Monday 23 May 2022



Q: In Russia, when it is very cold, meditation is better. Is there a connection between temperature and meditation? I have heard that many Rishis meditate in the snow in the Himalayas.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Of course, when it is cool, it is better for meditation and that is why they used to go into caves where it cooler, and not in the scorching heat. But, there are techniques and methods to do in hot climates as well. There are pranayamas you can do in warmer climates. Sheetali and sheetkari pranayama are there (to cool the system in hot weather).

You know, the ‘hot yoga’ has become quite popular in the west for some time, but I would not recommend you to do all that. I would say that you should do it in an air-conditioned room and that is good enough. Of course, this gives you temporary relief if you do in hot climate but its repercussions on your nervous system has to be studied scientifically. Before this, we cannot advise people to do asanas and pranayamas in 40 degree celsius temperatures. Cooler places are definitely more congenial.

If you see, a wild forest in the Arctic area where it is cooler, the trees grow in an orderly manner when compared to a forest in a tropical country. Have you noticed that the branches and trees? The shapes are all very orderly. So the temperature reduces and the entropy also reduces. That means more orderliness comes up. It is the same for plants, human beings and animals.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


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