Q: Guruji, While
Ayurveda is considered to be an indigenous system of medicine then why
did English (allopathic) medicine have permission by a government to
take over Ayurvedic medicines? Also English (allopathic) medicine claims
to have a faster recovery rate?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
You know, statistics show contrary to this. Even in modern medicine,
the probability factor of medicine not affecting is very high. Research
says that the placebo effect with modern medicines is nearly 40 percent.
40 percent of the effect from medicines being administered can be
brought about using a placebo. Modern medicines are being discovered
every day and those which were used 10 – 12 years ago are being
discarded. The problem is that these pharmaceutical companies have a lot
of vested interest. It is the economy which is ruling modern medicine
rather than their effectiveness. I feel we should have a combined,
holistic approach. Ayurveda has some very good qualities, allopathic
medicines also have some very good aspects and also homeopathic.
Holistic medicine is the best. It is wrong to completely discard modern
medicine and it is equally wrong to discard natural cures, ayurveda. In
case of emergency, allopathic does well and ayurveda has a unique way of
attending to the root cause of disease, not only symptoms but also
healing without side effects. Today, much research has been done on this
and many have experienced this. For instance: The probability of
remission of piles by allopathic treatment is very high but in the case
of Ayurveda it is less than one percent. These are the things one should
adopt about Ayurveda. Ayurveda is, anyways, adopting modern methods of
investigation. So, the best is to adopt the holistic approach. Our aim
is not to benefit pharmaceutical companies but people.
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