Sunday 15 January 2023



Q: What is the significance of Makar Sankranti and why are we forgetting our festivals?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

The significance of Makar Sankranti is Uttarayana during makar, which means movement of the sun towards the north direction during makar as the winter comes to an end. One crop having been harvested, they sow the seeds for the next crop.

There are twelve Sankrantis in a year, out of which Makar Sankraanti has been considered most important because from here begins the Uttarayana punya kaal (Uttarayana auspicious period), and Uttarayana is regarded as the period of Divinity (Devatas). Although the entire year is considered auspicious, this period is considered slightly more auspicious. All festivals begin following this.
In Maharashtra there is a custom of gifting sesame seeds, sweets and jaggery at the time of Makar Sankranti, and this has been the tradition since many years. They greet each other saying "Tilgul ghyaa Gud-Gud bola”. Let there be sweetness in one’s voice and also in one’s heart. In the Vedas too, we have a prayer where we ask that the entire atmosphere becomes sweet and positive all around us. When there is sweetness in the heart and in your voice, then everyone will belong to you and you will see that no one appears a stranger to you. This is the unique specialty about India and it is also India’s message to the world. So you can take it as a message or as an order, but you all must strive to bring that sweetness and harmony in life.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


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