day

Live your life well. If you are useful to people all your life, there will be hundreds and millions of people to take care of you. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Wednesday 28 May 2014

QnA with Sri Sri

Q: What use is my humility if I am not successful? Humility without success doesn’t really mean anything. What do you think?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Arrogance is not going to bring you success, either. Humility does not mean being wiggly, wiggly. Humility does not need to be that way. Humility is friendliness, simplicity, and being natural. If it is that much, it is always good.
You cannot be successful in business by being arrogant. If you are arrogant, you will make more losses than gains. This is my understanding; you all should have better experience with it.

Guru One Liner of the day

Q: In spite of doing daily, still some emotions keep bothering me, lust, greed and jealousy. How do I get free of them?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Your desire to be free indicates that you’re already on the way out. It is already going away. Do not be too hard on yourself. Practices will help you a lot.

Wisdom Quote of the day

Trying to end a conflict, prolongs it. Face the conflict by seeking the comfort of the Self. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sutra for the day!

You are free right now.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sheet

Heat of Knowledge

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For your prayer to be answered, the desire has to be intense. The greater the intensity of desire and the later it gets fulfilled, then greater will be the gratitude.
lntense desire leads you to devotion. For desire to get intense, time and the need for the desire are required. The feeling of gratitude is so overwhelming after the fulfillment of desire that it's achievement loses its charm and significance.

The son of a farmer in India had a life-long desire to go to England and he prayed deeply for it. Even the news of his trip to England materializing filled him with immense gratitude - he did not even care whether he went or not.

Often people think that they are unfortunate if their desires don't get fulfilled quickly. lntense desire can frustrate you or make you prayerful. In prayerfulness, there is gratitude and devotion. Any intense experience makes you whole.
Your consciousness is like corn. With the heat of Knowledge, consciousness pops ups and becomes white and fluffy.

Guru Punch of the day

From time to time, keep a little distance from whomsoever close to you and take some time off for your own space. From the moment you wake up in the morning, you are always with people and your mind is caught up in worldly thoughts. So sometime during the day, sit for a few minutes and get into the cave of your heart. Then you will not feel lonely even when you are alone. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Guru One Liner of the day

Q: They say we must dare to dream big. But what follows is desire. How does one handle this desire?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: With discrimination! Desires just come up. You should have your dreams but remain grounded.

QnA with Sri Sri

Q: There are so many attractions and distractions but still the youth is so bored.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Youth is bored and it’s their fortune. If they were satisfied then growth would have stopped. When they are bored then the quest comes in them. They are not satisfied with the things available around. And this is the stage when they can take a step to look within, a leap in their inner journey, a step towards spirituality. An interest in higher growth gets kindled when you are bored with things around. When you find source of joy within, then obviously everything around is also reflecting the same source of joy, then you find interest in everything. Continuous bombardment of senses by stimuli can cause inertia. Inertia is boredom, is a form of boredom. Again when prana level goes up, you move from inertia to enthusiasm.

Wisdom Quote of the day

When you are bored with the comfort, get into the games of the world. When you are tired of the games of the world, get into the comforts of the Self. If you are one of the Guru's close ones, you do both simultaneously. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sutra for the day!

Ego dissolves in love.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sheet

Hungry for Power

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Why are people hungry for power?

People are hungry for power because they want attention and recognition.

Power is a means, just like money. Passion is for an end. People who do not see power or money as a means, but see it as an end in itself, they do not live, they simply exist.

If you do not realize that you are THE power - that is to say that you are enlightened, then you crave for power.

You crave for attention and recognition if:
  1. You don't have any talents,
  2. You have no love or passion,
  3. You are not innocent and childlike.
If you don't have any talent and you are not contributing anything substantial to society, like an artist or a scientist, or an Art of Living teacher or volunteer, then you are hungry for power.

If you don't have love or passion to bring about transformation in the society, then you are hungry for power.

If you are not innocent and childlike and don't have a sense of belongingness with the whole world, then you are hungry for power.

Those who do not have any of these four, like some politicians, crave for power.

The true power is the power of the spirit; real confidence, strength and happiness all spring from the spirit. And one who knows this and has this is not hungry for power at all.

Guru Punch of the day

If you enjoy being with your Self, you will not be a boring personality. If you are lonely, then you can be boring to others. And that will make you more lonely! And if your own company bores you, how much more boring must you be to someone else? - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Monday 26 May 2014

QnA with Sri Sri

Q: I noticed that I am unconsciously always comparing myself with others. Tell me how to stop it please?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If you are unconsciously stopping it, it will unconsciously stop also. Why do you consciously want to stop? Let it be. Got it? Your trying to stop it consciously becomes a problem. You get stuck. So just relax. Just relax and continue more meditation, more Advanced and Silence programmes. These will de-program you from that thing.

Guru One Liner of the day

Q: Do yogis have a weekend?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: In between lifetimes!

Wisdom Quote of the day

Conflict is the nature of the world; comfort is the nature of the self. Amidst the conflict seek the comfort. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sutra for the day!

Finding the ever-present Self inside makes everything truly joyful.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sheet

Desire and Joy

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All desires are for happiness. That is the goal of desire, isn't it? How often does your desire lead you to the goal? But have you thought about the nature of desire? It simply means tomorrow, and not now, isn't it? Joy is never tomorrow. It is always now.

How can you have desires when you are joyful? And how can you really be joyful now when you have desires? Desire appears to lead you to happiness. In fact it cannot. And that is why it is Maya. What do you say?

Guru Punch of the day

Someone's company cannot fill your loneliness. Even if it does, it is very short-lived. You can still feel lonely in spite of being in company. In a real sense, loneliness can only be filled by being alone. If you could be comfortable being alone for some time, then you will not feel lonely. When you don't feel lonely, you can spread joy to people around you. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sunday 25 May 2014

QnA with Sri Sri

Q: I want to quit addiction to intoxicants and have come to you with a lot of hope.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Good. You have come to the right place. If you wish to get rid of a bad habit then there are only three ways for it. The first is your love for knowledge, the Divine or some dear one - whether parents or Guru. By promising some dear one that you will quit the habit, you will be able to get rid of it. This is the best way out. The second way is greed. If you will not consume intoxicants for six months, then you will get ten million rupees, or that your luck will shine and you will succeed in everything. The third is fear - if one day you do consume intoxicants, then you will suffer a loss of one million, or you will have to suffer from a major ailment. If such a greed or fear enters you, even then you will be rid of your addiction. Along with these three ways, do yoga and pranayama. The best is that along with yoga and sadhana (spiritual practices), you take a vow that you will not indulge in addictions. Take a vow for forty days, then six months and then a year. After that, you would have come out of the habit and won’t look back at it.

Guru One Liner of the day

Q: How to open my heart for more love?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Don’t try to open your heart. You cannot do an open heart surgery on yourself. Leave it to me!

Knowledge Sutra for the day!

When you know and trust the process of creation, you will simply rejoice.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sheet

Desire for Truth

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Buddha said that desire is the cause of all misery. If your desire does not get fulfilled, it leads to frustration and causes misery. Even if it does get fulfilled, it leaves you empty.

Vashishhtha said that desire is the cause of pleasure. You get pleasure from an object or a person only when you desire them. When you do not desire an object, you do not get pleasure from it. For example, when a person is hot and thirsty, a sip of cold water gives him pleasure; but not if he is not thirsty. Whatever gives you pleasure binds you and bondage is misery.

Sri Sri says when you desire for truth, all other desires drop off. You always desire for something that is not there. But, truth is always there! Desire for truth removes all other desires and it itself dissolves. And what remains is bliss.

Wisdom Quote of the day

If someone blames you directly, know that they are taking away your bad karma, and let it go. Don't believe in it, and if you're one of the Guru's close ones, you will take all of the blame of the world with a smile. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Guru Punch of the day

If you think nobody loves you, know for sure that you are loved. The earth loves you; that’s why it is holding you upright. The love of the earth is its gravitational force. The air loves you; that’s why it moves through your lungs even when you are sleeping. The Divine loves you very dearly, deeply. Once you realize this, you will never feel lonely. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

QnA with Sri Sri

Q: Would you recommend that I prepare for my goals, or should I just go with the flow?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Both. You cannot be just say that I will go with the flow. At the same time you cannot be stuck with a program you made one. Both together are necessary for growth. You should have a program, you should put your full effort, and then you should also be able to adopt to the situation.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Guru One Liner of the day

Q: How to decide what is my Dharma?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Dharma is that which upholds you: truth, service, compassion, my nature, my values, virtues.That which uplifts your spirit and upholds you mind, body and soul complex is Dharma.

Wisdom Quote of the day

Don’t keep any corner of your existence away from Divinity. The Divine should be interwoven into every aspect of your life. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sutra for the day!

The company of the Truth - Satsang is the resting place for the mind and the spirit.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Guru Punch of the day

Fools will make you wiser. The number of fools around you indicates the strength of your centeredness. Don’t try to get rid of them! If you lose your center, you will have no patience to put up with them. When you are established in the Self, you find that even fools come up with wisdom; they are your own reflection, there is no “other”. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Friday 23 May 2014

QnA with Sri Sri

Q: Please say something about spiritual materialism.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I am hearing a new word today. Well, don’t divide life: this is spiritual or this is materialistic. Take a holistic view of life. There is also food in a temple. In that sense both material and spiritual aspects are there. Music is both a form of entertainment and spirituality. We even put ornate clothes on our deities. Ancient people never separated the spiritual and material. They enjoyed putting precious jewels in temples.
In South India, in Madurai, kings gave away most of their precious jewels to the temples. Everything co-existed. In the same way, you can treat work as worship. It is sacred. Spirituality has entered our material life. Action is sacred. Lord Krishna says, “Janma karma samay divya”. All actions are divine. Lord Krishna himself was very much of the material world except for his discourse to Arjuna. All he did was materialistic. He ruled the country, advised as a minister, and so on. Life should not be compartmentalized. Materialism and spirituality are not opposed to each other.
However, money earned through unethical means is never spiritual. It will pinch your heart. The spirit is awake in you. It is your natural instinct. If you have a plate full of food and someone comes to you, you will not be able to eat it alone. It is such a natural part of your life that you cannot renounce one for the other. Every spiritual person has to do charity. You want to be compassionate, but how can you be when you have nothing to give away. Charity cannot happen with an empty bowl.
Narayana is the pinnacle of spiritual life and Laxmi is the symbol of wealth. Both Narayana and Laxmi go together. Saraswati sat on a rock. The knowledge that you have gained will always be with you. Laxmi sits on a lotus which floats on water. You will never believe what happens in the share market. Wealth is unsteady just as a lotus floating on water. These are the eternal symbols that convey truth. Grasp what is needed. This is very important.

Guru One Liner of the day

Q: Why is it important to be in control of five senses?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If you blabber whatever comes to your mind, you will be in trouble. Though you have freedom of speech, you cannot hurl abuses.

Wisdom Quote of the day

Shame brings guilt; Shyness adds to your beauty; Retain your shyness and surrender your shame. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sutra for the day!

When the heart speaks and the heart listens, harmony is produced.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Guru Punch of the day

The world is full of differences; arguments are inevitable. With forbearance, patience and wisdom, skillfully make your way up. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Thursday 22 May 2014

Guru One Liner of the day

Q: What is important in life, money, love, self-respect, or relationships?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Me! Whatever you find after leaving all of this, is the only thing worth attaining.

QnA with Sri Sri

Q: In the 9th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, you have said that there is a difference between Gyaan (knowledge) and information. Please explain.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Information is something that even a computer can give and take. Filling our mind with information is not Gyaan.
If a person reads a lot of books and knows all the information in those books, then we don’t say he is a Gyaani.
If someone mugs up the Vedas, the Quran, the Bible, etc., and keeps pointing to chapters, page numbers, verses, then this person has just collected information. He has mugged it all up, but that is not knowledge.
Gyaan is that which becomes an experience of life. It is that which sets you free. It is that which gives you a glimpse of the ocean of peace which is within you. It is that which raises a wave of love within you, and which brings a change in your personality.
Collecting information is something what many so called scholars do. They just collect the information and keep saying it. But if you try to get them to speak one word of wisdom, nothing comes out of them. This is because the knowledge has not permeated their life at all. They are still caught in raaga (desire), dvesha (bitterness), eersha (envy),ahankaar (ego). How can we call them knowledgeable (gyaani) then?

Wisdom Quote of the day

Meditate, do satsang, read knowledge sheets. By doing that, you are helping others who have a hard time. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Knowledge Sutra for the day!

Keeping the mind happy makes work effortless. This is the skill for productivity.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar