Tuesday 31 December 2013

QnA with Sri Sri

Q: Guruji, Please give us your message on the New Year.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The Coming year will be much better.
There is a big awareness in people today, towards the environment, towards the safety of women and children. What we have been saying for so many years, today many people are waking up and saying, 'We need more human values, we want violence to go down.’ This year, let us all resolve to act for making a better society - a society free from violence, society free from crime and corruption, a society which is safe and just, and a world which is sustainable.
Most of all, we need to work towards spiritual elevation and spiritual awakening. And it will happen. In fact, it is already happening. More and more people are interested in spiritual awakening.
Time poses challenges, it is for you to see how you can benefit from these challenges. Every time a challenge is in front of you, see how you can make this challenge, an opportunity for your own growth. How you can turn it and utilize it for your own growth. This is what you need to do.
Everyday, do meditation. Once in every three to four months take some time off and go deeper into meditation and go into silence. At least once a year, you must meditate in silence (Advanced Course), and spend some time doing some good work for the society and for everybody on the planet. Don't think only about yourself, but do some service activity. Then you will see that whatever you want for yourself, you ask and it will come to you. Let us resolve to do something good in society, and let us have the confidence that whatever we need will come to us; will be given to us. Our wish will definitely be granted. When we wish something, it will be granted.
Next, you need to be ready to learn new lessons in life. Keep the cheer, the joy and smile throughout the journey of life. Got it? See, everyone is walking. Some are yelling, crying and walking and some are smiling and walking. Everybody is on a conveyor belt and the belt is moving. Some are crying, some are laughing, but the conveyor belt is anyway moving. So, it is your choice, how do you want to move on this conveyor belt of time.

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