Wednesday 14 October 2015

Art of Living Secrets
Posted: 14 Oct 2015

The Guru With Unconditional Love & Humanity

What can one human being do? Can he change the whole world, help millions who are clueless about life, be a friend and guide, and also teach them to see life in a new perspective? Impossible.isn’t it… who will ever have such patience, leave alone love and compassion for people of the world…

Yet Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of The Art Of Living Organisation, has been doing it relentlessly for the past four decades. He has brought together people of varied background into one fold. There are many who are doing commendable work in the field of social service, so what makes Sri Sri Ravi Shankar different?


On first sight you may not find anything extraordinary in this frail short man, but what is it that moves millions to follow him with such love and devotion? The first thing that strikes about him is his super cool and calm demeanor. I have not seen him show any sort of disapproval even when followers swarm all around him. He meets each and every one listening to each one of them with rapt attention and having a reassuring word for all.

There are many saints, yogis, gurus, healers, but Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji is one who has taken upon the task of teaching people on how to live life to the fullest. He empowers every individual to raise themselves spiritually and ever so patiently leads them towards a better understanding of themselves, their purpose of life and how to be a good human being.

It does not do justice to describe Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, merely as a spiritual head. In today’s world we see religion being distorted to suit individual thinking and perspective. So moving beyond this restricted definition, I see Sri Sri as a world leader who can rise above regionalism, politics and religion, and think from a higher plane for the well being of humankind.

At a time when world leaders are perturbed with a problem called ISIS (The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), Sri Sri has already started a peace process in Iraq to support and protect the Yazidi and Kurdish population from persecution by ISIS and from other ethnic groups in the region. He has personally met various heads of the state in Iraq to facilitate a peace process and to bring about a dialogue and create awareness of compassion, accepting mutual differences and living in peace and harmony. How many spiritual leaders from anywhere in the world have done that?

This is clearly living by what he preaches “compassion and love for all” and that “we are all one and the same of a cosmic whole”.

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