Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Overcome Fear In One Go

Overcome Fear In One Go
Sun, 07/13/2014 Montreal, Canada

I have to tweet some knowledge today, what knowledge should we talk about today?
Did you read my last tweet? What was it? (Someone speaks from the audience)
Yes, 'If wisdom cannot bring happiness and take away misery, then nothing else can'. That was the last tweet.

What can we tweet today? (Someone from the audience asks, What is wisdom? )
Wisdom is not information, wisdom is not scholarliness, wisdom is a quality of consciousness which is alert, uplifted. and dash, dash, dash. Think about it and fill in the blanks!
So, if you are wise, it is a quality of consciousness.

How do you get wisdom? How do you bring your consciousness to that level? It is through direct transformation, or through spiritual practices. Someone can become wise directly, and I think that’s happening, isn’t it! Those who come and sit here and do the practices, meditation, satsang, all of it helps.

There are many different types of fear that people have:
1.   Fear of rejection
2.   Fear of obligation
3.   Fear of responsibility
4.   Fear of the unknown
5.   Fear of failure
6.   Fear of abandonment
7.   Fear of confronting the truth
8.   Fear of separation
9.   Fear of opinions and humiliation
10. Fear of not having enough

Make a list of all of this and then we will see how we can overcome them in one go. All these fears are because you do not know that you are connected to the infinity. When this is forgotten that 'I am part of the infinity', fear comes.
All these fears are of only one fear, of not being able to exist. You will always exist because you are connected with the ocean.
A drop is afraid because it thinks it is alone, it is not connected with the ocean. But when the drop is in the ocean, the drop has no fear. It will never get extinguished because it’s in the ocean.
Separation brings fear. If there is oneness, there is no fear.
So how to get over fear? By remembering the oneness, then there is no fear.

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